By Kinsfire
David Thacker posted a comment on Saturday 17th September 2005 11:37am
Great chapter and I know that the owl that Harry got was not the full story.Keep up the great work.Now we need to see what Ron and Ginny and the rest are going to do and if Ron stays a jerk.
verahsa posted a comment on Saturday 17th September 2005 10:25am
Wonderful. That cliffie was an absolute nightmare, mind you, and I ought to slap you silly for it, but it turned out okay.
The biggest bonus? Knowing Ginny lost Harry and KNOWS it wasn't because of what her brothers said. It's wonderful to find that out. =)
Thank you for writing such an intriguing story!
Christopher L. Estep posted a comment on Saturday 17th September 2005 10:06am
*WHEW*! The nastiness that can be accomplished with Illusion Charms. As for who cast it...sorry, Albus and Amelia, but I vote for Draco, NOT Narcissa. People are wondering "Why NOT Narcissa?" Actually, two DIFFERENT reasons from the story itself, and a third having to do with the story's author.
1. Narcissa didn't say so much as ONE spiteful OR hateful word to Harry while Draco was leaving Hogwarts. Harry didn't say anything spiteful to Narcissa, either. Instead, he gave her the SAME choice Sirius himself would have had he been alive.
2. Narcissa has FAR less reason to hate Harry than Draco does, especially in her own mind. Given that Harry was NOT as spiteful to her as he certainly COULD have been, given how both her son AND her husband have treated him, must be gnawing away at her mind. (Harry's actions regarding saving Draco from that rebounded curse would further decrease the likelihood of her being involved.) Draco, on the other hand, holds grudges like Gringott's hoards gold.
3. Lastly, there is Keith himself. The man has NEVER written a Dark!Narcissa story in his life. "Family Matters" is a Neutral!Narcissa story, while both "Sorceror's Apprentice" and "With A Little Help From My Friends" are plainly Lightside!Narcissa (in the last, she will actually become one of Harry's wives). So the odds are VASTLY against Narcissa being behind that charm.
Also, Bill comes clean. *Completely clean.* However, the twins are so torqued off that they will likely leave the Weasley Family anyway.
Finally, the ladies had turned out to be merely *injured*, rather than killed; thus four engagements, starting with Susan's, take place in Extremely Short Order. However, Harry *still* plans to invite Tom Riddle to a barbecue. (Given a sufficient amount of flammables, even a Dark Lord can be toasted to a crisp.) The trick is, Riddle tends to eschew/ignore Muggle means of causing death, so Harry using Muggle methods against him (the Anarchist's Cookbook, which has caused the FBI and Department of Homeland Security no end of conniptions, is a real book, and is, in fact, still in print) is only fitting.
BJH posted a comment on Saturday 17th September 2005 10:03am
Man, you had me going there with that last chapter. I didn't think you would kill them but then I thought that it would be just the catalyst for Harry to do the 'mutual take-out' that you often refer too. I'm glad I was fooled. And I'm doubly glad you didn't leave me and your other readers in suspense waiting for this chapter.
Now there are only two questions left: How does Harry take out Voldemort and what happens to Ginny? What happens to Ginny will define what happens to the rest of the Weasleys although Ron will always likely be on the outs.
It would be amusing to see Harry attack the strong of Voldemort and have Tommy give Draco the opportunity of a lifetime. "Kill Potter and become one of the Inner Circle." The triple backlash on an AK would take out Draco, Lucius, and Narcissa; all the while leaving Harry guilt free.
I am still sort of hoping he abandons the WW afterwards though. Let them learn to fend for themselves.
Barkeeper posted a comment on Saturday 17th September 2005 9:18am
You know, i'm kinda looking forward, when the Weasley's hear of the engagements......
1: Ginny will blow up Bill and Charlie (followed by Option 2 or 3)
2: Ginny will kill herself with a spoon (or with whatever..)
3: Ginny quits Hogwarts and enters a convent becoming a nun
Any more Ideas?
Greg posted a comment on Saturday 17th September 2005 8:58am
Great chapter! I was surprised with the way you did that article. I can't wait to see what happens with Narcissa. :-)
I think Harry should disown Narcissa anyways.
Keep up the good work.
dave posted a comment on Saturday 17th September 2005 8:47am
Another great chapter, and you had me convinced the girls were actually dead. Last night when I read 10, I thouht there was a strong possibility that there was something fishey with the article, but the first part of this chapter had me convinced that you actually killed them. I was glad to see that the Weasley's finally confessed and am looking forward to the fallout from this new revelation. So how does it feel to be the Father of the smartest witch in Hogwarts. Looking forward to the next installment.
Shannon posted a comment on Saturday 17th September 2005 8:23am
That was so much better. I thought I might have to come and hunt you down....(ha ha). Now that Dark Harry isn't really a problem anymore, when do we get to find out about horny Harry and how he (and the girls)relieve that particular problem.
Hagrid posted a comment on Saturday 17th September 2005 2:43am
Some Conversation you say? Well I for one am hoppin' mad about it, and hoping that this is the key to the title. Cause if its not, in the words of ricky recardo "you gotta lot esplainin' to do lucy". Sure, everyone knew Harry was right about that vile loathsom little creature was gonna go to the Profit, but for you to kill his girls...Sorry, its just that sad.
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Saturday 17th September 2005 1:04am
No howlers here, to be frank, I expected this, just as I expect that it is complete bull, but there will be reprecussions from this, the main one being a complete destruction of Harry's self worth, seeing as this story came to him on the heels of his admiting he loved the four. I just hope they find who sent the story. Outstanding work Keith thank you.
Ken posted a comment on Saturday 17th September 2005 12:33am
now there is a nasty cliffy - -I hope that you are writing faster than normal - my fingernails are short enough as it is.
great chapter - harry starting to show some maturity by being able to tease back - all in all up to your usual standard of excellence
Thanks so much
Chase Asher posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 11:56pm
Oh you are soo evil. That was a cliffy I did not see coming. Keep up the good work, and I cannot wait for the next update to this and your other stories.
shlomi posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 8:30pm
great chapter
but you are so crueeeeellllllll!!
this has got to be the best cliff hanger that i have ever read
now. i assume that they are not really dead because in my opinion it will take most of the point of the story and also becuase without the girls Harry will not make it another day
Bob posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 6:58pm
Thou must pay for evil cliffie. :D
Barkeeper posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 6:50pm
One word: OUCH!!!
Chris posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 6:34pm
Oh. My. God.
Dead? No way. This is the evilest cliffie I have ever seen! *shudder* You just had to hit Harry with something, didn't you? And right when he was planning to marry them... Okay, here goes my rant:
Update soon, please update because I love your story so much that I really want you to update and if you don't I'll make your wife send you to sleep on the couch and if you update you'll be my fave author again and please, plese update soon, because I'm just so curious and I know that it's bad, but I want to know what happens and update update! :D
Keep up the great work!
David posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 6:00pm
You evil, evil bastard. You've been brilliant so far, please, keep it up. And please, let's see a little more phoenix-like action, he still seems to be in a rapid and uncontrolled burn.
He should have let Draco die, the effing...actually, I can't think of a term vile enough for Draco here. He's the lowest of low.
gryffindors posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 5:15pm
what the fuck,?
every time when it gets better you make it worse? that's too much angst for me, i'm weeping
Muirnin posted a comment on Friday 16th September 2005 4:19pm
Oh sir Knight... you have definitely left a worthy cliffhanger...
SHAME on you!!!!! *LOL*
My reaction is only two words
Hope you have Chapter 11 coming very soon...
As Always,
Muirnin - Queen Mum, Royal Family of Cliffies
David Thacker posted a comment on Saturday 17th September 2005 11:40am