Content Harry Potter Trixie Belden Star Trek: TNG My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


James Benfield posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 8:56pm

Magnificent chapter. Keep up the good work.

RedKnight posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 5:00pm

Wonderful chapter. I'm very happy I wasn't drinking anything when I read that 'cream filling' comment by Luna, else I might've choked while trying to laugh. Also as a firearms enthusiast (Not gun nut thank you!), I was quite happy to see the good old .50 Calibre. It's big, it's loud, and it's not something you take deer hunting if you want to come back with more than scraps.

Steve Stephan posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 4:44pm

You're doing very well with this story. Please finish it and not leave it like so many others that you have in the past. Speaking of those, Charlie and Blossom need to come to fruition. HINT HINT!

Manatheron posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 4:16pm


Excellent chapter! I really Loved the AK thought, and 'Grandpa' Albus was an excellent scene as well. Oh, and Let's Not forget that your foreplay scenes are always 'exciting' (Double meaning intended)

As always Excellent work, I very much look foreward to the next one!


Alex00 posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 4:05pm

Great chapter.

reimanr06 posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 12:45pm

we know the armor keeps the bullet from penetrating into the body, but does it do enough to keep the blunt force from causing internal injuries, possibly to the baby?

Selector11 posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 12:00pm

As great as the rest

AzureSky posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 11:51am


Tim Henderson posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 10:44am

I'm kinda surprised you didn't mention the year long lie about Ron's relationship with Hermione in his talk with Ginny.

Alcatras posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 10:36am

Not much left till the end.
Good chapter.I realy love the whole story.

Mariposa posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 9:46am

Yea! Another update! Lovely chapter! I could have done without all the firearms but that's just me. I don't find them fascinating. The part with Ginny and Ron was very sweet. I really liked Harry overhearing that conversation but I don't know why I do.

Elfguard48 posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 9:44am

OOOOHH!!! DD is going to be a Great Grandad. That's in two ways. Glad Harry made DD part of his family. Great chapter Great story. Until the next installment I'll be thinking of the look on the Dirk Lord's face when the AK fails.


kcgx23 posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 8:27am

Fabulous chapter, I loved the "cream filling" comment from Luna, Update soon.

DJ Rodriguez posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 8:21am

Now this was good! A vest that can stop the Killing Curse, and protect frm physical attacks. The girls are beauty and brains put together! Nice! Just have to hope that the Killing Curse isn't aimed at exposed areas, otherwise its goodbye.

Keep it up!

Renzo7 posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 8:20am

excellent, I hope the next chapter comes soon.

Jason Karr posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 7:38am

this is a great chapter to read. it is a good read

nuttyal34 posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 7:22am

gwacks..... you are talking about Barrett M107 sniper rifle? You forget that the even a ball bullet can go thru 1 inch of tempered steel! and thing is there is even a armor preicing round for that rifle it suppose able to go thru 3 inches of steel! if this is real life harry will be blown in half just with B.. of blam! the officail range is one mile but i know of range that is much longer then that it's 1 1/2 miles. that is true maxuim range for it! updsate asap will ya!

Bernd Jacobitz posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 7:14am

Nicely done. good stage-setting.

Ken Warner posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 6:53am

LOve the multi layered approach to armor, but this sort of thing, materials aside, has been used for centuries of Muggle warfare - has there really been so little interaction between the worlds that victorian fashions and mores crossed but weapons research did not?

It does not detract in the least from the wonderful story line or the enjoyment in seeing Harry and his line marriage happy

thanks for sharing.

Terry Swain posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 6:43am

Great chapter. :)