By Kinsfire
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Monday 31st January 2011 12:44am
I'm surprised that they didn't ask Harry to make more mithril. That would've worked well I think.
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Monday 31st January 2011 12:11am
"Why is it that no one ever tells me, 'You will rue the day'?" Harry asked. "I long for the time when one of my opponents threatens with day rue-ing."
Couldn't stop laughing at that.
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Sunday 30th January 2011 9:08pm
Yay they're okay!!! I sincerely hope the Malfoy's survive, but only so they can suffer longer.
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Sunday 30th January 2011 8:50pm
I was nearing the end of the chapter, wondering who Harry proposes to first, and then bam! They're all dead! That's more than a cliffie; that's a shock and awe cliffie. Good job.
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Sunday 30th January 2011 1:57am
Who did what to Harry? The whole thing was very unclear. Hopefully we find out next chapter.
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Sunday 30th January 2011 12:20am
Seems a lot like Jeconais' hope
Trent posted a comment on Tuesday 27th July 2010 4:12pm
I've never had a story make me physically ill before. Congratulations.
loretta537 posted a comment on Tuesday 27th July 2010 6:05am
this was a great story
emccall3 posted a comment on Monday 26th July 2010 2:53am
Okay, so I tried to read this story again... I am a big fan of your works and like the premise, but I can't do it. The whole thing with Harry being raped by Malfoy just doesn't make sense, in fact, not much about Harry's actions seem to make sense in this story. He is supposedly powerful but just gives in to everyone else's thoughts, demands and actions. He is emotional all the time, far too much so in my opinion, and just takes what is thrown at him with no retaliation. Where is the drive, the passion that is a base personality trait of Harry Potter? Maybe it is just me, but that is why I can't read on... your characterization of Harry in this story just frustrates me to no end.
jasonjones26 posted a comment on Friday 2nd April 2010 11:19pm
good story keep writing
LordRaylain posted a comment on Wednesday 31st March 2010 11:30am
such a great story
BlackRoseDragon posted a comment on Thursday 4th February 2010 4:01pm
I must say this a very cool story. Keep up the great work.I can't wiat to see what you come up with next
slashslut posted a comment on Thursday 21st January 2010 7:58pm
brilliant fic though i sure wouldn't have been able to forgive the weasleys for what they did!
Dragen posted a comment on Wednesday 16th December 2009 10:18pm
Great chapter mate, I'm loving the story and I can't wait to read more, please keep up the great work.
Dragen posted a comment on Wednesday 16th December 2009 9:04pm
Poor Harry, thanks to his life, he now thinks that family are worthless...
Dragen posted a comment on Wednesday 16th December 2009 7:41pm
Great start to the story mate, I can't wait to see what is going to happen with Harry and Pansy... keep up the great work.
Yanagi posted a comment on Sunday 6th September 2009 4:56am
I do like this story, a randy Harry is just so cute. And a bit deadly. *Off to read the next one now* Thanks
malfoie posted a comment on Saturday 5th September 2009 1:31pm
Well this is a off the wall kind of story. The Ron Mione shagging is sick and twisted but what can you do... I like it so far, It said that this is a multi ship story I just want to ask is it a Harem story or just Harry goes through a couple of girls till he finds the right one story>? Keep up the work.
malfoie posted a comment on Friday 19th June 2009 11:29pm
Im lost. What the Hell is going on did i miss a story or something. Help.
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Monday 31st January 2011 2:57pm