Content Harry Potter Trixie Belden Star Trek: TNG My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


Leonsnow posted a comment on Saturday 16th May 2020 4:33pm

Stupid boy . story like trash

LordLexx posted a comment on Monday 30th December 2019 10:13pm

Yes... this chapter has meaning.. it shows you have as much sense in romance as JKR. Not much.

viningc posted a comment on Sunday 22nd October 2017 2:05am

A thoroughly enjoyable story. I felt there was a little to much reliance on sex throughout, however. Having said that, it is just my opinion and should not necessarily unduly influence the author.

I will probably try one or more stories by the same author but will probably wait until my wife returns from visiting our youngest daughter.

viningc posted a comment on Saturday 21st October 2017 12:08pm

Interesting premise. I am looking foreward to reading the rest. Since there is no indication that this is complete and no way to indicate I want updates if a new chapter is posted, I will have to manually check in periodically to ascertain the stories status.

Well done, so far.

Kristine posted a comment on Tuesday 31st January 2017 9:49pm

i don't know if you're out there looking for an idea. but there was a line that this story rings out 'Some must be sacrificed if all are to be saved." i don't know if you've ever watched Babylon 5 or not, this line comes from G'Kar after the fall of the Narn Homeworld.

karry299 posted a comment on Friday 18th November 2016 6:36pm

Yep, just as predicted, no Weasley is punished, and Harry gains a second-hand harem.

karry299 posted a comment on Friday 18th November 2016 6:07pm

Let me guess, by the end of the story no Weasleys will actually be punished, and Harry will be banging Ron's sloppy seconds ? Seriously, Hermione after being used for a year by Ron ? Not a great prize.

Noble Korhedron posted a comment on Friday 19th August 2016 12:52pm

Ooooh, I LOVE it!! Sweet, sweet REVENGE!!

BooksMH85 posted a comment on Tuesday 28th June 2016 7:25pm

I am of of those readers who waits unitl the last chapter of a story to tell the author how much I enjoyed the book. Thank you.

The story was excellent, even though it started so traumatically. I believe that I had read it some time ago, and did not make note of where to find it. It was well worth a second read.

Noble Korhedron posted a comment on Friday 13th June 2014 8:27pm

GOOD. BLOODY. RIDDANCE. Moving swiftly on to Ch. 13....

wdlwbt posted a comment on Sunday 10th March 2013 10:05pm

This is really good. Thanks :)

Nytefyre posted a comment on Sunday 3rd March 2013 5:47pm

Thanks for posting a very enjoyable story. I'm off to read the sequel.

keichan2 posted a comment on Tuesday 27th November 2012 3:46pm

It was a nice story, and I enjoyed reading it. There were some interesting ideas and counterpoints to some cliche (explaining why Severus will survive Voldy's death was a major one). Thanks for sharing.

ozmial posted a comment on Sunday 14th October 2012 11:22pm

ok somthan that makes no sence to me.... he lets that happen to him when he has wandless magic? even if he was knocked out and his wand taken and it had started he couldnt use wandless magic to defend himself?

rockcock posted a comment on Saturday 14th July 2012 3:51pm

man almost all of your stories suck everytime I start one of your stories just to see if you have something more cheerfull to read I' dissapointed because your stories get worse and not better with each chapter.

You're either a sadistic person who likes to heap misery and suffering on the "hero" of the story you're writing or you just don't know what mercy is.

I'm done hoping you'll write something worth reading. Sorry

kyoshi posted a comment on Thursday 8th March 2012 4:47pm

Good story, flowed nicely but not enough angst or excitement. Should have had more conflict with the D.E.'s and Harry is way to kind in this story. I imagine him walking on water and fish for the masses.

Rick D Gale posted a comment on Saturday 12th November 2011 10:16pm

I would have thought that when Harry was identifying Susan as the heir of Ravenclaw, he would have addressed her as 'Susan Potter' rather than 'Susan Bones' (third paragraph from the end of the chapter).

Harry had stated previously that he was not going to hide being married, but that he wasn't going to shout it from the roof tops either. Maybe me didn't identify Susan as his wife because of Malfoy Sr. If that is the case, then please disregard.


akki8343 posted a comment on Saturday 30th April 2011 6:39am

A really nice story

noylj posted a comment on Friday 1st April 2011 7:45pm

I do wish the rape aspect was removed, though I do come back and read the stort (I skip those chapters).

Keeroo92 posted a comment on Monday 31st January 2011 3:15pm

Glad to hear there's a sequel; that ending left me curious! Overall, an enjoyable read. Thanks for posting it!