By Kinsfire
joeBob posted a comment on Saturday 31st May 2008 3:43pm
Interesting, depressing start.
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Friday 30th May 2008 6:42pm
I think Lily is just jelouse of Hermione's relationship with Harry and she want to have Harry to herself and not share.
noylj posted a comment on Friday 30th May 2008 12:21pm
Angst. Too much angst. I assume that Lily could not perform legilimency on Snape (if LV can't, she shouldn't be able to), so she just thrust her thoughts into Snape. Too bad, it would be nice if someone could see the real DE that is Snape before he could do what he just did. What you have presented is s Snape who is getting his revenge, via the insufferable-know-it-all mudblood, but not quite being a complete traitor to Dumbles.
noylj posted a comment on Friday 30th May 2008 11:40am
You wrote, "Lily swung at him, and Ron ducked and ran, Harry and Hermione laughing happily as their friend bolted into the kitchen."
I would think that Harry might have a flash=back to Per swinging a hot frying pan at his head and NOT find it very funny.
PS: Strawberry Shortcake is a dessert and the Sahara is a desert.
a_lost_memory posted a comment on Friday 30th May 2008 4:56am
I use wayyy too many !exclamation points! heh I just realized this when I was looking it over and reading the other reviews and etc. Their just so much fun to use! hehe
I need more sleep and my meds... hehe
a_lost_memory posted a comment on Friday 30th May 2008 4:52am
On my way out, but I just wanted to say I'm glad the Bones issue got worked out, I thought it had to be something, especially with the shudders and such, where it seemed to be disgust, but really could also be fighting if it was looked at in that light, and I also really like her character!!! yada yada yada... I really enjoyed the update and yay! Herms parents are back!! I wonder whats gonna happen to Snape now?!? He's still a slimy snake and while I like his character he can be a bastard and yea... I can't wait for more, but I know how life is and such! I hope the thing with Lily gets resolved! Thanks for sharing and I really enjoy reading your works! Can't wait to read more, if you need any help or beta or anything, just give me a ring, err a shout, err no huh not that either... ahh! A message, yea thats about right!?! LOL hehe anyways gotta run...
Clell65619 posted a comment on Friday 30th May 2008 1:28am
- Wow, the story continues to grow in depth. And Lily remains the cast iron bitch you have portrayed, well done.
- I thought the Grangers had died with little of the detail that you routinely use, well done in deed.
liquidfyre posted a comment on Thursday 29th May 2008 7:39pm
ITS ALIIIIIIVE damn man glad to see you are okay and Damn good update harry stunning the head auror monkey was Sweet
Jimbocous posted a comment on Thursday 29th May 2008 3:57pm
Great story and great updates. I'm curious, however. When taking this over, did you have a general plot outline of the whole story or are you moving forward entirely on your own steam at this point? Either way, certainly a seamless transition, and a great story so far. Thanks for the update.
jhagen88 posted a comment on Thursday 29th May 2008 3:06pm
who has lily potter under the imperious curse?
cwejr posted a comment on Thursday 29th May 2008 2:41pm
Wow! Just stumbled across this story and had to read it in one setting. Couldn't put it down. Possessive parents always seem to cause trouble for their kids. Instead of helping their kids evolve into adults, hey feel that they need to keep them dependent on their parents so that the parents can feel necessary. It's only necessary to step out of the way so that the kids can grow up into independent adults and not into overage dependent kids still hanging onto mommy's hand for everything. It's nice to see this "conflict" in your story. Most interesting.
Alexis posted a comment on Thursday 29th May 2008 9:33am
I can't wait to find out why Lily is acting this way. I hope the explaination is a good one. Very interesting way to save the Grangers! I love the logic behind it - it makes a lot of sense! Excellent chapter.
Alorkin posted a comment on Thursday 29th May 2008 8:49am
James is showing *gasp!* maturity! Lily is almost doing so as well.
I'm certainly glad there was a valid reason for Amelia's actions. I suppose I would do the same thing if my daughter were threatened a like manner. Of course, I would see to it that the one who threatened had an 'accident'...but that's just me.
Well! That was major surprise. I suppose this means Snape gets out of Azkaban? After all, the Grangers he gave to Voldy aren't dead. I'm certain a good solicitor could work this one in his favor.
And Okkaaayyy! Harry s still majorly pissed! In this case, as much as I don't want to, I have to go with Lily. Yes, she was being snarky and somewhat spiteful, but he really laid into her. I have the feeling that not even Dumbledore's 'oil on the waters' trick is going to work here.
Aunt Petunia mark II. Nasty!
drkjester posted a comment on Thursday 29th May 2008 1:27am
Ok I have fallen in love with this story. I beg and plead you for more as I wait for each chapter.
Mihir posted a comment on Wednesday 28th May 2008 8:58pm
Great chapter ... when are you updating next? I thought that the story had died or something cause you hadn't updated in a long time ... Anyway, waiting for the next chapter!
Brad1 posted a comment on Wednesday 28th May 2008 7:42pm
Wow i can see that lily is fast burning her bridge's with harry! James well he is trying to keep lily from doing it, but is having major problems keeping lily's feet out of her mouth! I cant wait to see what happens next keep upo the awesome writing!
Wolfric posted a comment on Wednesday 28th May 2008 3:37pm
Thanks for the chapter and continuing the saga. I am wondering about Lily especially after Amelia. Is that what causes Harry to take another look? W.
biged78 posted a comment on Wednesday 28th May 2008 2:17pm
Ok, you got me. I thought Madame Bones was a polyjuiced Umbridge. Never thought of the Imperius curse.
DrT posted a comment on Wednesday 28th May 2008 11:14am
Author Notes:
Never fear - there IS a reason Lily is acting the way she is...
But w ill we learn of it before Halloween?
joeBob posted a comment on Saturday 31st May 2008 4:47pm