Content Harry Potter Trixie Belden Star Trek: TNG My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


Kara posted a comment on Sunday 14th April 2013 5:44pm

So, we know about the Grangers, and Amy Bones. What we don't know is why it's been SEVEN YEARS since this chapter was posted without an update... (Yes, I'm playing the guilt card.)

Nytefyre posted a comment on Friday 8th March 2013 8:35am

This continuation of the story was interesting and I liked the way Madam Bones behavior was explained... and would have loved to find out what was up with Lily.. While things with Albus seem to have reached a stable point, I would have also expected to see more of what was going to develop from him. Wish there was more...

Thanks for posting.

billbrinkley posted a comment on Sunday 16th December 2012 5:11pm

This is completed? Even with the teaser at the end saying that there is a reason for Lilly acting the way she did? I really liked the story, but you've left us hanging as much as the original did with you.

annmarie posted a comment on Tuesday 14th August 2012 5:12pm

I just ound this story and would love to read more

Cassandra30 posted a comment on Wednesday 9th May 2012 12:55am

Totally wonderful!

Cassandra30 posted a comment on Wednesday 9th May 2012 12:45am

Nicely done. I agree He will never learn.

katrina posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2012 12:59pm

Just wondered have you abandoned this as it such a great story with so many twists, so well thought out and so well written.

CrimsonRayne posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2012 4:48pm

the amount of twists in this fic is rather surprising.

Starman800 posted a comment on Sunday 15th January 2012 1:30pm

Update please...

Exarikun posted a comment on Monday 9th January 2012 6:18am

any chance this story is going to be continued? i'd love to read what happens next.

lwj2 posted a comment on Wednesday 14th December 2011 9:27am

Chs. 1 - 12:

The two of you have a great story here. I like the way you're developing the relationship betwixt Harry and Hermione, the one with his parents is quite interesting also.

I'm quite curious as to where you're going with this, I hope you haven't abandoned it.



noylj posted a comment on Saturday 26th November 2011 5:47am

Someday, you will simply have to update.
It's is truly sad when great stories die.

noylj posted a comment on Thursday 24th November 2011 7:53pm

But, as Bumbles said (in book 3 I think), "He is no more a Death Eater than I am." I think we ALL know how true THAT statement was.

noylj posted a comment on Thursday 24th November 2011 4:33am

Good competent help is so hard to find.

noylj posted a comment on Friday 11th November 2011 2:50am

When was the last time Bumblemore did the right thing?
I know one thing, he sure never did the right thing in canon.
I disliked him for dropping Harry off on a doorstep, in November, at midnight.
I hated him when I found out that he put Dark Lord bait in the school.

blane744 posted a comment on Friday 28th October 2011 1:43pm

amazing story truly wish for more i send this knowing that you have probably stopped writing it but i still send it to say i love this story

Cassandra30 posted a comment on Wednesday 10th August 2011 3:24am

Are there wards at the school that keep people acting like idiots around Harry? I am looking forward to reading more of this story someday hopefully soon! :D

Cassandra30 posted a comment on Wednesday 10th August 2011 3:14am

Wonderful! Great chapter! Very inventive of you. Spoiled Lily makes her appearance. A lot like Molly as well.

Cassandra30 posted a comment on Wednesday 10th August 2011 2:59am

They aren't worthless Muggles! I do like the maturity of these girls now. Well done!

Cassandra30 posted a comment on Wednesday 10th August 2011 2:46am

Perfect! Excellent! Paying for your crimes however is not the same as not doing them.