By Kinsfire
Nytefyre posted a comment on Friday 8th March 2013 8:35am
This continuation of the story was interesting and I liked the way Madam Bones behavior was explained... and would have loved to find out what was up with Lily.. While things with Albus seem to have reached a stable point, I would have also expected to see more of what was going to develop from him. Wish there was more...
Thanks for posting.
billbrinkley posted a comment on Sunday 16th December 2012 5:11pm
This is completed? Even with the teaser at the end saying that there is a reason for Lilly acting the way she did? I really liked the story, but you've left us hanging as much as the original did with you.
annmarie posted a comment on Tuesday 14th August 2012 5:12pm
I just ound this story and would love to read more
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Wednesday 9th May 2012 12:55am
Totally wonderful!
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Wednesday 9th May 2012 12:45am
Nicely done. I agree He will never learn.
katrina posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2012 12:59pm
Just wondered have you abandoned this as it such a great story with so many twists, so well thought out and so well written.
CrimsonRayne posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2012 4:48pm
the amount of twists in this fic is rather surprising.
Starman800 posted a comment on Sunday 15th January 2012 1:30pm
Update please...
Exarikun posted a comment on Monday 9th January 2012 6:18am
any chance this story is going to be continued? i'd love to read what happens next.
lwj2 posted a comment on Wednesday 14th December 2011 9:27am
Chs. 1 - 12:
The two of you have a great story here. I like the way you're developing the relationship betwixt Harry and Hermione, the one with his parents is quite interesting also.
I'm quite curious as to where you're going with this, I hope you haven't abandoned it.
noylj posted a comment on Saturday 26th November 2011 5:47am
Someday, you will simply have to update.
It's is truly sad when great stories die.
noylj posted a comment on Thursday 24th November 2011 7:53pm
But, as Bumbles said (in book 3 I think), "He is no more a Death Eater than I am." I think we ALL know how true THAT statement was.
noylj posted a comment on Thursday 24th November 2011 4:33am
Good competent help is so hard to find.
noylj posted a comment on Friday 11th November 2011 2:50am
When was the last time Bumblemore did the right thing?
I know one thing, he sure never did the right thing in canon.
I disliked him for dropping Harry off on a doorstep, in November, at midnight.
I hated him when I found out that he put Dark Lord bait in the school.
blane744 posted a comment on Friday 28th October 2011 1:43pm
amazing story truly wish for more i send this knowing that you have probably stopped writing it but i still send it to say i love this story
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Wednesday 10th August 2011 3:24am
Are there wards at the school that keep people acting like idiots around Harry? I am looking forward to reading more of this story someday hopefully soon! :D
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Wednesday 10th August 2011 3:14am
Wonderful! Great chapter! Very inventive of you. Spoiled Lily makes her appearance. A lot like Molly as well.
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Wednesday 10th August 2011 2:59am
They aren't worthless Muggles! I do like the maturity of these girls now. Well done!
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Wednesday 10th August 2011 2:46am
Perfect! Excellent! Paying for your crimes however is not the same as not doing them.
Kara posted a comment on Sunday 14th April 2013 5:44pm