By Kinsfire
StarrySkies posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 2:54pm
Wow. Your Remus sure is... hmm, I'm not even sure what I want to call him. He's not Dark exactly, more like taken in by Dumbledore. It's quite different from what I've read before. I don't think I like it... Remus has always been one of my favorite characters. It's interesting to see him in this way.
I love the way that Harry escaped though. It was brilliant. And the line about how Dumbledore wouldn't have thought that Harry would escape by non-magical means was great. I'm quite enjoying this story, can't wait for more!
DrT posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 2:37pm
Nice alteration of circumstances!
James Barber posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 2:22pm
You know I was going to say I cant wait til the time in your story that remus, tonks, kingsley, minerva and all the others finally realize that harry isnt the one in the prophecy that was going to arise as the next dark lord but is instead albus to fucking many names dumbydork...but then I realize that he has these people so brainwashed that even if you showed them written proof from god they wouldnt believe it that dumbydork was the so called dark lord....
Tumshie posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 2:15pm
Excellent as usual, keep those chapters flowing, I love the intricasies of your plot line
Darak1 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 2:11pm
Better although your characters now show too much brains for the insight they have shown before. After all no prophecy has ever spoken of a character by name so they know that when Albus is telling them Harry will become the next dark lord he is in fact interpreting the prophecy, they also have to see that none of his acts in the last 15 years were of a light nature and yet they persist in believing they are lead by a Light Lord? This clearly shows them as idiots unable to think for themselves yet at the end of the chapter they think of actions, consequences and their own darkness, it is a duality that is hard to accept.
Lee Dickie posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 2:04pm
Great writing with the unusual but highly enjoyable twist of people actually thinking for themselves, besides the two groups of followers that is.
Crys posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 1:52pm
Just hope that Amelia stays in control of the investigation and out from under "undue influence".
Crys posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 1:51pm
*ponder* Everyone is ignoring part of the real prophecy. Something about another, darker, will rise. Nothing says it'll be Harry. Everyone is so freakin' convinced it's Harry and not AD.
Of course, you already know that.
But just how many people know the real phophecy? AD could certainly have given them a "modified" version that explains a lot of the raging, blind stupidity levels of loyalty.
AD will provoke Tom and hope Harry comes riding to the rescue?! Talk about making irrational decisions.
Grand writing, Kins. Making me want to scream and throw things at the monitor.
Dragen posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 1:51pm
Great chapter mate, I can't wait to see what you have planned next, but what is happening with your other stories? Could you tell us, as we would like to know if they are going to be updated or not.
Nick5 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 1:44pm
I really wish I could finish this story but the stupidity shown by 'the light' makes that impossible.
Slytherin66 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 12:48pm
I so enjoyed this chapter I love Dumbledore being crushed and not being in control for once. Snape is a true Slytherin but he really needs to die for Harry to be safe and happy. I hope Tonks and the other Order members get sent to Azkaban for a long time. Remus is such a house broken pet please send him something silver and be done with it. I loved this chapter Harry so often is in a poor position and suffers so much it is a most welcome change for him to be in control and be on the winning side without him dying. I look forward to what happens with the Chang family and the Weasley's thanks for the quick update I look forward to the next chapter.
tiberius23 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 12:21pm
To put it a bit bluntly, Wooo! Good stuff!
silvergoddess posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 11:19am
Wah!! Don't kill Poppy!!! But good cliffhanger lol. This story is coming along magnificently, and I can't wait to see how it develops further. Thanks for the great chapter!
BJH posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 9:29am
You know, I can't seem to understand why on earth Harry returned to Hogwarts knowing that Dumbledore and the entire staff would be seeking to injure him and would also harm Hermione, Hiedi and Cho.
I would seem more logical that he would remain in Europe with his guardian and getting the training he seeks while letting the two evil forces in England fight it out between them so that he only has to face one enemy rather than two at once.
Thinking about the real Prophesy, it doesn't stipulate who the Dark Lord is that Harry will defeat. It could refer to Dumbledore as easily as Voldemort. Both harm innocents to consolidate their power, both freely use the unforgivables, both kill not only those who oppose them but also those who simply do not support them. Both are Dark Lords even if only one has adopted the term. So, which one is Harry destined to defeat and which will be the lingering threat? Will Harry defeat Dumbledore only to have Tom rise to power? It would seem logical to let them sort it out between themselves before entering into the fray.
gadriam posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 7:03am
I disagree with everybody complaining about the EvilDumbles plot being clichéd and boring. Hell, Harry Potter, SuperHarry, Banking connections, even rich Harry, Magical Harry, goodlooking Harry are clichéd these days. It's bleeding impossible to be truly original in fanfiction. It's a part of the concept, FCOL! This story is good and captivating, and you outdo my guesses all the time. No, it's not Hemingway or Asimov (or Heinlein, just to prove I'm paying attention,) but it's a Kinsfire story and that's what i want. If i didn't want a Kinsfire story, i wouldn't be here. It's a damn sight better than my own work.
So there!
I'm not going to write down my guesses this time. They always makes me feel stupid in hindsight. The student body turning against Harry is very common. I hope for Harry to get the students on his side this time. I don't think he will, but hope springs eternal. I'm looking forward to his "real" guardians actions in response to Ol' Fumbledore.
May Robert Lind i Kramfors bless your keyboard.
joeBob posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 6:22am
Well since this whole thing is a repost, does that mean it will also be finished?
stealacandy posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 5:18am
Why is Cho in Harry's potions class? She's a year ahead of him!
joeBob posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 4:03am
Still seems like a repost.
The girl (Kaatje) never did make a lick of sense, but there's no way that she didn't have: a trace, multiple tails, an imperious command to get Harry, and/or a portkey or other means to capture him.
The moment Harry renewed contact with her, he'd be captured or, at the very least, in a fight.
Good chapter, even if it was all deju-vu. Too bad Harry was such a wimp about sleeping with Heidi, and she wasn't experienced enough to see through his BS rationalizations.
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 3:37am
Albus DumbAsADoor is proving that he thinks that HE is the Indispensible Man...and that everyone else can be dispenbsed with. (Mister Snape, I hope you have a good undertaker.) Hermione, Cho, and Heidi all bail, leaving only Harry in the infirmary, with a wary Poppy watching over him, while Dumbles plots HER death, in addition to that of Harry.
slashslut posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 2:56pm