Content Harry Potter Trixie Belden Star Trek: TNG My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


Mionefan posted a comment on Thursday 28th January 2010 12:49pm

Wow! What a story so far. I'm a bit surprised that there weren't on the window of Harry's cell. A bit of an oversight on Albus's part. Remus in this story is way OOC, but you've explained that, but probably not to my satisfaction. It'll be interesting to see what happens when the prophesy is revealed properly. Minerva is also quite a bit OOC, although she has a very small part to play so far. Poppy is playing a role that must tear her apart. On the one hand, her oath to protect the students, and on the other, to stay alive and help Harry. I wonder what real life would dictate? To get Severus to admit as much as he has, he would have had to have been under veritiserum. I wonder about that, since you don't say anything to that effect. Strange that Ginny hasn't had much to say so far. Glad you have Ron with a backbone for this story. Can't believe he's that good in this story... most authors will paint him as bumbling or jealous. GOOD story, can't wait for more.

silvergoddess posted a comment on Thursday 28th January 2010 10:10am

Yay!! Poppy escaped and in a wonderfully dramatic manner ^_^ and I also highly enjoyed Harry's escape, the fact that Ron is still on Harry's side, and the way that excrement and Fan hit it off so well lol.I'm terribly excited for the next chapter.

Darryn posted a comment on Thursday 28th January 2010 6:45am

Thanks for this, I look forward to reading the rest

DAMNED posted a comment on Thursday 28th January 2010 3:14am


Bob Officer posted a comment on Thursday 28th January 2010 12:19am

Fast paced. Twists and turns. Very Evil Albus! And like you said. the swiftly rotating circular device, swill quickly spread excrement equally.

William Martin posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 10:41pm

Thank you for such quick updates! I love the story.
Yes, yes there is another shoe. What have you got against Ginny?
I'll admit I'm an Emma fan myself, but Ginny fell in love with The Boy Who Lived, then grew up to be in love with Harry. How can you dis some one like that?
Again, thanks for writing.

Anansii posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 7:43pm

And for the next chapter title, Duck!! :)

Is that Dark Lord Dumbledore, or Dim Lord Dumbledore. May his surroundings go Pythonic...

webdoc posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 7:40pm

I hope that old b*/tard gets a Dave's Insanity Sauce enema.

I'm really enjoying the story and can't wait to see what you do the the old boy.

Waywren Truesong posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 7:15pm

.................Wizards haven't got an OUNCE of logic.

ghostchicken posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 6:31pm

I've read a passel of betrayal stories, but this one just about takes the cake. Harry's smart and talented, but not overwhelmingly powerful. It's downright believable.

For a long time, I wondered how someone so "benevolent" as Dumbledore would dump baby Harry on the doorstep of Muggles who made no secret of their disdain for magic without checking on him. JKR glossed over the abuse, but my attitude is if the Dursleys were starving him and treating him like a slave, they were beating him too.

Anyway...this is one excellent tale and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I appreciate that Ron is still loyal to Harry, despite the Weasley family's involvement in Dumbledore's plot. The twins' loyalty to Harry comes as no surprise, but I'll be interested to see where Bill and Charlie stand, since they're in the Order.

I can't wait to find out what Amelia Bones is going to learn when she questions Tonks and Kingsley. Was there some Imperiusing or some other subversive magic involved? I noticed early on that Arthur is already having doubts. Hmm... I have to wonder if Albus has Remus and the Weasleys under some kind of spell or if he's blackmailing them. Blackmail wouldn't surprise me, considering what Albus holds over Severus and that Remus feels like he owes the old goat something. I can't imagine Remus, of all people, truly buying into that Dark Harry nonsense, though.

Dumbledore has started a war with the Gnomes, there's no doubt about that. Merlin help him when the rest of the Wizarding sheep of Britain finally catch on. Einar Horguson...or is it Hogunson? It appears both ways. Anyway, I have to wonder if you're cluing us in to something or tossing us a red herring with the hair thing and the need for hats. Does Harry have Gnome in his heritage somewhere or is that just a coincidence? With so many cans of worms opened, I'm ready to go fishin'!

Loved the Bill Cosby reference from "Himself" about being dumb, but not so dumb. That whole performance cracks me up and I've seen it a zillion times!

Anyway, the feces has most-assuredly struck the rotating oscillator. WELL DONE!

Anthony May posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 5:50pm

It pleases me to no end that Ron is a good guy. Can't wait for the next update!

honore11 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 5:47pm

Can we just kill Remus, Snape, most of the Weaselys and Dumbledore very painfully? Thanks

joeBob posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 5:47pm

I don't remember *all* of this chapter. So, either there are some new bits or I stopped reading, before, in disgust.

Some of those chapters had some very big annoyances/flaws, but overall this remains a fine example of its cliches, and it's nicely entertaining.

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 5:32pm

Well, glad to see Poppy got away, and seems to be safe, as well as Albus seeming to be torn down a bit, but more needs to be done, as he sure seems to be doggone set on his position, and still, don't feel any sympathy for Remus, and wondering how he's not much more of a traitor that Peter was.

thetaxzombie posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 4:56pm

This story really generates a lot anger towards the MOB. As it does towards some other characters I'm not use to feeling that way about. I speak of Remus and Tonks. You've made both of them quite contemptable. Just as you have several other characters.

This story grips one and does not let go. I appoligize for not writing a review for earlier chapters but as the notices are coming on my office computer I am making time just to read them.

A strong story and one I hope that ends well, for Harry and his crew that is. As for the MOB and his group, let them BURN!

Lottii posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 4:55pm

Oooohhhh! This is getting exciting! Can't wait for next chapter!


Hamilton Wrye posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 4:44pm

GAAAK! James and Sirius need to talk to the Powers That Be and get a 24 hour pass so they can go kick Remus' butt! Either that or Remus needs to share a flat with Wormtail. They could make comparisons of the Dark Lords they work for.

Now I get to sit down and contemplate painful deaths for Mooney. Maybe ground up silver packed into gelcaps (pharmaceutical capsules) and passed off as restorative vitamins to be used post-transformation...

Great story and great update rate.

bannanacupcakes posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 4:20pm

Ooooh *scowls*. Dumbles is a bastard. And whats up with Remus? It'd be nice if you had a chapter showing how the Potters (Lily and James) feel about the British Wizarding World betraying their son; even though I know that would be really cheesy - I think it would be really good. Please continue :]

Riegert8 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 4:15pm

good chapter

SasparillaX posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 3:12pm

great chappy, fast uploads... ur GREAT!