By Kinsfire
cockroach62 posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2011 1:19am
i don't know if it was in this chap or the previous one but the easiest way to state the energy formula is"E=mc^2." just thought that i'd point that out.
Michael10 posted a comment on Wednesday 5th October 2011 4:28pm
Re-read the whole story and its still a great read.
Question: Have you given up writing? as you have several unfinished stories and all of them were awesome. It seems nearly everyone at fanfic has vanished. its sad because finding good HP stories has become dificult. You and Ishtar's stories were great reads and are missed.
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Tuesday 9th August 2011 9:09am
Totally terrific!
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Tuesday 9th August 2011 8:57am
I like this Percy! I really do!
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Tuesday 9th August 2011 8:40am
It apparently hasn't occurred to these people that the greater dark force that could arise if Harry isn't careful is Dumbledore!
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Tuesday 9th August 2011 8:27am
Poppy, you need to send copies of your memories to someone you trust then get the heck out of that school!
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Tuesday 9th August 2011 8:12am
I am appalled that Arthur is using Harry. I am glad that Ron, Fred and George seem to be on his side.
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Tuesday 9th August 2011 8:00am
What fun! Harry is on a roll now.
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Tuesday 9th August 2011 7:46am
Intelligence is sexy!
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Tuesday 9th August 2011 7:30am
Way to go, Harry! I hope Dumbles get his a$$ kicked.
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Tuesday 9th August 2011 7:19am
Wonderful! This sounds like a good story. I am glad that Hermione figured out she's been spelled. I hope Katjie helps Harry.
reader1writer1 posted a comment on Sunday 5th June 2011 2:58pm
Excellent ending. Excellent story. :)
reader1writer1 posted a comment on Sunday 5th June 2011 2:34pm
Percy back in the home camp, huh? I always thought he didn't get enough "screen time" Great chapter. I know there's only one left, but I do wonder where your devious imagination will lead...
reader1writer1 posted a comment on Sunday 5th June 2011 2:02pm
I've really gotten into this story. I can't believe I haven't read it before. Good stuff. Boy, I can't wait till Remus, Arthur, and the rest find out how wrong they are--assuming that they actually believe it when they DO find out.
tallgirl20 posted a comment on Sunday 22nd May 2011 2:56am
loved it! thank you so much for such a entertaining story. i have come to adore harry/multi stories and your coupling and unique twists on a somewhat clichéd theme of betrayed!Harry! was absolutely a pleasure to read.
noylj posted a comment on Friday 15th April 2011 3:13am
Nice. Things are a little too easy on the female front, but they have to be for Harry-the-clueless.
If story isn't complete, could you work to complete it?
Georgia posted a comment on Friday 27th August 2010 8:21am
I did enjoy this story but the sexcapades rather ruined it for me. They read rather like a teenage boy's wet dream and are about as interesting. Aside from that it was quite enjoyable. Thank you for sharing.
noylj posted a comment on Wednesday 25th August 2010 8:30pm
Anyone who has to put up with Snakeface, the Malfoys, Snivellous, and Bumbles deserves an LARGE harem just to remain semi-sane (then again, a harem could drive a person insane also).
Harry talks too much.
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Monday 16th August 2010 12:52pm
Very good chapter. Very good story.
RavenKnight013 posted a comment on Tuesday 27th December 2011 3:58pm