Content Harry Potter Trixie Belden Star Trek: TNG My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


whyshouldicare posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 4:05pm

Mna that was great. If you were to write a book I would read it. You are a very good writer and I can't wait to read your other stories.

Manatheron posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 3:29pm

Interesting chapter, I had to read them all to rememeber though... not that I'm complaining... I forgot how erotic this story really was,

Keep up the excellent work!

RoseKelly1021 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 2:56pm

Okay Kens,

You are gooooooood!!!! I mean really this is impressive so far. You have a wick mind for manipulation. Can wait to see Fudge's reaction.

~_^ Kelly

DJ posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 1:49pm

So nice to this one updated and so well done. I hope to see more this could be a lot of fun.

jilumasam posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 12:42pm

A fantastic update. Looking forward to the next chapter!!!!!

Eric Oppen posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 11:46am

You know---I'm finding it very hard to blame Malfoy, this time.

Had I been given the news he had (my mom divorced Dad and was planning to marry my worst enemy) in high school, I'd have wanted to commit seppuku with a chainsaw.

Even if Mom had taken up with a common-or-garden-variety classmate (IOW, not someone I had a long history of mutual hatred with) I'd have found the whole situation deeply squicky.

minervakitty posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 11:32am

Wonder if Lucius will be regretting his stupidity with Voldie and the other nuts? Too bad, you didn't have Narcissa have multiple orgasms.

Coolone007 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 11:31am

I am glad you updated this story. It give an interesting twist to the plot and great play between the charaters reacting to it. What of Draco? I know he can no longer sier children will he come to his sences and try ti get forgivness from his monther?
If he does not will Cissa care? So fare i have not seen a reaction or interplay between them.

Minerva Granger posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 10:39am

More!!!! Give us More!!!

MaryJane6707 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 10:14am

Great chapter! I hope you will be able to update again soon! This is such an interesting story. I mean yeah I like the fluff, but the plot is actually very good.

KenF posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 9:52am

Hot DOG!!! A new chapter. I kinda like the premise for this one.

noylj posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 9:43am

Glad to see story is being updated.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 9:17am

*snicker* *guffaw* That last exchange was the final capper to a most delightful & enjoyable read. Thank you very much for improving a day that had been feeling like the third Monday of the week.

PerfesserN posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 8:39am

Excellent addition to the story, I was afraid you had plans to abandon "With a Little Help from My Friends." I don't think I'm alone when I say I hear "What would you think, if I sang out of tune (Would you stand up and walk out on me. . .)" Just curious, do you prefer the Beatles version or that of Joe Cocker? Both are good.

DJ Rodriguez posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 8:37am

Okay, now this was good, all the way! Harry has two women that are deeply, truly in love with him, he put Fudge in his place, the Slytherins are now starting to see the blunder they made in Potions, and now Fudge is going to be on the hotseat big time. I love it all!

I hope to see Harry and Narcissa together more often, especially when Harry gets intimate with Narcissa's ass. ^_^ Her breasts are excellent and large, but I bet Harry will have quite a time playing with her ass.

Keep it up!

Treck posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 7:38am

I do hope you are not done with Draco. His breathing problem needs to be addressed. (He's waisting air)

Like the idea of the books.

Ken Warner posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 7:22am

absolutely fabulous - a stunning chapter - and the revenge in court and the arrests is especially delicious - thanks so much

Bernd Jacobitz posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 6:49am

Well done. Fascinating work on Harry gaining confidence due to the women. He really does not notice but the process is visible to a reader and it is done as a process. I really like it.

Machiavelli Jr posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 6:26am

Thickens? Even school custard isn't that thick. And Harry really is getting good - not perfect yet, but good. I think the first-person POV is working very well, which is a surprise as Nacissa's head doesn't seem like the easiest place to live.
I'm also more than a little surprised that Fudge kept giving Harry more rope over the Chamber when he was so far off-topic. Fudge may be incompetent, but that's violating all procedure, when he's already lost and no conceivable answer can possibly improve matters (well, unless Harry admits he's a dark wizard himself). How dumb can you get? Well, he *is* basically a local politician, so I'll let you and him off. KUTGW and update something soon - I like the current update rate very much.

Jason Karr posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 6:23am

nice chapter. it is nice that there is profe of the bribes