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Nightwing510 posted a comment on Saturday 27th May 2006 2:32am

I enjoyed reading your story. I liked how you had Harry tell Hermione & her Mother Jocelyn the truth.

ace posted a comment on Saturday 27th May 2006 2:24am

Whoa. That is all I can say at this moment. This is getting intersting.

Adam posted a comment on Saturday 27th May 2006 2:05am

I always find it inteersting that Harry never stops to talk things through in situations like this - he just runs, assuming that everyone thinks the way he does. I have this suspicion that if he had only stopped and actually talked to Hermione and Jocelyn about this they could have found a suitable solution. I do hope that Hermione and Jocelyn find him and sort this out.

The Midnight Poster posted a comment on Saturday 27th May 2006 12:45am

Oh come on! Will you stop with clifies like this!?

Ken Warner posted a comment on Saturday 27th May 2006 12:13am

I like the story, understand the angst he is feeling with the Frank setup, but think that the 2 1/2 years of a healthy loving relationship should have helped heal that warping of is psyche to the point that he won't just run away.

Whatever, it is your story and I am looking forward to reading it as they are ALWAYS entertaining and thought provoking.

warm regards

James Barber posted a comment on Friday 26th May 2006 11:59pm

Great chapter, but he is so much a coward, hell I would of at least hung around long enough to give them a chance to answer!

but still great story, can hardly wait for next update!

James Benfield posted a comment on Friday 26th May 2006 11:16pm

Whoa boy! This is a great chapter, and I cant wait to see how the next one goes. I imagine there are going to be some intresting reactions on Hermione and Jocelyn's parts, and Harry is going to try and be some noble fool that we know he is. Keep up the good work please, and update as soon as you can.


PhiloWorm posted a comment on Friday 26th May 2006 9:17pm

Ouch... that was harsh, sad, apropriate and dare I say it... AWESOME!!!

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Friday 26th May 2006 9:15pm

You may be referring to "Phoenix Rising" by Herman Tumbleweed (which is on and other places, including his Yahoo Group (, which is indeed Harry/Hermione/Hermione's mom; however, PR is a heck of a lot darker in the beginning (two major characters turn Dark, and a third is deliberately killed) than even Chapter Two of this story. I haven't seen any other Harry/Hermione/Hermione's Parents (other than Family Matters). Also, Keith *does* have a Harry/Multi that also includes a possible side Harry/Hermione/Harry's Parents (Death Isn't All It's Cracked Up TO Be, posted here); however, that sidestory has not been posted. There is also "Lily's Return", another Harry/Multi (so far, at least Harry/Hermione/Ginny/Lily) and also from the fertile mind of Keith "Kinsfire" McComb (and, of course, also here).

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Friday 26th May 2006 9:04pm

Okay...we find out *why* Harry is feeling the way he is...and I was *wrong* in the why of it. It's actually a combination of the Dursleys, Frank Granger, and the *creature* he was cheating on his wife with. Had *Brandy* been more emotionally like one of the Patil Ladies (Padma, Parvati, or even Durga) or (don't laugh!) Lavender Brown, as opposed to Molly Prewitt Weasley (posessive to a fault), the marriage wouldn't have even broken up, and Hermione could have accepted it. Looks like Hermione and Jocelyn have their work cut out for them.

Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Friday 26th May 2006 7:22pm

Very interesting place to leave the chapter... I can see why Harry feels like such a bastard yet, how he could fall in love with not one but two beautiful women...

Great work as always... keep them cumming... er coming *grin*

As Always,
Muirnin - who lives vicariously through Fan Fiction!

Lira posted a comment on Friday 26th May 2006 6:33pm

What a mean, mean cliffhanger! Update soon!!!

Wolff posted a comment on Friday 26th May 2006 5:43pm

Heh, welcome to Harry's bad day. Once again, guys, a great chapter!

AK posted a comment on Friday 26th May 2006 5:06pm

*Takes a screw driver*
*turns the knob that says "humor", it seems to turn freely*
*turns knob that says "angst", it seems stuck*

Cmon I want less angst!!! please?

David Thacker posted a comment on Friday 26th May 2006 5:03pm

There is a story on that has the same base stroy line Harry/Hermione/Hermiones mum but the dad left before the story started.

Eduardo Ontiveros posted a comment on Friday 26th May 2006 2:36pm

I like it'funny I would review more but i have work

sasqch posted a comment on Thursday 25th May 2006 12:17pm

An intriguing start. I really enjoyed the first person narrative to get the ball rolling. By using Harry's voice exclusively, you were able to both jump-start the story by giving a great deal of build up, but stressing what was important to Harry, and still get across the important factor of Harry's confusion and growing panic over his new found problem.

I'm really curious to see how the situation unfolds, since there are so many different variables available. Will Hermione be merely accepting of Harry's interest in her mom? Or will she be pushing Harry toward her to help make Jocelyn happy? And what of Jocelyn? A rational response would be more along the lines of thinking her daughter's boyfriend is off-limits. But will she go that route and resist?


The Resident posted a comment on Thursday 25th May 2006 10:48am

Short and to the point and 'pointed' it was in places. -veg- Still, a nice shourt introductory piece that got all the necessary back story out of the way with dispatch. I hope the future chapters are a little slower and more detailed. Keep up the good work, you two. I like the work of each of you individually and I am really looking forward to what you can do together. Now for the obligatory phrase: Please, update soon.

atlantis-rob posted a comment on Thursday 25th May 2006 9:23am

Hmmm, cool enough idea. Harry's really going to be a tough nut to crack on thsi one I can tell by home you seem to have set it up, but hey he could be one lucky dude...:P Anyways I also thought harry's FP dialogue made good sense and was very amusing. Hope to see more of this soon. Cheerio!

alec_potter posted a comment on Thursday 25th May 2006 12:42am

great chapter...update soon.been waiting for this fic ever since you wrote "family matters" came quite close in that too...i had expected you to kill mr granger during the final battle,and make helen come together with harry/hermione.well...just dont add more players to this fic...keep it confind to these 3 only,and update soon.not to be whinning but you start off new fics and dont complete old one's,they leave the new one to if you get a new idea.your "With a Little Help From My Friends" is cool to.i expect this one to be along those of luck,update soon.