Content Harry Potter Trixie Belden Star Trek: TNG My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


goddessa39 posted a comment on Friday 9th March 2007 10:19am

Pregnant? hehehehehe

warpwizard posted a comment on Friday 9th March 2007 10:09am

Ooooh, mean cliffie! :)

Predictable problem I think. :)

Great chapter, it was lots of fun.

Gwyn Raven posted a comment on Friday 9th March 2007 8:10am

I really like this story. I hope you can update it again soon!

writerpayne posted a comment on Friday 9th March 2007 7:52am

Can't belive you left it there.... meanie.. oh no std are a bitch lol... or is it 'that problem.'

Please update soon


Amamama posted a comment on Friday 9th March 2007 5:37am

Frank the bastard really got it, huh? Or not, as it may be. Great revenge, though.

Nice idea with the retirement home for elves, and what's the problem coming up? Preggers, both of them, or something else?

Jeffrey1 posted a comment on Friday 9th March 2007 4:43am

uhoh, more potters on the way.

Srikanth posted a comment on Friday 9th March 2007 4:35am

Its been forever since i last read the previous parts. had to go for a RECAP. hmmmm interesting i say....

noylj posted a comment on Sunday 4th March 2007 10:37am

There will be more? The sex is nice, but the exploration of feelings is better. Did their magics intertwin so now Joss is a witch?

Debbie Hollander posted a comment on Tuesday 27th February 2007 8:52am

I am so looking forward to an update and completion of this story. Please do not abandon this story even if Herman has given up on his writing.

Debbie Hollander posted a comment on Tuesday 9th January 2007 6:56am

please update soon. Iam curious as to how thisw will continue and end. I can hardly wait for an update. Please continue asap.

The Resident posted a comment on Wednesday 1st November 2006 5:42pm

The way you've written the story, I find it quite believable. Of course, Harry is, on the whole, more mature than your usual teenage boy. How well the pairing works out in the long run is mostly dependent on the lack of jealousy between the Hermione and her mom.

Keep up the great work and, as always, please, update soon (but don't let the quality drop).

morriganscrow posted a comment on Saturday 28th October 2006 2:22am

Looking forward to the wrap-up. Great work!

xBizzle posted a comment on Friday 6th October 2006 11:37am


Otritzi posted a comment on Thursday 28th September 2006 10:55am

Quite the discovery. I believe Harry and Hermoine being higly powerful mystics transferred a bit of their magic to Joss, making her a witch as well. That'll be a really interesting trick to pull off.

CoyoteScion posted a comment on Sunday 17th September 2006 3:15am

oh come on you can't leave it like that

John Fitzgerald posted a comment on Monday 11th September 2006 8:44am

I hope that you post again soon. Thanks.

Intelligo posted a comment on Sunday 10th September 2006 5:44am

Extremely hot! Please, one more chapter! I'd do anything for another lemon with these three!

You manage to incorporate sex and plot rather well in your stories.

Stygius posted a comment on Monday 4th September 2006 2:22pm

please finish the story.... i know its a short one, and there would only be another 2-3 chapters. i am eagerly awaiting what happens in the said next chapter. should be fun. i like how it has been going so far, congrats.... when can we expect an update???

Debbie Hollander posted a comment on Saturday 24th June 2006 9:18am

this is alright.quite entertaining, can hardly wait to read what you write next.herman please update pheonix soon

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Friday 16th June 2006 3:49am

OK, I've been putting this off for a while, but I really should review.

While I like the charaters, and have no objection to the sex, there doesn't seem to be any story there. I guess I like just a little more action in the story.

I'll keep reading (and I won't post a message that I hate it after reading all 25 chapters :-) but I hope the plot progresses.

Thanks for writing.

Tom A.