Content Harry Potter Trixie Belden Star Trek: TNG My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


Life's a Dance posted a comment on Friday 19th May 2006 11:49am

Hey, what happened to your yahoo! group?

Kalen Darkmoon posted a comment on Thursday 18th May 2006 1:02pm

An enjoyable story. I hope to see more someday.

Drew3 posted a comment on Wednesday 17th May 2006 7:24am

dude great story, I cant wait until your next update.

do continue with this most excellent story,


HarrysAngel posted a comment on Wednesday 17th May 2006 6:45am

I LOVE this. The concept of Harry being 'Blossom' is so extremely creative it makes me wish I had thought of it. I hope you update this story soon. I'm addicted to it lol

pbowen posted a comment on Tuesday 16th May 2006 4:02pm

i like your writing a lot sometimes i think you make things go a little to smooth for him once he finds love but i like to think that is to make up for how horrible a life he had and how he deserves some happiness then other times i think it is just how you feel love should be and thats cool too. either way keep up he good work if you can

HarrysAngel posted a comment on Tuesday 16th May 2006 2:48pm

This is a REALLY good fic so far. I've been a fan of yours since I read Family Matters over on Portkey. I am sorry to see you leave that site, but I also understand why. Good luck in the furture with any writing you do. If the start to this fic so far is any indication and of course Family Matters , you will do well. :)

Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Monday 15th May 2006 5:33am

My previous review should have read "attracted to men" not "attracted to me" *blushes*

Darn lack of an edit button for posted reviews! Or, maybe it is a freudian slip ;-)

Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Monday 15th May 2006 5:31am

8-| Okay, that knocked me sideways a bit. Is Harry... no... sorry "Blossom" interested in Charlie? It makes sense that, in female form, he would be affected by female hormones and be attracted to me but still... Oh well, what will be will be.

So we reach the end (so far). I know you have a lot of unfinished works, but it would be great to see more of this one some time. One question though - which came first, this or DrT's "Transforming Harry"? I'm just wondering who inspired who.

From something you said on your yahoo!Group, I think you are planning to get Blossom knocked up. It could be interesting if the father were Charlie, but if it were a gender-shifted Tonks and Harry were locked as Blossom for those nine months... Now that would be very interesting.

This is a good story. Once again, I hope that you will choose to follow it up.

BenRG's Rating: 8/10

Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Monday 15th May 2006 5:20am

The way Harry so easily gender-shifts makes me wonder if he is a bi-morph - "Blossom" is literally a second natural form that he can default to without too much effort.

This one is going to hit the Weasleys like a tactical nuke.

BenRG's Rating: 7/10

Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Monday 15th May 2006 5:11am

Poor Harry! He is a real emotional basket case, and I think that having serious relationships only excaserpate that problem. Of course, with any emotion, finding the balance is hard, and Harry has no real experience in doing so, other than totally walling off his feelings when he has no outlet.

Should be interesting to see what he plans for Malfoy, though.

BenRG's Rating: 7/10

Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Monday 15th May 2006 4:59am

Removing the Dark Mark may be a lot harder than it sounds. If I were Riddle, I would have included lots of traps, security precautions and dead-man's-switch curses in the Mark to discourage experimentation.

I must say that I think Snape would have been a bit more subtle about his switch of alliegence. He can't afford Draco going weeping to "Daddy" at such an early stage of affairs.

Now... what will Harry do to that poor, innocent broom?

BenRG's Rating: 7/10

Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Monday 15th May 2006 4:48am

Aw! Fluffy! And nice too!

You know, a lot of fanfic authors (mostly based on how Molly acts in GoF towards Hermione and in OotP towards Sirius) portrays Molly in this way - judgemental and quick to condemn when she doesn't know. That, combined with her controlling ways and her intollerant arrogance (there is no other word for it) may ultimately be the destruction of her family.

Maybe, just maybe, together, Harry and Hermione can heal Tonks' wounds.

BenRG's Rating: 8/10

Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Monday 15th May 2006 4:38am

Poor Harry! Let alone poor Tonks. I also cannot help but also feel a tiny glimmer of sympathy for Draco too. What Harry will do to him is not likely to be present and I stronly suspect that DNA comparison will be needed to identify the body.

Well! Hermione is quite the tease isn't she? ;-)

Finally, most importantly, please note that Snape was afraid of Harry - just for a moment. I don't think that the Death Eaters are going to enjoy knowing the monster they may have just unleashed.

BenRG's Rating: 8/10

Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Monday 15th May 2006 2:47am

8-| Well, that is one solution to that problem, I guess.

The wonderful thing about that closing conversation at the Gryffindor table is that it is so much like normal teen teasing and boasting that few (probably including Ginny, who as Hermione's first lover will guess what she is capable of) will realise that Harry and Hermione are being serious.

You write passion (as opposed to smut) very well and you also are good at communicating feelings. However, I maintain that you do have to jump through some real characterisation hoops to explain some of your polyamorous groups.

Overall, however, another great chapter.

BenRG's Rating: 8/10

Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Monday 15th May 2006 12:58am

Well, that is a high-angst ending!

I loved everyone's reaction to Harry's entrance. Ron is such a Gryffindor - Act first, ask questions later, think some time next week. Of course he would try to protect Hermione from 'some guy' trying it on. ;-)

Poor Harry! What will he do now? It is pretty in-character for him to internalise his problems or, worse, blame himself for something he cannot control and end up injuring himself.

BenRG's Rating: 8/10

Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Monday 15th May 2006 12:03am

I've read this story many times before but I've decided that the time has come to comment.

This is one of my favorites of your incomplete writings because Harry is exactly in-character. He is shy, has low self-esteem and is generally socially awkward. You manage to refrain from overdoing emotional outbursts because, while in canon Harry can blow his top on occasions, he is much more likely to sulk quietly than scream and shout.

Tonks is actually a very under-explored character. This means that fanfic authors can go to town. I think that you have captured the way I see her, though. Fun-loving, anarchic but essentially kind and friendly.

BenRG's Rating: 8/10

Aberbadger posted a comment on Wednesday 10th May 2006 4:57am

This story is BRILLIANT! Please update soon!

James Barber posted a comment on Sunday 7th May 2006 7:26pm

Hey this is really outstanding, so why have you abandoned this. the concept of harry with two women is quite exciting but then add blossom and what that can do especially if he/she goes out with charlie?

I just wished you hadnt abandoned this, or at least it seems like it since its been what 10 months since the last update!

GuardianOfLight posted a comment on Friday 5th May 2006 8:42am

I like this fic, especially the idea of Harry being Blossom, very clever, I don't think thas been done before, please update soon

fanfic posted a comment on Monday 24th April 2006 3:10am

I have a great idea about a scene with Harry, Hermione, Tonks and Ginny in mind. Would you like to hear it email me and I would share it with you.