Content Harry Potter Trixie Belden Star Trek: TNG My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


liquidfyre posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 12:52pm for The Last Straw

good story but seriously twisted as well

Keep up the good work

DJ posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 11:57am for The Last Straw

What a bumer I hope ch 2 is a "little" more upbeat. It was however,nice writting.

Kenji posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 11:51am for The Last Straw


Bukama Stealth posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 11:28am for The Last Straw

That was a tad overdramatic

Nanio posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 10:41am for The Last Straw

I really enjoyed it. I think this could work perfectly as a one-shot, and really liked how Harry was showing a more slytherin side of himself, as you yourself noted in the stoery. I can't wait to read the continuation, though.

Meghan posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 10:36am for The Last Straw

so where's that next chapter ... lol

Justin posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 10:23am for The Last Straw

I want to read the next chapter. Can't wait for it.

shadowvamp17 posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 9:59am for The Last Straw

I like it I hope the next chap is posted soon.

Donald McLeod posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 9:59am for The Last Straw

The end sucks but was well done. thank you

jessie179 posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 9:58am for The Last Straw

Wow, it was good up up til the end. Kinda confusing really but there is another chapter? Can't wait to see what it has to say.

Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 9:57am for The Last Straw

All I can say is... Wow!

Nights_Silhouette posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 9:17am for The Last Straw

An intresting chapter, keep it up.

Adam posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 9:06am for The Last Straw

Nice chapter here, I like the way you have written this, poor Harry though, and I loved Ginny's reaction to what he said and to the two love birds.

To think all it took for those two to realise what they have done to Harry, and lost, is hearing Voldy describe how they have treated harry.

I do wonder what everyone elses reaction was to hearing what Voldy said.

At least Susan showed Harry there was more to life than studying.

Chris1 posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 8:19am for The Last Straw

Hah. From the summary I could have bet that it was Ron who was shunned.

Great work :)


The Midnight Poster posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 8:14am for The Last Straw

"Note that despite the way this reads, there is a further chapter to go for this."

Oh thank Merlin! I would have been a right snit if this was the end of the story.

Bobmin356 posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 7:55am for The Last Straw

I didn't like this.


Simple. You let Ron and Hermione get away with it. A few extra paragraphs describing the pair that betrayed the boy-who-lived would have been all you needed to make this right.

I don't mind stories with unhappy endings, but really feels incomplete to me.

Fishburne posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 7:55am for The Last Straw


The Golden Trio indeed!

Excellent use of a cliche, and making it into something unexpected!

See you tomorrow!

Fish - the other pink meat

Fission posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 7:52am for The Last Straw

Intereseting story, like many others of yours I really enjoyed it.

I'm sure I'll read anything you write in the second chapter, I just hope things change drastically before Harry ever really forgives them.

It's easy for them to say they love him after the fact, and I have little doubt they at least think they love him.
The real test, the one they failed miserably, is to risk everything not for his life, but for his happiness.

Darkness posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 7:25am for The Last Straw

Though any mentions of slash and I'm running up the hill at 100m/s, this really didn't bother me.

I felt so bad for Harry. To be used like a whore, for lack of a better word, it speaks a lot about his character that he doesn't outright hate Ron and Hermione.

If Harry lives in the second chapter, I'd love it if he refused to be with Ron and Hermione again, even if they grovel before him. They don't deserve Harry. One and a half year is a lot of time, they could've done something sooner. Harry deserves to be unconditionally loved after all the shit he's had to go through.

The Resident posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 7:14am for The Last Straw

You really didn't need the note. It made a great angsty story without it. Then, when you did come out with a 'sequel' it would have been more of a surprise, and maybe a pleasant one as well. Anyway, it is a great story as it stands and, as I've said before, I've yet to find a story of yours I didn't like. Keep up the Great Work.