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kainboa posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 11:34am for The End Of All Things

great story, i especialy loved the parts with harry and voldemort talking to each other, i would dearly love to see some more of that in other fics

keep up the great work :)

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 11:27am for The End Of All Things

Very nice one!! I like the way Harry brings home their errors to those who betrayed him and then leaves them with correcting the injustices in wizarding society as the only way of redressing their errors and making amends. And, really, I can't blame him for wanting out that way, given the betrayals he took.

PerfesserN posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 11:27am for The End Of All Things

Very moving short story, sad but satisfying.
Thank you for that.

CRose posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 11:22am for The End Of All Things

I have seen this idea used a couple of times before, but it was still a great read and unlike the others, it's actually complete. Great Job.

Andrew Niehaus posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 11:21am for The End Of All Things

That was a great one-shot. It's not often that you cna kill off all of your leads, and still have a happy ending- but you did it brilliantly. Great job.

darthloki posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 11:09am for The End Of All Things

Hey, I like it.

Makileus posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 11:01am for The End Of All Things

I am pleased to find, even if it is a short fic, a n Azkaban where Ron, Ginny etc. believed in him. Anyways, good job.

MercuryBlue posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 10:44am for The End Of All Things

Wow. Just, wow. You threw me a bit with the AK destroying the soul idea, but getting to laugh at the Duck Lord and how he and Harry sounded like they were arranging to meet for tea made up for it. Points for having friends of Harry's who actually don't believe Harry was justly imprisoned. I don't see that enough. Lots of sneakyness on Harry's part, which is always a good thing. A few typos here and there, but nothing particularly annoying. Overall, a very good story.

Judy Heath posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 10:23am for The End Of All Things

Great story, glad you wrote it.

garvan3 posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 10:19am for The End Of All Things

That was great. If only it was a bit longer but all the same I very much enjoyed it.

Thank you for all the great work you put out. : )

Wolfric posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 10:14am for The End Of All Things

Well I enjoyed it. Shakespeare its not but fun it is. Maybe this will lead into another chapter for Dark Clouds? Maybe not? Oh well...
Thanks for this one. W.

morriganscrow posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 9:42am for The End Of All Things

Thanks for making me cry.

AmeSuisei/AdronTaltos/CarlOort posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 9:24am for The End Of All Things

not bad.. definatly not bad... though im surprised
that you didnt mention the appearance of a tabby cat living with dumbles... but thats just me.. heh

KenF posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 9:21am for The End Of All Things

This is one of the better Azkaban!Harry's that I've seen. Thanks.

freakyfinger posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 9:20am for The End Of All Things

It's an interesting story in that Harry DOES die. Almost all other fanfics have Harry has the survivor with everyone else dying, or Harry dying and coming back.

Edward Becerra posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 9:16am for The End Of All Things

Nice, but the misery of Dumbledore and his collection of idiots didn't last nearly long enough.

Would have been nice if he could have gotten Flitwick and the cat to swear on their magic that they weren't wrong, and that they wouldn't take any easy way out.

Ed Becerra

loralee posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 9:10am for The End Of All Things

Well i was completly shocked at the author's note that said, 'no sex' until i got into the story to find Hermione already dead. lol

Wonderful story, loved the happy ending. Characterzation of Snape was excellent and Fudge the idiot ha.

The_Caitiff posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 8:32am for The End Of All Things

Touching and just a bit bittersweet. It's interesting to see a bit of a reverse harem scenario, with Hermione being in charge. Thats a pretty rare choice, only know of a few tri-fics and your Death aint all it's cracked up to be (with Lily and the Marauders) where this scenario is given much chance.

Amamama posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 8:29am for The End Of All Things

>sniff< Good hit at Dumbledore, this... And nice ending, with loads of promises. *grin*


Sheepstamper posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 8:23am for The End Of All Things

Loved it......