Content Harry Potter Trixie Belden Star Trek: TNG My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


KingDark posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 10:28pm for The End Of All Things

sniff sniff great one shot

Zvoni posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 10:15pm for The End Of All Things

Nice Job!

Kind of reminds me of my own Story "End of Days" on

The Resident posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 9:39pm for The End Of All Things

Whichever muse bit you on the a** and inspired this story is someone you want to curry immense favor with. This is probably the best 'one of' stories I have ever read. Thank you so much for sharing it with your reading public.

Patches posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 9:30pm for The End Of All Things

This is a great story. I really like the way things worked out. I'm glad Ginny and Remus were there for Harry at the end. I'm glad Fudge got what he deserved. Dumbledore really did learn his lesson finally. That was a great end for the Dork Lord! Couldn't happen to a nicer guy! Thanks for writing this. I look forward to more "plot bunnies" that won't leave you alone! pms

lgsimian posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 4:40pm for The End Of All Things

Well let me swear to its quality, it is an excellent story, and like all your stories I enjoyed reading it.
The polite banter between Harry and Tom, a nice little twist

ShadowNixxie posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 3:02pm for The End Of All Things

O.o Interesting... Definitely different from the other Azkaban stories I've read in parts, yet similar to most of them as well...

Ken Warner posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 1:50pm for The End Of All Things

quite nice, and complete novelettes like this one are always appreciated.
Like the siphoning of Tommie boy's power without him being sensitive enough to feel it.

Ivy_Snowe posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 1:15pm for The End Of All Things

It was brilliant. Is it stupid that it made me sad and teary eyed? I don't know. It's just, when I think about all the crap Harry's been through and then see it all converge to an end like that, well, I hope karma works. Cheers.


es posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 1:14pm for The End Of All Things

damnit you made me cry

Alorkin posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 1:06pm for The End Of All Things

Another great story, Keith. I have always liked 'Harry goes to Azkaban', and REALLY love the ones where he tells Dumbles and the rest of the W W to 'get stuffed'. Here, he has Fudge perform the service,(which I doubt he's even capable of, given his ineptitude in all other things.)and send him to Valhalla. He shows Dd that he's an ass, Snape is a cowardly bigoted bastard and Mini Malfoy is both inept and stupid.
Ginny's political invovement is a nice twist, as is Ron's turned leaf.

The 'welcome home' scene (in the afterlife?) is sweet and touching and well in keeping with your raunchier stories.

Well done, sez I. Alorkin

BJH posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 1:04pm for The End Of All Things

Quite an excellent idea, well executed, concise, and not drifting from its intended path.


DaZZa posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 12:56pm for The End Of All Things

Your musings are worth more than some peoples multi-chapter novels {HBP springs to mind. :-)}.

Well done - again.

knightsbridge posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 12:55pm for The End Of All Things

I guess the death of "The Chosen One" should be sad, and it was. But the way he took it into his own hands, was probebly the funniest dark comedy I have ever read.Usually I'm a H/G shipper, and in a way I got my wish. Ginny stood up for Harry, and young though she was, she was voted Minister, and carried through the things Harry most wanted, along with Ron.
Great story, and I enjoyed it more than I can tell you.

Treck posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 12:54pm for The End Of All Things

Author Notes:
As I said, this one wouldn't let me go. I can't swear to its quality, but it's a complete story.

you can't but we can :)

Well Done

Beau Wolff posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 12:37pm for The End Of All Things

Damn you. I didn't need to cry today.

But thank you for a beautiful story.

Magnificent the Destroyer Lord posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 12:34pm for The End Of All Things

Would you please excuse me a minute? *howls of laughter are heard off-screen*

Ahem. *chugs calming draft* Interesting idea - I especially enjoyed the insults towards Snivelly and Kitty... *snickers*.

P.s. Yep - I shamelessy stole that little bit at the beginning of this review from Bobmin's authors (not making money, just enjoyed the humor)

C. Harris posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 12:22pm for The End Of All Things

That was nice! I admit to thinking that the Killing Curse would bounce right off of Harry and kill Fudge but you surpried me.

Alcatras posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 12:17pm for The End Of All Things

Jes, it`s a good one shot.A good little stor wiht a happy end what else would one want to read. :)

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 11:45am for The End Of All Things

Good one.


Prince Charon posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2007 11:42am for The End Of All Things

Brilliant story, beautiful ending.

I've got tears in my eyes.