Like A Phoenix From The Ashes
Chapter 16
By Kinsfire
Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 8:07am for Chapter 16
Just read this over the weekend. It's getting excited. Despite the fact that I don't believe in harmonious polyamory, it was a good story.
That was some cliffie when you left off with the paper from Narcissa! If I weren't a late comer to this story, I'd be sending you howlers.
Looking forward to what happens next!
Thanks for writing.
Tom A.
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Sunday 23rd July 2006 3:09pm for Chapter 16
Outstanding. Loving it more and more.
Sandra Smith posted a comment on Sunday 23rd July 2006 2:59pm for Chapter 16
im impressed...i'd like cto read more
HermioneGreen posted a comment on Sunday 23rd July 2006 12:28pm for Chapter 16
Wonderful!!! I hope the new development remains top secret untill the final battle . . . it would not do for Voldemort to be prepared to accio the vests off his victims and them AK them . . .
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Sunday 23rd July 2006 9:09am for Chapter 16
Another excellent chapter. Although, was that Dodo-Diriclaw jab at my story. Hermione will realize her mistake about the Dodo, really. I don't even know if you read my story.
I like that you are showing more affection between Harry and Pansy in this chapter. I look forward to Ron pulling his head out of somewhere and apologizing.
Thanks for writing.
Mike (MoA)
Kinsfire replied:
There was a small amount of that, but only because you were like the third writer I had seen in the span of a week who made that reference. (So you can guess that I am, in fact, a fan of your story.)'
As for Pansy - well, she gets hers in the beginning of the next chapter. (If you're not parsing that, think about what the others have had that she hasn't...*grin*)
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Sunday 23rd July 2006 5:59am for Chapter 16
Another great chapter, if the armor can stop the killing curse it will also stop all kinds of other physical spells. The Death Eaters are not going to know what hit them. And I hope that draco does throw the killing curse at Harry so that will get him out of the way quickly. Thanks for writing
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Saturday 22nd July 2006 1:25pm for Chapter 16
Well, it seems that they've got all the kinks worked out for their strategy for the final battle. Of course no plan survives first contact with the enemy, but it seems like they are ready to execute now. Great chapter, thank you.
Jamey posted a comment on Saturday 22nd July 2006 12:05pm for Chapter 16
A most excellent chapter!
I thought it was rather funny to see Harry making a purely muggle compound in poor Snape's lab - almost as bad as if Snape had found someone using his equipment to brew coffee.
Ron's introspectiveness is interesting. I do think Ron could eventually get forgiveness - I doubt Ginny, Bill, or Charlie ever will, really. There's just some things that strike me as being beyond normal limits to forgive.
The tests on the body armor seemed both extreme, and somewhat weak at the same time. I presume that their knowledge of dragonhide lets them know that piercing, such as knife blades, will be stopped, as well as impacts such as bullets. Then again, the only thing it's really intended for is to stop the AK. As the armor is combined physical and magical protection, they really should experiment to see if the dragonhide is all that's really needed to stop the AK. It certainly doesn't seem to have much physical impact when it hits living matter - only when it hits dead matter.
And I do think the Auror who was willing to be the live-fire tester for the armor against an AK deserves his own small harem of girls. Balls - asteriod-sized platinum/iridium balls.
djo posted a comment on Saturday 22nd July 2006 7:45am for Chapter 16
The end of Voldemort is approaching! With this conviction and the help of his wifes and extended family there is no way of failing...
Another great chapter in a great story!
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Saturday 22nd July 2006 7:29am for Chapter 16
Harry and Severus *completely* bury the hatchet, and Potter Armoring creates their first MLE-specification protective suits (and they are even humanely created, based on naturally-expired dragons). Harry even manages to finish patching things up with Albus. Poor Amelia, though! You can bet that she is going to find a way to bring at least *one* of her in-laws into MLE, simply due to their *brainpower*. I can hear the Weasley Twins though, bemoaning the respectability that Ickle Harrikins has fallen UP to, waxing rhapsodically of when he was a junior Marauder, back before he became the next Merlin...
John Wilburn posted a comment on Saturday 22nd July 2006 7:02am for Chapter 16
I had almost lost hope that you would finish this. Great story.
Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Saturday 22nd July 2006 5:20am for Chapter 16
I like the idea about the armour ... it is really unique
I did have a weird idea when I read the previous chapter ... since they have his communial (sp?) orgasmic type relationship why couldn't some of their children take on some of the other qualities of the other mothers ... like Hermione's Curly brown hair and Luna's big blue eyes that sort of thing ...
It's weird I know ... I am trying to write this and ROSE is sitting here watching me write this review ... *rolls eyes* now you see why I have very little chance of getting any of MY writing done!
Take care Keith, say hi to Dorothy and hope to hear from you both soon...
As Always,
Muirnin - who always believes in shipping what is RIGHT over what is Easy ...
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Saturday 22nd July 2006 2:52am for Chapter 16
Developing nicely here. I appreciate the way the overall situation has "force grown" Harry's maturity. And I'm sure things won't go as smoothly as Harry thinks; after all, to quote Maurice from the Drake/Flint "Dance of Time" series, "No battle plan survives contact with the enemy, that's why they're called 'The Enemy'."
One minor nitpick, "...loading a single impressively large bullet into it..." should read cartridge instead of bullet. I wouldn't say anything except that I see this mistake often enough for it to become an irritant when reading.
Davideg posted a comment on Saturday 22nd July 2006 2:23am for Chapter 16
fantastic chapter once agin please keep up the great work
James Benfield posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 8:56pm for Chapter 16
Magnificent chapter. Keep up the good work.
RedKnight posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 5:00pm for Chapter 16
Wonderful chapter. I'm very happy I wasn't drinking anything when I read that 'cream filling' comment by Luna, else I might've choked while trying to laugh. Also as a firearms enthusiast (Not gun nut thank you!), I was quite happy to see the good old .50 Calibre. It's big, it's loud, and it's not something you take deer hunting if you want to come back with more than scraps.
Steve Stephan posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 4:44pm for Chapter 16
You're doing very well with this story. Please finish it and not leave it like so many others that you have in the past. Speaking of those, Charlie and Blossom need to come to fruition. HINT HINT!
Manatheron posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 4:16pm for Chapter 16
Excellent chapter! I really Loved the AK thought, and 'Grandpa' Albus was an excellent scene as well. Oh, and Let's Not forget that your foreplay scenes are always 'exciting' (Double meaning intended)
As always Excellent work, I very much look foreward to the next one!
Alex00 posted a comment on Friday 21st July 2006 4:05pm for Chapter 16
Great chapter.
MaryJane6707 posted a comment on Tuesday 25th July 2006 5:19am for Chapter 16