Content Harry Potter Trixie Belden Star Trek: TNG My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


patrik svensson posted a comment on Monday 17th October 2005 11:19pm for Chapter 13

grejt story,
keep upp the good work.

Opinions are like assholes.
Everyone has one - but some just smell worse than others.

Ken Warner posted a comment on Monday 17th October 2005 10:56pm for Chapter 13

Dear Keith,
fabulous chapter - very appropriate for Christmas - shows that something nasty does not have to happen in every single chapter as some shlocky writers seem to think.
As a note though, my 2 sons' middle names really are Roland and Lancelot, born in 82 and 84 respectively.
Thanks so much for your stories, and I find that I treasure the comments and insights that you and Dorothy leave in the yahoo groups of my favorite authors almost as much.
Warmest Regards

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Monday 17th October 2005 10:03pm for Chapter 13

Harry continues to rewrite the Magical Rulebook. Conjuring metals (especially noble metals) is one thing (in fact, conjuring nobles is supposed to be flat-out impossible), but *alchemical conjuring* of completely UNKNOWN metals? Those mithril rings are, quite literally, magically unique (there is literally no case on record of so much as ONE object made of a noble metal being conjured, let alone five) aside from the spells on them. Harry has earned himself ANOTHER place in history for the rings alone! (While with the death of the Flamels, Dumbledore is the last known living alchemist, Harry is the ONLY known alchemical conjurer, living OR dead.) I hope Madame Pomfrey has lots of smelling salts; when the rest of the castle sees those rings, AND finds out who conjured them, there will be, quite literally, out-cold bodies from the Astronomy Tower to the furthest reaches of the Slytherin dungeons. And it will only START with the Weasleys.

Erin posted a comment on Monday 17th October 2005 9:51pm for Chapter 13

Nice update. Are we going to get to see the truth come out and Ginnys reaction to what she lost?

Adam posted a comment on Monday 17th October 2005 6:07pm for Chapter 13

Another great chapter, nice touch with the twins, Harry is right though, but he managed to explain his outlook on family very well. The ceremony at the end though really has brought them closer together. Which can only be a good thing.

Ronnie posted a comment on Monday 17th October 2005 4:30pm for Chapter 13

You know, if Harry can make more mithril, I imagine battle robes made of Horntail or Basilisk hide, with a mithril chainmail underlayment, would be quite effective against almost anything.

Also, now Harry seems to have enough 'Power the Dark Lord knows not' to simply barbecue Voldie from inside out (although that might be a little too UdderPD-ish).