By Kinsfire
Zaxxon posted a comment on Tuesday 21st March 2006 12:31am for London
Very interesting...
I do love Harry+Hermione... of course, I also love Harry+Fluer, Harry+Bellatrix, Harry+Narcissa, Harry+Tonks, and the wonderful Harry/Harem...
If you go Harry+Hermione or Harry/Harem, either way, you're off to a great start.
Frank LeTanc posted a comment on Monday 20th March 2006 1:31pm for London
this story is great! I hope it doesnt get pushed too far on the back burner though, and has some regularly scheduled updates.
SerendipitousNightcrawler posted a comment on Sunday 19th March 2006 4:38am for London
Ooh, a story about Harry and Hermione backpacking through Europe, how much fun! I do hope that Fleur, or whomever that is, doesn't take them back. I'd love to see you take them from Brussels to Copenhagen to Prague, throughout Tuscany, down to Rome and so many other places before going back to Hogwarts (or Beauxbatons maybe instead).
How high is this little babble on your docket?
shlager_5321 posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 10:25pm for London
update soon!!!
goofy posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 4:19pm for London
I like It more please
Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 3:26pm for London
Yikes! Not as clean a getaway as they'd hoped, eh? Good start. I look forward to the next chapter!
Elle T posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 2:09pm for London
very very good so far
umm i can't wait for the next chapter and plu im guessing that the person who said that last sentence was Hagrid
was i right or are you just going to keep me in suspention until the next chapter
either way let me know
here is my e-mail add
Terry Swain posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 1:45pm for London
This is a great story. wouldn't you know it they still run into a delacour. :)
Jason Karr posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 12:14pm for London
how are you going to hide Hermione's parents when the time comes. I like the way you have writen both Harry and Hermione. And how long are you going to try to keep these two away from the headmaster.
The Resident posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 9:13am for London
Damn, getting to the good stuff and Fleur shows up. Or is it Gabrielle? In either case things could raise Harry's blush factor by a bunch. In case you haven't figured it out yet, I've really enjoyed what you've written so far (even if you did use the old chestnut of Harry's cluelessness around women.) ;-) I'm looking forward to the rest of this SOON! (Unsubltle hit to write more of this in a hurry - but up to your usual standards of excellence, of course. Take care of yourself and Dorothy. Thank you again for all the reading enjoyment the both of you have furnished to all of us who read your stories.
dadofdj posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 7:04am for London
Just like with your other stories, excellent. Hope you update this and some of your other stories soon please. I love all your work.
Bringhimup posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 5:21am for London
For me this is the most interesting story, since I read Family Matters, which is by far your best one (and the only one that I can reread every month).
I only dislike the —- between:
She quickly undid his trousers, and soon was fulfilling her fantasy.
As they exited the train in Brussels, she chuckled deep within her throat.
As a NC17 story, the first chapter would be longer and for me this is almost always better ;)
I hope you will find it someday in your heart to continue with this one, because it is the one with the most potential for a realistic outcome in your stock of stories.
(Don't get me wrong ... I don't dislike "Harem Stories", as long as Hermione is together with Harry as the only male, but more than one girl for the chosen one is highly unlikely.)
Davideg posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 3:56am for London
wow that was great but you toldly skiped the sex seen why
Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 2:08am for London
OK, I admit to never being on the Chunnel train, but from the trains I have been on, I can't imagine it either private or comfortable for making love. Not even the sleeping cars are very comfortable. But, whatever.
The visit to the bank, the stores, were well done. I like the fluffiness (I'm a sucker for fluffy).
Question, though. When Harry oritinally wrote Hermione, I got the impression he was going to do something more than just run away - maybe train or learn. Now they just seem to be runing away. Did he forget, or did I misunderstand.
Thanks for the story. Looking forward to more.
Tom A.
Exarikun posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 1:37am for London
coolness. you write such good stories. but you write too much of them at one time. i'm still waiting for you to finish 'ties of blood' so you can go back and finish 'phoenix from the ashes'... ah well, guess i'll have to wait a bit longer... please hurry with updating the rest of your fics.
sasqch posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 12:21am for London
This is an enjoyable set-up. The running away scenario is one that I’ve seen before. But it was always the loner-Harry. And I’m not a fan of that. I don’t read Harry Potter fan fiction just because of one character. I’m more interested in the interactions among the set of established, non-original characters.
Therefore, this one caught my eye with the concept of Hermione not letting Harry go on his own. I like that Harry tried to leave everybody behind. He, like any teen but more so given his experiences, wants to experience freedom. So, with the extra restrictions placed on him, it only makes sense that he would want to escape to someplace, anyplace, else. And with his sense of honor, and self-doom, he wouldn’t want to endanger anybody else. Nor would he think that he is worthy of anybody sacrificing their time for him. I also liked how he tried to be overly chivalrous and sleep in the tub when Hermione barged in on his room. It showed that he finds her attractive, but again, that he could not be worthy of her attentions. Just as his attempt to ditch her while she showered was in character; to possibly protect her for either the dangers of accompanying him, or simply from his own "perverted" advances.
I really liked the strong Hermione in this story. She isn’t going to sit back and let Harry get away with either running away from people, or himself. I like that she is being forward in trying to open Harry’s eyes to the fact that she is more than willing to be with him. But I also liked how she was panicked when Harry had successfully ditched her. She isn’t quite as confident as she may try to appear.
We’ve been given only one chapter really, yet the potential for the story is very high for me. You’ve set-up a very strong-willed and determined Hermione to help Harry face whatever inner-demons he will try and control over the summer. You’ve given them the money and mobility for freedom. The tent (I like how Hermione put her foot down and demanded a single bedroom) allows them the comfort they could need, and yet continues their absolute freedom.
I also liked that rather than dillydallying, you had Hermione broach the subject of sex very early on. And Harry’s response was true to character. He was leery at first just because Hermione was being so strange. And her response to that was nicely done as well. The one possible complaint I had was their choice of location for their first time. Yeah, I’ve seen the movie in question. And yes, the scene was quite memorable. (But not quite as sensual as when the audience first sees De Mornay's character in my opinion). But, I cannot imagine being on a train, in those seats, for the very first time, as being all that wonderful. Yes, there is an aspect of exhibitionism to it, but still, it seems to be an odd locale for a couple to lose their virginity. But this is a very minor quibble.
I do wonder about Hermione’s parents, though. I imagine that this story starts shortly after the end of the school year. Yet, Hermione leaves a note that her parents won’t see for a couple of days? Didn’t they want the ski trip because they don’t get to spend much time together? I’m just curious if there was going to be some sort of back-story for this throwaway line.
Anyway, I realize that this story may never see completion, but I just wanted to say that I found the set-up to be quite interesting.
Bernd Jacobitz posted a comment on Friday 17th March 2006 11:49pm for London
And in comes Fleur!
a chapter in the very best Kinsfire quality.
I know ever again why I figure you as one of the best.
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Friday 17th March 2006 11:38pm for London
Hermione used the Ole Clue-By-Four on Harry until he Actually Got That Clue. England to France? Try England to *Belgium*. I just hope that Harry doesn't need to hit Ron with a Banishing Hex for *him* to get a clue. I had been thinking that Ron might have had a *small* chance; however, according to Hermione, Ron had No Chance At All. And why would I be hearing either Fleur or Gabrielle in Brussels?
Gustav posted a comment on Friday 17th March 2006 10:14pm for London
LIKED it. Very promising beginning and just the type of fic that I've wanted to read for a while.
I hope that you will finde you muse and continiue writing ..
ArxSerpens posted a comment on Tuesday 21st March 2006 8:40am for London