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John Fitzgerald posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 12:49pm

This is a great chapter. I hope that you will be updating soon. Thanks.

KenF posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 10:42am

Is Scrimmy really as dumb as he looks?

jdcox61 posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 9:06am

I like this storyline that you're following. I've read alot of fanfiction and I love the stories that you've written. it's also pretty hard to find a good harry/Multi that pretty much isn't straight porn. Thanks for the great work!

Gardengirl posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 6:12am

Keith, I'm really enjoying this. I did notice that you named HG's parents after yourselves - is there something you need to share with us??? Thanks so much, and happy NaNo!

James Barber posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 5:50am

What the hell does that idiot scrimasshole think hes doing, what do you mean there is no law that recinds it, hell the law has been abolished so what law are you talking about you fucking idiot! I think its time to start the revolution by killing aurors!

IssaBissa posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 5:34am

Very great job!!!! I loved it!!!! Keep up the great work!!!! YOu are doing a fabulous job!!!!

matthiasblack posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 5:28am

Intriguing little chapter. I wonder what the plans for Isabella are, a mistress? No matter as your work is great and I find that I can't wait for another chapter. Keep up the good work.

Particle_Accelerator posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 4:35am

Interesting chapter, but PLEASE don't add Ginny back into the mix. Too much of a head case in my opinion

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 3:49am

Exciting! Will the aurors be smart? Or will they be returned in little pieces? The revolution certainly looks like it's heating up. Looking forward to the next chapter.

Just a complaint - the constant "sorry"s from the Weasleys is repetitious.

Thanks for writing this.

Tom A.

imakeeper posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 3:49am

sweet its so fun!i love hating the ministry and crap!

MononWalker posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 3:44am

Nothing much to say, Kins, except ...

Great job.

I had forgotten that it was the rings that were charmed for their connection. I was wondering why he couldn't hear the ladies until I read him putting it back on and hearing and feeling them again that I rememberd.

Looks like you're closing in on the 50K and the story has a lot more to go. Sure you are gonna be able to do two this month.

Again, great job. Looking forward to the conclusion.

Illusia posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 3:04am

I'm all for growing up, sharing, forgiving and forgetting and even nice five and some. I even though with Hermione that 'hey, she's changed. Might be ooc but fun.' And their children wathing them having a go at it, very kinky and so free love seventies. But Ginny I don't understand.
Doesn't Harry care about his family? Cause sometimes happy=boundaries. He's acting so... flippant about what they do and with whom. As if loosing them wouldn't effect him a bit.

morriganscrow posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 2:39am

Darling Kinsfire,
This is a totally fab story, and the tongue-in-cheek, incredibly dry humour and sexy by-play is wonderful!
Waiting on the edge of my seat for the next update.

Alex00 posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 2:24am

Nicely done.

Crys posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 2:10am

Most definitely a strange mix of morality. Sleeping around (with and without permission) seems to be fine. Yet everyone is always feeling guilty over it. The dichotomy of this is confusing me. I'm not explaining this well, but I think you see where it's going.

Anyway, the action and intrigue is as good as ever. Fun story.

Patricia Lee Finley posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 1:59am

So, who can say..."Shot heard around the world," seven times real fast?

DrT posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 1:09am

Wow, and I thought the Ministry in my stories was run by idiots. . . .


Kinsfire replied:

But isn't it a truism about the people at the top?   The scene I've just written in the next chapter has Rufus making a really bad decision, based off his Auror instincts...and NOT his political ones

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 1:09am

Oh this should be bloody brilliant. Scrimgeour is trying to assert the Ministries authority by sticking to his guns on an illegal and unjust law that should have been struck down, and wasn't even a law, just a ridiculous edict that Umbridge pushed through. The whole house of cards is about to come tumbling down and most of the ministry is to stupid to realize it or see why. I find it interesting that the goblin issue (the books) hasn't been mentioned. I can see that being a great leverage point soon. If your on the ministries side, no business with Gringots.

Amamama posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2006 1:08am

Wheee! I admit that I find this story incredibly fun to read. Fast-paced with a wonderful Harry at the wheel, or maybe I should rather say "with the major wand?"
So, I wonder, what will the Aurors' answer to the 64000 galleon question be? Will they win the pot, or lose it all? Thankfully I won't need to wait too long to find out.

DJ Rodriguez posted a comment on Monday 13th November 2006 11:23pm

Hmmm... interesting. Harry and his ladies are more resourceful then I was led to believe. The powderkeg was the trial, and the spark was Harry going to Azkaban. I have to say, he's pretty good at holding up on his own.

Harry's doing the right thing. The Ministry is so caught up in authority and "rightousness" that it turns a blind eye and apathy soul to the people that are in real need of help. That new Minister... I like to see him get eaten by Raptors.

Thanks for the update. Keep it up!