By Kinsfire
Ron posted a comment on Saturday 4th November 2006 7:54pm
Damn, Keith, how long are you going to let Umbitch live? Or rather, how long is Harry going to? They have PROOF that she kidnapped and possibly maimed a child. Under those circumstances, the Ministry wouldn't be standing!
James Barber posted a comment on Saturday 4th November 2006 7:49pm
I think its time that Harry Potter declare war on umbitch! she is a kidnapper. I would if I were him break in grab her and use veritaserum on her to find my daughter, then kill the bitch! and as far as the new order of illegitmate marriages hell he doesnt even live in british isles on that island of his.
Beau Wolff posted a comment on Saturday 4th November 2006 7:06pm
Congratulations: you've made me hate her even more than I did already. >.<
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Saturday 4th November 2006 6:58pm
Now *that* was Downright Asinine of her. (Umbridge, I mean.) Like that law is gonna hold up? She avoided admitting to kidnapping, even though *all* the evidence points to her, and she is at least partially complicit in Fudge's murder. She has basically set herself up for *at minimum* removal for cause, followed by a rather nasty trial. Now I wonder what Team Harry has in store for the Toad.
agent fisher posted a comment on Saturday 4th November 2006 6:46pm
Well, thats simply solved. Move out of Britian, get married in a country that doesnt have any sort of restriction, and keep his childern out of Britian.
Once doing that, come back and bring down the Wrath of Potter (tm) upon her head.
RoseKelly1021 posted a comment on Saturday 4th November 2006 6:19pm
Oh she is dead...Can I watch her die?
More soon and kill her soon. :-)
MercuryBlue posted a comment on Saturday 4th November 2006 6:18pm
As if we don't all know exactly who Umbridge is targeting with that. Something tells me that there are precisely five British citizens affected, discounting the children.
DJ posted a comment on Saturday 4th November 2006 5:27pm
Why does he not just Bhead the bi*ch and get it over with? LOL Keep it up grate work.
wackey posted a comment on Saturday 4th November 2006 4:53pm
I don't think Umbitch is going to survive this one!
There is going to be a greasy spot where she use to be.
MaryJane6707 posted a comment on Saturday 4th November 2006 12:36pm
Well, I have a feeling that was the easy part. It is so typical of Draco to be such a stupid prat. I am worried about Harry's baby girl now!
KenF posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 11:44pm
And they say violence never solves anything. Of course, if the ministry is still as corrupt as ever, Dork Lard Basselope will be out of jail before dinner.
BJH posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 11:26pm
You know, I think I might have overlooked a possiblelevel of complexity in this story.
If Harry's daughter was kidnapped by representatives of the Ministry to force him into fightinng Harry is going toreact, rather strongly, against the Ministry in response. The Goblins are strongly sided with Harry.
Could you be leeding us into another Goblin rebellion, this time led by a Wizard? And will it entail House Elves and other beings?
BJH posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 4:35pm
Ah, so the Ministry kidnapped Lorelei in order to lure Harry into fighting their battle. But exactly who did it?
And how do Bill and Charlie fit into this?
And I'm sure that you haven't finished with Ginny yet.
P.S. A vibrating rubber chicken-shaped dildo... There just might be a market for that.
Oldwolf posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 3:00pm
Ok, there is going to be blood on the moon, quite possibly literally, for this one. That Auror is going to have so many people who want them dead, they will be exceptionally lucky if they *only* end up a greasy smear on the landscape.
morriganscrow posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 12:48pm
Ah Malfoy! You poor, pathetic, gonad-deprived wanker.
Please post again soon as this is a pearler of a story.
Deborahsu posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 11:14am
Okay, okay! Update before the suspense kills me, please??? I do enjoy your stories so!
matthiasblack posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 10:27am
Oooohhh, man I want him to get his little girl and I want her home now. Good luck with the next chapter and your other fics.
n4zhg posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 10:19am
And the plot sickens...
The Resident posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 9:04am
Oops! Draco made a big boo-boo. The Auror made a bigger one. Now that Auror has Harry and the Twins and the head of the DMLE on their case. This does not bode well for that individual's continued good health (or existence for that matter). Excellent chapter. I'm looking forward to more soon.
Tarkas posted a comment on Saturday 4th November 2006 8:00pm
Kinsfire replied: