Content Harry Potter Trixie Belden Star Trek: TNG My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


Slytherin66 posted a comment on Monday 25th January 2010 6:07pm for A Return to Hogwarts

Very enjoyable chapter an unexpected turn of events with Ron, I look forward to the next chapter of this excellent story.

Melferd posted a comment on Monday 25th January 2010 5:54pm for A Return to Hogwarts

I do so adore the fact that Harry is finally the luckiest Wizard alive despite the mindfuck that is his life.

James Barber posted a comment on Monday 25th January 2010 5:48pm for A Return to Hogwarts

Excellent update on the last three chapters! I really like the way this is going and how about bringing luna in on it too!!!

gadriam posted a comment on Monday 25th January 2010 5:07pm for A Return to Hogwarts

I *knew* checking this site one more time would pay off. I guess i should have written some form of verbal kowtow for the previous two, but i just couldn't stop reading. I'm very happy about the absence of angst so far and just like in your previous works, Harry lives in a nice world of easy and immediate life choices. I recognise the bright colours and wide strokes of "phoenix" and "Burning", and some of the subtleties in your character development from "Paradigm" but this story has more things understated and there's a feel to the people involved that makes them seem more real, albeit slightly cartoonish. I'm not reading Harry Potter Fanfiction because I'm so in love with reality, after all.


slashslut posted a comment on Monday 25th January 2010 4:27pm for A Return to Hogwarts

oh, i cant WAIT for snape to get busted *mwahhahahaha*

Charles Newton posted a comment on Monday 25th January 2010 4:26pm for A Return to Hogwarts

Excellent story; from what I remember of the original, you've tightened up the time line and cleared up some points I had...'course, with my memory, I'm probably missing out on more (Heavy sigh).
Like the attitude Ron's taking; he and Neville will be major playres, I think, and Ginny may be redeemable.
And dear, sweet, SEXY Luna... Maybe Harry can afford a fourth wife under yet another Name?
Waiting, as always, for more most impatiently...

Riegert8 posted a comment on Monday 25th January 2010 4:19pm for A Return to Hogwarts

Very Good Chapter

Carol Layland posted a comment on Monday 25th January 2010 4:11pm for A Return to Hogwarts

A very nice chapter just not enough of it.
Carol Layland

Hemotem posted a comment on Monday 25th January 2010 4:07pm for A Return to Hogwarts

Once again you have proved your masterful works in writing for what you have done so far and I look forward to seeing more of this in the future.


Crys posted a comment on Monday 25th January 2010 3:53pm for A Return to Hogwarts

Let the fireworks commence . . . Ought to be fun to watch.

Gotta get Cho into the "protected zone" (which is anything but if all the faculty of the school are out for your blood). Make them work a bit to get to the Ravenclaw.

"Headmaster, with his wives, he's incapable of becoming the Dark Lord of the prophecy you denied him. Now, if he isn't, then who do you suppose it could be?"

Looking forward to more.

LeprechaunJV posted a comment on Monday 25th January 2010 1:42pm for A Return to Hogwarts

Update soon! Next chapter should be interesting read......
Pity Remus is Dumbledore's stooge..... You sure he and tonks not under imperius.