Wishful Thinking
The Marauders' Playground
By Kinsfire
Patches posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 6:01pm for The Marauders' Playground
Harry is a lot more forgiviing that anyone else.
He is giving Dumbledore a chance in the future to redeem himself with Harry. Lily and James are not as forgiving. I was surprised that Madam Bones was so prejudiced against werewolves. I was also surprised when James let Remus in Harry's room as a werewolf. I guess they trust the wolfsbane potion to do its job. At least Harry was able to tell his parents some of the things that happened to him at the Durseley's. That was hard. It looks like Lily and Dobby taking revenge on Snape has backfired. The Grangers are vulnerable and Voldemort would relish hurting Harry through Hermione. What a terrible thing for Snape to do. I look forward to more of this story. pms
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 4:58pm for The Marauders' Playground
Oh, my! I wonder if Severus realizes just what he might unleash by having Hermione's parents killed? I can see matters becoming ugly all around if that happens. A good chapter with some additions to what had been posted before. I can't wait to see where you take this one.
J User posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 4:04pm for The Marauders' Playground
This will be long for an ffa.net review, and yet both lighter than and inferior to the reviews by the esteemed David R. Henry which inspired it (thank you, drh); it focuses on only one character. Nonetheless, with the prophecy's wording now confirmed, it's time to play the Moron Game!
Albus Dumbledore, Why Are You A Moron?
You have lied, cheated, threatened, betrayed, and knowingly sent an innocent man to what may very well have been a fate worse than death. (It's very likely that you bear most of the responsibility for his actual death, too, but we don't have definite evidence of that yet.) Your justification for all of this comes down to one line of prophecy: "And forged in the fires of adversity, he will be the One to vanquish the Dark Lord..."
Any halfway competent Divination teacher - not that Hogwarts has one of those, thanks again to you - can tell you that a genuine prophecy will always come true. Never try to stop, deny, change, avoid or redirect a prophecy: it won't work, and it's very likely that in trying, you'll seal your own fate. If you think you've succeeded, you probably just interpreted the prophecy wrongly in the first place.
But bypassing that point for the moment, the line has two parts. So, when does Harry finish being "forged in the fires of adversity"? Was it when he lead his friends to save his godfather after a school year of being vilified, humiliated and tortured? Was it one of the several times he's faced Voldemort at Hogwarts, where more often than not he'd spent much of the school year being looked down on by most of the other students? Was it even earlier, when he first came to Hogwarts, and made the first true friends of his life? Whenever it was, sending Harry back to the Dursleys after their purpose was done was indefensible.
The Jesuits have a saying, attributed to Saint Ignatius: "Give me a child until he is seven, and I will give you the man." It's a very good thing for the magical world that this was not true in the case of Vernon Dursley and Harry Potter, despite your best efforts.
Of course, you can't really be sure the prophecy has been fulfilled until Harry "vanquishes" Voldemort, can you? (I'll be generous and skip the possibility that Voldemort is not in fact the Dark Lord in question.) So, what exactly does that mean? "Vanquish" is a much less permanent term than you might think; it doesn't even mean "kill", much less "defeat forever". If we're being nice to you, we might allow it to mean "defeat decisively", which is still stronger than its plain meaning - but even then, Quidditch teams vanquish their opponents on a regular bases.
So, maybe Harry vanquished Voldemort when he won the brother wands confrontation in the Little Hangleton graveyard. He certainly vanquished the memory of Tom Riddle in the Chamber of Secrets. He almost certainly vanquished Voldemort, who was possessing Professor Quirrel, in his first year at Hogwarts. Heck, he vanquished Voldemort back in 1981 - if having his family's house burn around him counts as "the fires of adversity", then the entire prophecy was resolved way back then, and all your manipulations and cruelty were completely unnecessary. Man, wouldn't that be a downer?
But it's worse than that, and since you allegedly know about prophecies, you should know this already. A genuine prophecy will come true, and that applies to all of it. Your justification - your precious excuse for ruining lives - is not conditional. "And forged in the fires of adversity, he will be the One to vanquish the Dark Lord..." - there are no ifs, buts or maybes about it. The one who the prophecy describes [i]will[/i] be born as the seventh month dies, he [i]will[/i] be forged in the fires of adversity, and he [i]will[/i] be the one to vanquish the Dark Lord. His victory, though it may come at a terrible cost, is already assured; nothing you or Voldemort can do will change that.
Some day, your actions will catch up to you, and you will have to face the full consequences of what you've done; what you see now is merely the start. But in the meantime, just leave.
(And let someone else take over as Headmaster of Hogwarts. You're clearly neither competent nor trustworthy enough to hold the position.)
in-kinsfire posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 3:08pm for The Marauders' Playground
Ouch. Snape is really a SOB. Dumbledore isn't much better, and really, are there not better ways to forge than abuse?
I was going to ask why Snape didn't share the news about the Potter parents, but then I guess Voldemort kinda already knew he didn't kill them--though they might have died that night through something that happened after Voldemort died.
Please continue.
EricThorsen posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 2:56pm for The Marauders' Playground
Snape will die. It will be interesting to see how, but that idiot just sealed his own fate. Sad really. I like this story, at least what I've read so far. It will be interesting to see if you can keep the same feel the original had when you write your parts for it. Good luck.
Decumo9 posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 2:53pm for The Marauders' Playground
Yo, my first time reviewing on this site. Well, i know that the first 8 chapters are not yours, but don't you think that Madam Bones's character is acting oddly. We know from the books that Bones is quite level headed and non-biased.
00_Knight posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 2:43pm for The Marauders' Playground
Amelia Bones as a bigot! Thats outrageous, I just can't see it... even in fanfiction! Devious Dumbledore, Evil Ron, Nice Draco, and a Caring Snape I can live with but to portray Ameila Bones as a racist... unbelievable! I know this story wasn't originally yours Kinsfire, but... it just doesn't fit! ( looks out window and pigs are flying... Watches the weather information for Hell and sees -30 degrees farenhight!) Anyway, I'm looking forward to your spin on this story, so until the next update!
MaryJane6707 posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 2:32pm for The Marauders' Playground
Oh crap!! Now she will be the orphan. Hermione will be devestated! I do so hope she will turn to Harry for comfort. Snape will get his in the end. They should have known he would do that. He is to petty, not to take revenge.
LoggingInSucksAss posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 2:22pm for The Marauders' Playground
No matter how things turn out with the Grangers, I wonder how Dumbledore will manage to justify the actions of Snape this time. And thus your part of the story begins. :)
Oldwolf posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 1:40pm for The Marauders' Playground
Snape's dead. If and when it's found out he was the source of this leak there is little to no chance of Harry and Hermione both killing him.
"An eye for an eye," is how he justifies this blatant betrayal. Guess he's forgotten just how many eyes he's taken from Harry. So far Lily has repaid his blatant assault on her son's mind and Dobby has humiliated him at most three times. By the logic Snape is using, we're not even through the first class of his that Harry was in.
Ronnie McMains posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 12:48pm for The Marauders' Playground
Correction: The poem you had Remus quoting (_Lily's Return_, chapter 2) was called 'The Female of the Species'. The rest of my previous review stands.
Ronnie McMains posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 12:45pm for The Marauders' Playground
So...just how many pieces will Harry be leaving Snape in if the Grangers are attacked? He'll realize that the only way Moldy will have known is if someone in the Order told him, and he wouldn't look very far at all for a spy...
For that matter, will he just leave Snivellus for Hermione? I don't Kipple much any more, but I'm sure it was you that had Remus quoting 'Deadlier than the Male'.
I'm so glad that this story is going to be continued! I'd been waiting (and waiting, and waiting) for Liz (I understand she's had problems, and I sympathize), because this is just too good a story to be abandoned. Keep up the good work!
riegert8 posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 12:43pm for The Marauders' Playground
It sad that Dumbledore is going to get away with his crimes and he so un caring that he don't mind what Harry was forced to give up
Melferd posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 12:35pm for The Marauders' Playground
Oh man this will not end well. Heinlein was right, NEVER kick a man in the balls unless you kill him right after.
More, soon, please???
Thanks again for taking this story and running...can't wait to see what's next!!
a_wanderer posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 12:29pm for The Marauders' Playground
Hmmm, I truly don't know what to say. Their treatment of Snape will cost them.
redjacobson posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 11:17am for The Marauders' Playground
The only thing I want to comment on; it seems unusual to see Amelia presented in an unfavorable light, she always seems to be on the side of the angels.
So, clear this up; who got to Snape first; was it Dobby or Lily? I'm still unclear on the timeline.
Looking forward to where you take this story
Robert Cook posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 11:12am for The Marauders' Playground
Once again, very glad that you are taking on this tale. And thank you for correcting the minor continuity error in the original. This works much better. Can't wait for the next chapter. Hopefully the Granger's will be fine, and Snape's treachery will be discovered. Can't wait to find out what is wrong with Amelia. Was that really a polyjuiced Umbridge, or was Amelia under an Imperious?
DJ posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 11:07am for The Marauders' Playground
Snape MUST DIE!!!!!!!!! But cut his balls off first. I know this part was Liz Harrison but why is Bones so up there a*s and are you gong to keep that going? I look foward to seing what you do with this.
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 10:35am for The Marauders' Playground
I hope that Harry sees this in a dream and Helps Hermione's parents. Then they can get rid of Snape and have Lily teach potions.
Thanks for the update
Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 7:35pm for The Marauders' Playground