By Kinsfire
thealphamale posted a comment on Saturday 10th February 2007 2:05pm
I really hope you update this story.
ShadowNixxie posted a comment on Saturday 3rd February 2007 10:57pm
John Fitzgerald posted a comment on Friday 24th November 2006 2:44pm
I really Wish that you would continue this story. I was really enjoying it. Thanks.
John Fitzgerald posted a comment on Saturday 23rd September 2006 4:58pm
I wish that you would continue this story. THanks.
DaZZa posted a comment on Wednesday 20th September 2006 3:02pm
Damn shame you abandoned this one. I was really enjoying it.
Minerva Granger posted a comment on Thursday 24th August 2006 5:21pm
I think I just might have a few Ideas for this series. It's a pity you Abandoned it, but would you mind terribly if someone else had a shot at working on it? I can think of a few interesting situations, and there are a few suggestions made earlier on, which I would love to see eventuate.
potterfrkintx posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd August 2006 8:45pm
oh my god!! Have you ever written erotica? I don't know if it's just me or if it's the way you write cuz I have a stiffy after that chapter. PLEASE update soon!! I know you have other fics in the works, but PUHLEASE update soon. :)
Puck posted a comment on Tuesday 18th July 2006 6:53am
Ya need to continue this PLEASE
Josh6 posted a comment on Friday 30th June 2006 11:30pm
awesome chapter, youir doing a really good job with the story
Tim T.M. posted a comment on Thursday 22nd June 2006 4:48am
hi Kinsfire
I have read all your sotry here. In fact i have read them so many time i am starting to memeris them. so pleas finch this story and the others befor going bonker!
Tim T.M. posted a comment on Wednesday 14th June 2006 9:36am
Kinfire i am new to this site. and you are dring me up a wall. i like what i am reading but by the dates on the stores you have not been doing a lot of writing .So pleas finch or at lest write a little fast :) . Tim
Ken Warner posted a comment on Tuesday 6th June 2006 2:07pm
just re-read this for the 3rd or 4th time and enjoyed jsut as much, if not a little more than the others\great work and much appreciated.
David M. Potter posted a comment on Wednesday 31st May 2006 11:55pm
Bravo! I love this fic. I hope it is updated soon.
jarno posted a comment on Thursday 18th May 2006 7:59pm
update update update ists a good fic
kalee posted a comment on Sunday 30th April 2006 4:31am
oh my god i loved it if you have any more mature-adult only harry/hermione please e-mail them or the links to me at your a great writer
MtthwDncn posted a comment on Wednesday 19th April 2006 4:52pm
I've read this story a few times and I really like it. I can't wait for either an update or for you to rewrite it, like you did with It Started One Summer which i personally think is going much better than the first.
Life's a Dance posted a comment on Thursday 6th April 2006 8:55am
Are you going to update this?
Mariposa posted a comment on Thursday 30th March 2006 9:32am
About the most expressive I get is biting my lower lip.
LOL! That was so good! And your writing is too hot! This is my first day reading this and I can't wait to read more!
Elle T posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 5:21pm
loveit so far
ill read the rest wheni get back form my walk with my dad and siblings
budda posted a comment on Friday 23rd February 2007 8:30pm