Content Harry Potter Trixie Belden Star Trek: TNG My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


James Benfield posted a comment on Sunday 30th April 2006 2:16am for Proofs and Information Gathering

Great chapter! I love this story, it's to bad you only write on it when you are stuck on other things.


Mariposa posted a comment on Sunday 30th April 2006 12:46am for Proofs and Information Gathering

Interesting chapter. The beginning seemed a bit choppy and rushed. Why isn't Lily surprised or sad that Sirius has died? Harry being a horcrux for Lily is an intresting idea but she didn't have to tell everyone she sleeps without pajamas, even in jest. I think it would have been more interesting for her to spring it to him in private. I think for once you rushed the sexual tension a bit. Seriously, Harry would be too shocked his mum was back to even start to think of how beautiful she is until he is just a bit more grounded. Ok so she may have a sence time has passed but, she should also be on cloud 9 to be back with her boy again. You did the protective mum bit great though. And I loved Remus reciting the poem. And I know Tonks is in the room but she's been too quiet. I like the general direction the story is going and I think, at least, Lily was an Unspeakable since there's that room in the DoM that is filled with the "power of love" or something and she obviously studied the old magicks to give Harry that protection. Good "palet cleansing" story and I'm always happy to see an update from you

Mari :oD

Alcatras posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 11:42pm for Proofs and Information Gathering

Too bad you update this sotry so iregularly because it as good as your other ones.

Bernd Jacobitz posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 10:14pm for Proofs and Information Gathering

nice, a bit to open ended for my liking. It offers quite a few story lines however.

Soldier posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 9:43pm for Proofs and Information Gathering

He gave this story under Harry/Lily pairing, so it has to be incest.

Tom Pearson1 posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 9:39pm for Proofs and Information Gathering

I'm glad to read another chapter of this. I know it's just your 'filler' hobby, but it is enjoyable to read. Keep up the good work!

Coolone007 posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 9:28pm for Proofs and Information Gathering

So far a great start. Will Lily actually ever regenerate? Or are they forever stuck together? Will this be a Siriuse Lily fic? I am glad you are not taking an incest rought... ye from teh looks of it. I wish you would update this one though it is a nice story.

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 9:19pm for Proofs and Information Gathering

A very good chapter. I like this story and if I haven't reviewed before I'm sorry. I will be able to keep up now. I applaud Harry's caution. It wouldn't be the first time that Death Eaters infiltrated the Unspeakables. Thank you for writing. pms

EricThorsen posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 7:11pm for Proofs and Information Gathering

Wow... interesting beginning. The stage direction thing was unneccesary, and confusing, but the rest of the story so far was pretty good... keep up the good work.

vertru posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 5:49pm for Proofs and Information Gathering

Whoa, that was just too damn cool Keith. That is what I call a chapter ending. Very nicely done chapter. I know this is a side project to all the others, but I wouldn't mind seeing it continue. :) But then I think that about the other 8 as well, hint hint.


cdog21 posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 5:10pm for Proofs and Information Gathering

You know I never expected this story to be updated, but now that you have I really really want to find out what happens next. Which makes me sad because you don't update this like you do the other ones.

AzureSky posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 4:32pm for Proofs and Information Gathering

Nice chapter, a little short though.

Prince Charon posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 3:56pm for Proofs and Information Gathering

Paranoid, isn't he? I don't blame him, thou, he's got good reason.

Very interesting.

Ken Warner posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 3:05pm for Proofs and Information Gathering

fabulous chapter - thanks so much for the full text of Kipling - while I have trouble with the accent I love his work.

Nice to see Dumbledore finally learning something - although I agree with Hermione that he is getting off lightly.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 2:32pm for Proofs and Information Gathering

Ohh, now it starts getting interesting and we start finding out that Lily was rather more than most knew. This is going to be a most interesting story to follow.

Nanio posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 2:06pm for Proofs and Information Gathering


John Pinkston posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 2:00pm for Proofs and Information Gathering

This story is interesting. It has a much different tone than I am used to reading, mostly because it is hard to write, which says something about your writing. Keep up the good work.

David Thacker posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 1:53pm for Proofs and Information Gathering

That was great just one thing and that is I am confused about the ship now.With the remarks by Ginny and Hermione and what was hinted at by kinsfire I do not know what shipe this is.

jbbowen1988 posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 1:11pm for Proofs and Information Gathering

I don't know. They seem too accepting of Lily's rising from the dead. They seem too comfortable with her

AmeSuisei/AdronTaltos/CarlOort posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 1:07pm for Proofs and Information Gathering

Bout Time you updated this! :-p
great chapter...
i loved the so called test..
harry just going completely on the defensive...
and t'wards the deep end...
also enjoyed the kipling...
he was a tad long winded of a poet but a good writer..