Like A Phoenix From The Ashes
Chapter 18
By Kinsfire
Robin Westerly posted a comment on Saturday 4th November 2006 4:05am for Chapter 18
Thank you,
so much
John Fitzgerald posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 1:40am for Chapter 18
That was a great story. Thanks.
Anaknisatanas posted a comment on Wednesday 1st November 2006 2:15pm for Chapter 18
YAY!!! I loved this story so much and am so happy to see it finished. Personally I can't wait for the sequel. I love how Severus and Harry are on friendly terms and that Albus is now filling a grandfather role for Harry. I can't wait to see Harry's kids born (if that will happen in the sequel).
I'm curious about what happened to Draco and Narcissa and also if Remus and Tonks will get married. It would be interesting for Hermione or Harry and Severus to come up with a psuedo-cure for Remus.
Will Harry possibly become a teacher? Or is it possible for all his wives to become teachers or researchers or something of that nature? I think Harry would make a good Headmaster, just based on how much the castle likes him.
I was sad to not see any more of Remus or Tonks or Dobby. It also would have been nice to see more involvement with the goblins.
I loved the claymore explanation and how well Harry and his wives got things together. Nice twist having the Dark Tiddler (good nickname by the way) come up through the Chamber. Including Myrtle was also a very nice touch.
The Resident posted a comment on Wednesday 1st November 2006 10:27am for Chapter 18
An excellent story (as always). I had a good laugh at the second to last paragraph. I'd give good money to see that pensive memory myself. Keep up the excellent writing. I'll be eagerly awaiting Burning Day.
KenF posted a comment on Wednesday 1st November 2006 10:20am for Chapter 18
You made it! Congratulations! I enjoyed this story quite a lot, thanks for sharing it with us.
IssaBissa posted a comment on Wednesday 1st November 2006 4:22am for Chapter 18
A very good ending to a very good story!!!! I loved it!!!!! You are such a wonderful writer and I always love to read your work! Keep it up!!!!
scott2 posted a comment on Tuesday 31st October 2006 6:55pm for Chapter 18
enjoyed this chapter but will be rereading the entire thing in one sitting sooner rather then later :)
djo posted a comment on Tuesday 31st October 2006 6:19pm for Chapter 18
Grande finale - looking forward to the sequel
Joshua Starnes posted a comment on Tuesday 31st October 2006 9:07am for Chapter 18
Of all of your fics, this one is probably the best.
Shadow High Angel posted a comment on Tuesday 31st October 2006 9:00am for Chapter 18
Love the way you chose to wind up the story and i am very happy there will be a sequel, can't wait to begin reading it.
Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Tuesday 31st October 2006 5:07am for Chapter 18
Nice wrap up. Good job.
Hope you get into a habit of finishing more stories (ducks and runs).
Thank you for creating this, and sharing your time, talent, and imagination with us.
Tom A.
Teresa Lynne posted a comment on Tuesday 31st October 2006 4:25am for Chapter 18 was great to see Harry and his family starting to pick up their lives after the well deserved end of the Dark Tiddler and company! I'm looking forward to the sequel! Thanks for the story!
David M. Potter posted a comment on Tuesday 31st October 2006 3:28am for Chapter 18
What a wonderful story! Bravo!!!!
matthiasblack posted a comment on Tuesday 31st October 2006 2:55am for Chapter 18
I enjoyed the story and am excited at a new story from you. Great job.
morriganscrow posted a comment on Tuesday 31st October 2006 1:28am for Chapter 18
A totally excellent ending to a totally excellent novel.
I'm awaiting the sequel with immense anticip........ation.
Thanks for the several wonderful hours of reading, it was a joy.
Charles Slone posted a comment on Tuesday 31st October 2006 1:16am for Chapter 18
cool man, cool
raul posted a comment on Tuesday 31st October 2006 1:13am for Chapter 18
Nick5 posted a comment on Tuesday 31st October 2006 12:52am for Chapter 18
Cool, and good ender.
DJ posted a comment on Tuesday 31st October 2006 12:45am for Chapter 18
O Cool a sequel glad to hear it this was a grate story. Thanks for all the hard work.
Bobboky posted a comment on Saturday 4th November 2006 4:21pm for Chapter 18