Like A Phoenix From The Ashes
Chapter 12
By Kinsfire
Jennifer posted a comment on Thursday 29th September 2005 2:58pm for Chapter 12
I was so mad at you when I thought you had killed off the 4.
But you redeemed yourself.
I had previously only read the Epilogue and Chapter 1, I am very glad that I did.
I can't wait for the next chapters.
FenrisWolf posted a comment on Thursday 29th September 2005 2:38pm for Chapter 12
Nice chapter; hmmm, Andromeda's husband wouldn't happen to be named Lancelot, or 'Lance' for short, would he?
Greg posted a comment on Thursday 29th September 2005 1:40pm for Chapter 12
Great Chapter! I like that he denied Narcissa's marriage and then disowned her. That is awesome! :-) Poor Draco... not. Keep up the good work and update again soon.
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Thursday 29th September 2005 12:19pm for Chapter 12
Very nice, though the chapter seemed to move in a hurry, but that was because a lot happened in it. Bonus points for one of the more creative uses of a summoning charm I've ever seen. I'm curious how the students of Hogwarts are going to react when the truth comes out, especially when taken in the context of Harry's statements to Mr. Corner. The confrontation with the aurors was brilliant, again, I'm curious to see what happens when the truth outs. Outstanding work, thank you.
BJH posted a comment on Thursday 29th September 2005 12:11pm for Chapter 12
Something tells me that Lance is Mr. Tonk's name.
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Thursday 29th September 2005 11:39am for Chapter 12
Andromeda's Comment refers *specifically* to Lucius' *lack* of armament compared to Ted Tonks (however, the Squeak we heard from a certain Sexy Auror points out that our friendly neighborhood werewolf has nothing to be ashamed of in HIS armory). (Lest we forget, Andromeda and Lucius were in Hogwarts at around the same time as Sirius' older brother Regulus Black *and* Ted Tonks.)
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Thursday 29th September 2005 11:29am for Chapter 12
Well, I was *wrong*. It was *Narcissa and Draco* (rather than Bella and Draco) that tried to pull that evil prank. Andromeda and the NymphaDarling are officially reinstated into the family, Bellatrix is killed in self-defense (attempted patricide) and Narcissa has her marriage to Lucius denied *and* she is ejected from the Black Family (along with Draco) for the same offense. (Patricide, in the legal sense, is the killing of the male Family Head; if the victim is the female head of a Family, the crime would be matricide.) Claymores and Schooners should be alloys of platinum and titanium, respectively (both are *noble metals*, and both have higher values per troy ounce than gold, with titanium having a higher value per troy ounce than platinum). Given the sheer amount of gold in circulation in wizarding Britain alone, it would be surprising NOT to have platinum and titanium used in coinage for various reasons; however two major ones stand out: Given that the goblins are THE source of all wizarding coinage, and that both platinum and titanium themselves are often discovered in the same mines as gold, though in much smaller quantities, as wizarding wealth concentrates, it would behoove the goblins to start recovering the noble metals in circulation; the second being an aphorism that is equally true in the Muggle world (Waste Not, Want Not).
David posted a comment on Thursday 29th September 2005 10:10am for Chapter 12
Another good chapter. I really liked the Diagon alley scenes and the final meeting with the Malfoys. Looking forward to what happens next.
Adam posted a comment on Thursday 29th September 2005 8:30pm for Chapter 12