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charleh posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 9:18am for It's A Girl!

nice reference to Genius

Fishburne posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 8:40am for It's A Girl!

Hagrid has dug the way nothing
on I really animal Hermione.
compared Harry describe to
you had husbandry you.

Scrambled Fish

Fishburne posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 8:37am for It's A Girl!

I think the appropriate question is:

If you are such a fine author, why do you write childrens fiction? Can't you be a little more adult? <Sniff> Why must you torture Harry so? <Bwaaaaaaaah>

Raw Fish

Fishburne posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 8:36am for It's A Girl!


Sweet. You said bushy.

Baked Fish

MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 5:26am for It's A Girl!

I wonder what was on the paper that Harry made disapear. No one will never know.


Alorkin posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 5:13am for It's A Girl!

That was sweet. Por Harry, being put on tarrget like that. Hwerrmioone is a logical and reasonable girl, and in this instance, she really wants Harry to tell her the truth. Actually for the ship, it would be H/Hr. There's nothing in 'ship' tthat requirres sex. (That just makes it more fun!)

Kinsfire replied:

I saw it as "None" because it's really PRIOR to them starting a relationship. Even at the end, it's a situation where they're agreeing that it's a possibility, but neither is going to push for it at the moment. If I wanted to create one called 'pre-ship', I'd put it there.

CoyoteScion posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 4:59am for It's A Girl!

little short for my taste but well written all around.

Christopher Patton posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 4:05am for It's A Girl!

Nice story and I would agree with the six inch spike comment, as well as Hermione/Emma is just plain sexy and is getting more so as the years go by.

The Resident posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 3:31am for It's A Girl!

A truly touching piece. Thank you for sharing it.

Prince Charon posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 3:16am for It's A Girl!


Orion posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 1:32am for It's A Girl!

Would "Real Genius" be one of Hermione's favorite films? It seems like it would be something she'd like, though i doubt it's the only movie out there with the comment about the railroad spike.

Gardengirl posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 1:23am for It's A Girl!

That's one of my favorite movies of all time, too!


Hagrid posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 12:46am for It's A Girl!

The ship is None? Unlike that shipwreck that JKR left us with, I think this one stands a chance to actually float. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Ginny is a lovely child. The problem is, so is Ron. Molly has done her best to freeze them both at about 12 yers old. Harry has said that the Weasleys are as close to family as he ever had. That having been said, can you picture Harry in a real relationship with his 12 year old sister? Galloping gargoyles I should hope not.

DrT posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 12:44am for It's A Girl!

I really enjoyed this little fic.


freakyfinger posted a comment on Wednesday 14th February 2007 12:18am for It's A Girl!

When I first read the title, I thought it was talking about a child being born and the healer or someone saying, "It's a Girl!"

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 11:47pm for It's A Girl!

You know, this was nice, and warm, and really a way that I could see Harry and Hermione speaking with each other. Loved the way this went, and hope that there might be a follow up to this fic one day, just to see what might have come from this conversation.

Brad1 posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 11:38pm for It's A Girl!

i liked the updated version over the original this is much nicer /more polished if you will! and it seems to work better over all! keep up the awesome writing and hopefully you write more to the story line!

Asad posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 10:53pm for It's A Girl!

The title made it seem like the birth of a child was involved and it was the announcement being made, "It's a girl!" :D

DarQuing posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 10:47pm for It's A Girl!

Ppppleeeease tell me this isn't a one-shot? Harry/Hermione stories are somewhat lacking in number and given that this one seems to be just a H/Hr (as opposed to H/Multiple as a fair number of your stories tend to be), I think you should finish it. :)

Adam posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 9:44pm for It's A Girl!

a very nice little story.