Harry Potter and the Paradigm Shift
Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...
By Kinsfire
Nytefyre posted a comment on Thursday 28th February 2013 12:02pm for Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...
This was an interesting take on Albus as the evil overlord. I like Harry getting away, but his friends staying on the East coast for 4 years seems an awful long time. The ending was great, and it was great fun seeing the glimpses in the epilogue, as well as the outtake. Thanks for posting.
keichan2 posted a comment on Sunday 25th November 2012 12:49pm for Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...
Thanks for this story! I really liked it! (and the last "chapter" was funny!)
fuzzyhandcuffs posted a comment on Tuesday 28th February 2012 8:40pm for Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...
Lol i loved this fic especially the outtakes. you are a wonderful writer. keep it up.
jchangpa posted a comment on Friday 18th November 2011 9:17pm for Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...
hi, first let this clear. The story is good, has a lot of bad parts like 25% or more, but if 75% is good then it is good. I see a lot of homosexual treats here and you like or not that was real bad, you can agree with them but you can ´t be encourage them. So I have to almost apply to my rapid reading and omit most of them. Also just in your mind you open a door to a lot of money a stupid jealous and good for nothing prat call Ron Weasle and making it worst during all the story he was gay and sudenly he made Hermione pregnant. I think that basically you like theguy nobody else like and for you Hermione is really stupid. And for god sake this is not a harem story, a harem is 1 guy and a few or a lot of ladies not his thing you write here. But that your problem my problem was reading it and at the send as I write before 75% good is good the rest really suck,try not to insult or destroy your readers with stupid homsexual situation where only you can like them.
Zaion posted a comment on Saturday 20th August 2011 1:24pm for Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...
I have but one thing to say. Harry's special spell? He's summoning raw cesium straight into Voldemort's brain isn't he? Or was he summoning francium? Either is insanely reactive with water, and would easily result in such an explosion.
Dustin Hoeppner posted a comment on Wednesday 21st April 2010 2:27pm for Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...
Very good story. I wish I was as lucky as Harry was.
slashslut posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 12:20am for Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...
one of the most clever evil!dumbledore fics ive read! i was on the edge of my seat the whole way through and my mouth was literally hanging open when the twists were revealed!
Tammy Driver posted a comment on Friday 27th February 2009 2:18am for Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...
Dragon63 posted a comment on Tuesday 18th November 2008 12:19am for Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...
Oh, my! Quite an excellent story. And just how I like my pr0n, with lots of good plot and excellent characters!! The Potter Family, as a variation of the Long Family, was truly inspired, as was Harry's "Dirac Solution" to the Dork Lord... way cool!
One minor quibble - back in Chapter 15 (I think), where Tonks is ranting about that "quack in the tower", obviously referring to Trelawny; the word "quack" is commonly used to mean a totally bogus medical person, whereas "charlatan" would be a more appropriate term for a bogus psychic. Yes, I realize something this minor probably won't be changed since this story has been complete for a while, but thought I would mention it.
And the final out-take... OMG! "Stunt double for Michael Jackson" ?!? Again, truly inspired, in a thoroughly twisted way.
Great story, thanks for sharing it.
Hemotem posted a comment on Sunday 19th October 2008 7:37am for Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...
A great story thank you I like what you did with the girls and even gave Dudly a second chance!?!?! that is a good thing I guess but I thank you again for a great story.
Paulette Kilgore posted a comment on Saturday 9th August 2008 2:42pm for Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...
Wonderful. I really liked the Heinlein-y feel of the story.
tyler5555 posted a comment on Tuesday 5th August 2008 4:04am for Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...
lol thats a cool story
Brad1 posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 3:56pm for Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...
I love the story hope you write a couple chapters of what happened to everybody and their kids! keep up the awesome writing!
181 posted a comment on Wednesday 21st May 2008 2:09pm for Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...
This is the second best piece of pulp fiction I have ever read, just behind John Ringo's Paladin of Shadows series. Quentin Tarantino meets Harry Potter... I love it.
Aelita posted a comment on Saturday 3rd May 2008 2:51am for Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...
I love the outtake and the story is great
Prongs1977 posted a comment on Wednesday 26th March 2008 3:24am for Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...
Prongs1977 posted a comment on Wednesday 26th March 2008 3:19am for Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...
That has to be one of the corniest, strangest, and all around FUNNIEST DAMN THINGS I've ever seen!
Drifter950 posted a comment on Wednesday 9th January 2008 10:56am for Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...
After having read the complete story, this just caps is. Well done!
Definitely going to back up and read more of your work.
May the MUSE be with you!!!
Immortalitis posted a comment on Monday 7th January 2008 4:14am for Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...
Oh, that was GLORIOUS!
What ever happened to Fleur? :D
Sinfield4 posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2018 6:14am for Out-take: Voldemort flubs his lines...