Content Harry Potter Trixie Belden Star Trek: TNG My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


The Resident posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 12:53am for Chapter 16

Thank you for a most enjoyable story. I especially appreciate the fact that you wrapped up the loose ends and provided a 'Happily Ever After' ending. Harry Potter deseerves one if no one else does. As the real Daniel once said, "Magic Rocks!" (and so do you)

jb238 posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd November 2005 7:13am for Chapter 16

"A year after that, Severus bowed to the inevitable and changed his name to Potter, just like the rest of them.":

The events at the start of the story seemed a bit rushed. The rest made up for it however: well written, non-frustrating, unexpected turns of events, some humour to lighten things up.

The erotic scenes were erotic without being nauseating. While pretty detailed, they were never boring or vulgar.

This chapter and the next one were very funny. I think you'd write great humour stories too.