Harry Potter and the Paradigm Shift
Chapter 16
By Kinsfire
loretta537 posted a comment on Monday 26th July 2010 6:39am for Chapter 16
this was a great story
slashslut posted a comment on Friday 25th June 2010 12:44am for Chapter 16
the forgiving dudley and petunia are the only bits of this fic i didn't enjoy. there is absolutely *no* reason that harry shouldn't have hexed them to death and not even thought twice about it after what they did, dudley especially. nope, just not buying that he'd let them off the hook no matter how good he is. he's human.
quaziemoto posted a comment on Sunday 7th February 2010 10:15pm for Chapter 16
Fantastic Story, keep going back to it and rereading it over.
slashslut posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 12:18am for Chapter 16
after what dudley did to harry when they were younger, there is NO way harry should have been making nice with him, not even if dud was supposedly too young to know better. he completely escaped punishment for what he did! that's the only gripe i have about this fic. dud should be had his bits hexed off!
Tammy Driver posted a comment on Friday 27th February 2009 2:15am for Chapter 16
I started laughing, when I read this: happier than a kneazle in a catnip patch.
hex4292 posted a comment on Tuesday 4th November 2008 4:51pm for Chapter 16
That was an awesome story. Granted I don't liker reading slash but fortunately for me you never went into any detail with it. Alot of amazing ideas, I've never read a Dumbledore Dark Lord story at all before.
Carolyn Jinn posted a comment on Wednesday 1st October 2008 12:56am for Chapter 16
This story was very good. I congratulate you on your writing and the descriptions therein.
KEEP UP the writing and PLEASE finish those stories that need to be completed. They should be just as good as the other ones I have read..
mashimaromadness posted a comment on Monday 24th December 2007 6:41am for Chapter 16
This is wonderful. And very nicely tied up. I'm trying to imagine what else you could possibly have written.
biged78 posted a comment on Thursday 8th November 2007 2:42pm for Chapter 16
First off I would like to apologize to you for not reading this story before now. Now I would like to say that I really enjoyed this story.
Kyte posted a comment on Friday 31st August 2007 5:19am for Chapter 16
I liked this last chapter not tht it was any better thn the other because I only read this one but it was quite fun XD
KEFIOX posted a comment on Tuesday 7th August 2007 5:16pm for Chapter 16
Once again I am continually amazed by your work, and commend you for it. Well done! And what a way to end a story.
Cynthia1850 posted a comment on Monday 7th May 2007 1:30am for Chapter 16
That was really good. I liked the way you wrapped it up in the end. I'm surprised one of the wives didn't put a little curse on Dudley behinds Harry's back just for a little revenge. Forgiveness is okay but he shouldn't have gotten away with rape without some punishment. I'll leave that up to MY imagination, I guess. :) Oh, and did Ron ever find a lover... I'll say yes.
Roberta Johnson posted a comment on Friday 19th January 2007 5:25pm for Chapter 16
"Jubilation Marchbanks went on to become the greatest wizard of his age." Interesting that the Evans sisters mothered the greatest wizards of two different generations!
Loved the story!
Mariposa posted a comment on Thursday 6th April 2006 3:24am for Chapter 16
I swear this story had a ton of great elements to it. Its actually seems more of a science fiction story than a fantasy story all told. The interweaving of Heinlien (sp?) and quantum physics into an HP story was just brilliant. Even including the actor's names was an addition that you somehow made not cliche'. And I loved how you summerized the years after the defeat to bring about alot of closure. This fic was just amazing to me and I'm probably going to print it out for my own consumption. Thanks for writing it.
Joseph4 posted a comment on Friday 6th January 2006 2:37am for Chapter 16
Hey my name is joe and I have been looking for one of your fanfiction stories. I cant get it I lost my comp for a while and I was wondering why I cant find your fic. Its "It started on summer" I am really likeing it when I had a family emergencey. I lost it and now I cant find it. I tried kinsfire writeing but it say that it is down. I was wondering if you could send me a copy of that latest peice of work. AT dargare1985@yahoo.com. Thanks dude I love all of your stories that I have read so far.
Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Tuesday 27th December 2005 4:09am for Chapter 16
Nice wrap up to a good story.
I liked the the conjuration of anti-matter.
Good "epilog chapter." Kept the interest to the very end.
On a down side, I thought some of the sex descriptions slowed the story.
Overall, good story. Thanks for sharing it, and thanks for spending the time and effort to write it.
Tom A.
IceBlades posted a comment on Monday 26th December 2005 4:13pm for Chapter 16
That was awesome!
The only thing that pissed me off was that it took me so long to read! Awesome, once again.
MadMax666 posted a comment on Sunday 25th December 2005 5:18pm for Chapter 16
Starburst for Extreme Heroism?? You wouldn't be an old Traveller player by any chance, now would you?
An excellent story...and personally, I've long suspected Dumbledore was a Slytherin...maybe not the next Dark Lord, but certainly a manipulative old codger.
slashslut posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd November 2005 5:55am for Chapter 16
duders got off *way* to easily imo. i would have hexed him and sent him off to azkaban without a second thought *evil smirk* but that's just me;)
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Friday 4th February 2011 12:12am for Chapter 16