Content Harry Potter Trixie Belden Star Trek: TNG My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


AthanWinter posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2014 12:34pm for Chapter 1

Oh, let us not forget polyjuice potion.

malfoie posted a comment on Tuesday 12th January 2010 5:59pm for Chapter 1

Great start. So your making your own Honks story. Yeah. I'v read just about all of your Harmony stories and I must say they are some of the best ones out their right now. Your Family Matters story is still one of my top Favs.

malfoie posted a comment on Thursday 19th February 2009 8:11am for Chapter 1

Wow this is a really good Honks story so far its on the same caliber as The Summer of Change

joeBob posted a comment on Saturday 17th May 2008 7:52pm for Chapter 1

Attempted to read. Not terrible but not my cuppa. Does not engage.

Mionefan posted a comment on Sunday 27th April 2008 1:40pm for Chapter 1

He he, lucky Harry! Tonks is quite a tease, I'm surprised Amelia went along with it so easily,

dennis1 posted a comment on Sunday 27th April 2008 10:04am for Chapter 1

Good start
Nice job standing up to that big load of Vernon

Aberbadger posted a comment on Sunday 30th December 2007 2:21am for Chapter 1

i can just see tonks prancing up and down singing "salah gaduna, menchah gabuna, bibbety bobbety boo"!!!

mashimaromadness posted a comment on Monday 26th November 2007 5:34pm for Chapter 1

Yay, this story is going to be so much fun

Arashi posted a comment on Saturday 22nd September 2007 8:30am for Chapter 1

it looks like a great story

loneravenwolf posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 8:18am for Chapter 1

why do you potray harry as a wimp everywhere? It gets annoying.

xBizzle posted a comment on Friday 6th October 2006 12:32pm for Chapter 1

i like the story far. i'm so used to the by the book harry and company that its a little weird for me to be reading anything with harry and tonks romantically. hopefully more than just tonks since this is a "harem" fic as im told. thanks for the chapter and keep 'em coming.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Wednesday 28th June 2006 5:39am for Chapter 1

"Seeking for the other team" was such a great euphemism.

thealphamale posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 3:56pm for Chapter 1

I have said it many times before, older women know how to work it!

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd November 2005 6:11am for Chapter 1

To the earlier reviewers: This story takes place immediately after the end of Order of the Phoenix, and is hence AU (as it does not take Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince/Potions Master (or as I think of it, Half-Baked Plot)into account), and thus immediately after Sirius' death and the Battle of the Ministry. As far as what Harry did to Vernon: if Harry had been alone in the room, *and* if the comments had been merely aimed at him, Harry might have done nothing. His reaction was different because:

1. Tonks was in the room. (Harry *does* fancy Tonks, even if he absolutely refuses to admit it to anybody, especially himself).

2. The comments were aimed at Tonks. (Even if he DIDN'T fancy Tonks, Harry does not let his friends be insulted willy-nilly. Think of the trouble he's gotten into defending Ron, Hermione, et. alia, from Draco and Company just at Hogwarts.)

3. Harry had reached the *breaking point* with Vernon anyway. You can push a person so far before it comes back and bites you, and it came back and bit Vernon rather hard. And it could easily have been worse.

The Resident posted a comment on Sunday 13th November 2005 3:52pm for Chapter 1

I've always liked Honks stories ever since I ran across my first one. Most include Harry as a metamorphmagus and I find that kind of nice as well. Your opening seems fairly original and I am looking forward to 'the rest of the story'. (Quote from a radio announcer from my youth and yes, I was young once despite what anyone else tells you.)

GryffRavHuffSlythendor posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 6:15pm for Chapter 1

"Let’s also not forget that he’s going through the grief of losing one of the best friends he’s had since he was eleven years old.

Who died?

noylj posted a comment on Sunday 30th October 2005 6:32am for Chapter 1

I would say the lad just isn't depressed enough, but after HBP, he may be too depressed. Harry, however, is a bit OOC with the swearing and beating up his Uncle. Just not Harry. CapLock!Harry yes, Terminator!Harry no.

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Friday 28th October 2005 11:45pm for Chapter 1

I read this originally on back when it was Unnamed Story, but I am posting a new review of Chapter 1:

Tonks goes to her immediate superior (Kingsley) and ultimate boss (Amelia) for approval to room with Harry. Both know what the Real Deal is (that Tonks has it bad for Harry); however (this is critical), both approve her request. After picking up her supplies, Tonks goes to Number Four Privet Drive and joins Harry, and the two of them are promptly accosted by Vernon, who gets kneed in the groin, and then verbally smacked down by a rather upset Harry (over Vernon's comments about Tonks).

Why were Amelia's and Shack's reactions critical? It basically absolves Tonks of possibly being charged with *contributing to the deliquency of a minor* or *statutory rape*. If they want to prosecute Tonks, they have to get Amelia first.