Forever Yours, and Yours?
Coming Home
By Kinsfire
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Friday 26th May 2006 9:04pm for Coming Home
Okay...we find out *why* Harry is feeling the way he is...and I was *wrong* in the why of it. It's actually a combination of the Dursleys, Frank Granger, and the *creature* he was cheating on his wife with. Had *Brandy* been more emotionally like one of the Patil Ladies (Padma, Parvati, or even Durga) or (don't laugh!) Lavender Brown, as opposed to Molly Prewitt Weasley (posessive to a fault), the marriage wouldn't have even broken up, and Hermione could have accepted it. Looks like Hermione and Jocelyn have their work cut out for them.
Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Friday 26th May 2006 7:22pm for Coming Home
Very interesting place to leave the chapter... I can see why Harry feels like such a bastard yet, how he could fall in love with not one but two beautiful women...
Great work as always... keep them cumming... er coming *grin*
As Always,
Muirnin - who lives vicariously through Fan Fiction!
Lira posted a comment on Friday 26th May 2006 6:33pm for Coming Home
What a mean, mean cliffhanger! Update soon!!!
Wolff posted a comment on Friday 26th May 2006 5:43pm for Coming Home
Heh, welcome to Harry's bad day. Once again, guys, a great chapter!
AK posted a comment on Friday 26th May 2006 5:06pm for Coming Home
*Takes a screw driver*
*turns the knob that says "humor", it seems to turn freely*
*turns knob that says "angst", it seems stuck*
Cmon I want less angst!!! please?
David Thacker posted a comment on Friday 26th May 2006 5:03pm for Coming Home
There is a story on that has the same base stroy line Harry/Hermione/Hermiones mum but the dad left before the story started.
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Friday 26th May 2006 9:15pm for Coming Home