By Kinsfire
jessie179 posted a comment on Saturday 1st July 2006 3:55am
I like it so far.
RoseKelly1021 posted a comment on Friday 23rd June 2006 1:40pm
Okay Kin, You rock!!! Your H/HR stories are just to good. I'm soooooo hoping for more of Discovery. Please keep going. I read the note about finishing it but if begging will help...I will!!!!
Gardengirl posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 7:02am
Well, maybe others see why you abandoned it, but I think this shows great promise as a fantastic romp! Thanks!
Elfguard48 posted a comment on Sunday 18th June 2006 9:23am
Oh this is a really nice story. I am enjoying it very much...can't wait for the next chapter
DanielMohn posted a comment on Sunday 18th June 2006 12:43am
Please don't go overboard with this one, too. Up to chapter two it was a lovely and very believeable story (like Family Matters up to the epilog)
Now Discovery looks like your next
Harry/every girl on the planet story,
which is one thing not ... believeable.
It's not so much the problem, that Harry is fucking every women and Hermione is delighted, because she wants to fuck them too. The problem is ... it seems totally rushed.
They are together for one day (and totally in love with each other) and they are speaking about fucking with Gabrielle and Ginny and it seems that this is not the end. It sounds just not realistic, even if it was!
I know a polygamous story is hot. It is hot for me too. But not, if it is totally rushed, like in many of your others stories.
I know, that I'm in the minority with my recommendation. Many of your other readers love all stories that you write (the in my opinion rushed ones especially), but I think it don't let you improve your writing skills in generell, if you can't withstand the temptation to bring Harry and every girl in bed together in chapter three (even if they are only talking about it so far).
I hope that don't sounds like a flame because it is not meant like this.
Manatheron posted a comment on Saturday 17th June 2006 8:24am
this does have Poential... I'd need to see another chapter or two to tell you how much though ^.^
Excellent, Keep up the good work!
Michael Foerster posted a comment on Friday 16th June 2006 4:09pm
Oh, the possibilities:
- Fleur making sure Dumble + the Order seek in the worng part of Europe, maybe even the world, and consequentally so do the DE's. Hmm, that could be the summer of DE takeout, Harry comes back and there's only Moldishorts left.
- or like from an other Reviewer said, similar to Rorschach's Blot's "Make a wish" leave behind a trail of dead or otherwise permanently taken out DE's due accidents without any influence from Harry and Hermione themselfs.
- an other possiblity would be a string of 'Meeting the Masters', through their 'Tour de Europe' they keep meeting masters in magic, each with their on speciality, to learn from them.
- For an extra laugh, you could even have the Unspeakables setup an training course for H+H, without their knowlege even. Have them come back to Hogwards, and set an 'offical' meeting between Harry's DOM-crew and the Unspeakables, to discuss further training, just in spite of Dumbles trying to hinder them.
Last, but not least: Thanks for the update.
Cheers, MiFo
snakehulk posted a comment on Friday 16th June 2006 2:29pm
great story, please update quick
Prince Charon posted a comment on Friday 16th June 2006 11:12am
Very, very interesting.
Thank you for the update.
I'm not sure which of your fics I most want to see updated, this or 'It Started One Summer'.
justme posted a comment on Friday 16th June 2006 9:56am
Nicely done.
I'm hoping that no one finds them until school starts. Or, maybe have Tonks use Hedwig to track them down, but instead of turning them in, she stays with them as 'bodygaurd' (after hearing Harry's 'Tale of Woe') until school starts (sleeping three in a two-person tent {grin}), and then she escorts them to Hogsmeade on the First.
Is there some rule that says that everyone has to ride the Hogwarts Express or can Harry and Hermione just 'show up' at the depot in Hogsmeade as the train pulls into the station to drop everyone off?
Or better yet... since Harry is emancipated, can he just disillusion them and they can mingle in with the crowd as they enter the Great Hall and, quietly canceling the spell, act casual they'd been with everyone all along. "Missing...? We weren't missing. We knew right where we were all the time.
Hope the next chapter arrives soon, it looks to be a great summer.
Alcatras posted a comment on Friday 16th June 2006 8:10am
I was wondering whe you would continue some of your other FF`s
Good chapter by the way.
Patches posted a comment on Friday 16th June 2006 7:32am
Very good. I like this story. It is getting more complicated but I'm not surprised since it is you Kinsfire! Please continue. I really like your stories. pms
Sherman Cater posted a comment on Friday 16th June 2006 5:27am
Thank you for another episode in this great story. I noticed that Gabrielle never got to give Harry that kiss on the cheek. Is there something significant about this?
I look forward to the next chapter of whatever story you produce next.
Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Friday 16th June 2006 4:54am
I love this story, I really do. No heavy issues, no unnecessary angst, just Harry trying to work out how to live (something that his past has left him singularly unprepared to do).
I only ask one favour - If the harem bug bites, please restrict it to three or less girls. Having too many around clogs up the story and slows the action. Not that I would particularly object to Harry with Ginny, Hermione and Gabrielle. It is just that too much sugar spoils the broth, y'know?
Enough of my objections, though. Overall, I think that you got the characterisations right here. I wonder if Harry and Hermione are going to end up being like "Mr Black" in "Make A Wish" by Rosharchblot - A legendary force against evil... mostly by accident whilst trying to have an uninterrupted holiday.
Looking forward to more.
BenRG's Rating: 8/10
coulsdoneagle posted a comment on Friday 16th June 2006 3:58am
Hurrah! About time this little gem got an update. So glad it's not abandoned. Have you ever visited Brussels?
Kinsfire replied:
It was part of the reason that I chose Brussels. I've been to both Brussels and Paris, but did not like Paris at all. So when I saw that the EuroStar trains go to Brussels...
LoggingInSucksAss posted a comment on Friday 16th June 2006 2:33am
Wow... this is NOT a story to be kept on the back burner. It's uber-hot and has tons of possibilities!
I have to question the teen+ rating, though. You're pushing that limit really hard right now, but why not just go for it? This isn't after all - let it all hang out!
James Barber posted a comment on Friday 16th June 2006 2:07am
Ooh this is getting good, you are one hell of a romantic and sexual active writer. But your bad at math, today date is friday June 16, 2006 not June 17 like you have on your story!
I guess the multi-sex partners you have in your head floating around kinda distracted ya, uh? hehehehehehe
Alorkin posted a comment on Friday 16th June 2006 1:09am
Yet another great chapter from the master! At the end of chapter two, i half expected Fleur to invite Harry and Hermione to her chalet in order to hide from Dumbles.
The only (tiny) gripe I found was the physical development of little Gabby. I thought the veela were supposed to be etherial, almost whispy. NNot many whisps are that well liked by the titty fairy.
OK, nuff sed on that (extremely minor) subject.
Hermione returned from the ladies room with a new-found confidence. Well writ, sez I.
Godiva chocolate is wonderful! a bit pricy, but wonderful nonetheless. I can see how Hermuione might squee when she gets them.
The sex is simpe and intense. I liked the idea that they never reached the bed. (I used that in one of my novels, several years ago.)
I really loved the humor you've managed to inject into this stlry. Lovemaking should be fun, with bad puns and tickles.
As always, I await the next chapter of which ever story you are working on. Alorkin
Minerva Granger posted a comment on Friday 16th June 2006 1:06am
Well done, mate. Be proud of yourself, as usual. This was a great update. More please, whenever you can.
atlantis-rob posted a comment on Wednesday 5th July 2006 2:05am