Content Harry Potter Trixie Belden Star Trek: TNG My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Harry awoke to the same gentle murmuring he'd heard the night before and smiled. He hugged her softly, and heard her say, "Good morning, Harry. Quite a difference twenty-four hours makes, wouldn't you say?"

"Quite," he replied softly. "Yesterday at this time, I was hopelessly in love with a girl who I knew would never deign to look down from her lofty place in the heavens and notice me. Now I'm waking next to her after having spent a wonderful day with her, and apparently writing dodgy romance novel dialogue in my mind." He smiled and moved slightly, letting his tongue flick across the nearest nipple. The noise she made was somewhere between a gasp and a giggle.

"I like this new Harry," she said a little breathlessly.

"So do I," he said honestly. Taking a deep breath, he said, "As much as the idea of making love to you again is a really good one, if we start, we'll never leave Brussels." He disengaged from her and stood, turning to admire the woman on the bed. "My God, are you beautiful," he breathed.

"You make me believe that it just might be true," she said with a smile. "I'm going in for a shower." When he reacted to that thought, she said, "Might as well join me, or else you'll be thinking about it all day."

They were on the road by ten that morning, magically lightened travelling packs on their shoulders. "Where do we go from here?" Hermione asked. "This is your time away, after all."

"Where would you suggest?" he asked honestly.

"I'd choose somewhere they wouldn't think of. Perhaps Luxembourg? I understand that it's supposed to be pretty around there, and I can't really see anyone from the Order thinking of it." She snorted, but somehow it was rather ladylike all the same. "Half of them probably can't even spell it."

"Now dear, it's not nice to say something like that." He paused and added with a little laugh, "Especially if it's true." He stopped when he realised that he'd walked on ahead of her for a short distance. "What?" he asked turned to face the girl rushing to catch up with him.

Her eyes were suspiciously bright. "It's stupid and girlish, I know, but … it just hit me when you called me 'dear' without even thinking about it."

"Would you prefer another name?" he asked, worried that he'd possibly offended her.

"Call me dear or honey or any pet name you want, as long as it's not insulting," she answered with a smile.

"Why would I give you an insulting nickname? That's sort of like calling you Hermie or Mione or Herms. You're none of those - you're definitely Hermione. Calling you 'bookworm' or something like that would be like the names that the Dursleys had for me."

She nodded in understanding. "Just don't rush it, Harry. Not every couple has pet names for each other." He nodded, and they began walking, following the roads only slightly.

Albus Dumbledore paced the Great Hall in nervous anticipation of the upcoming meeting of the Order of the Phoenix, although his pacing was the only thing that gave evidence to his state of mind. He had news to impart, and he was not looking forward to Molly Weasley's reaction to it. For that matter, it was quite likely that at least half of the Order would complain about it in terms similar to Molly's. Severus, on the other hand, could be relied upon to make a disparaging comment, and that would set off arguments as well.

I shall have to get Severus under control. I had thought that facing the child whom his actions orphaned might help him to lose his anger and hatred, but it appears to have done precisely the opposite. He will be reigned in.

The first of the members arrived and sat down at the table that he had conjured, and in short order, the group was ready for the meeting to begin. He stopped moving and cleared his throat. "Ladies and gentlemen, I have news that I do not wish to impart, but must nonetheless. I visited Harry Potter's home today, wishing to speak to him after having sent him a letter two days ago. I had expected a response from him, either ranting and railing at me for the conditions that I felt I must lay upon him, or to have him ask me why it must be the way that I stated in my letter." He sighed. "I found the house contained only the Dursleys. Harry has left the Dursley home before it is safe for him to do so."

The reaction was what he expected, with everyone talking at once - Molly yelling "The poor dear! We need to find him!" at the same time that others commented on other things. Severus waited until a lull in the conversation to state, "Typical of the child. Taking us away from important tasks simply to find him and coddle him as he has been all his life." Remus snarled at the Potions Master, who simply replied, "Down boy, or must I retrieve a rolled up newspaper?"

"Enough, Severus," Dumbledore said wearily. "You may have your fun attempting to entice the other Order members to kill you at a later time. We have important things to do here." He nearly smiled at the looks on everyone's faces, especially Severus's. "Now that we have the entertainment portion of the meeting out of the way, let me explain what I do know." He handed out copies of the letters that he had retrieved from Hermione parents. "When I noticed his disappearance, I immediately went to the Granger household, since it would be likely that he would go to her, given her connections to the Muggle world, and his likely desire to not be found for a time. I was immediately given copies of the letters - mine to Harry, Harry's to Miss Granger, and Miss Granger's to her parents. Her parents were less than pleased with me."

"You haven't learned a damn thing, have you Albus?" Remus asked scathingly. "Do you remember how he was reacting after we retrieved him last year, when you attempted the exact same thing? Or are you trying to ensure that he has such rage that he simply blows up the Dark Lord's brain the next time that he attempts a connection?"

"Quiet, werewolf," Snape interjected. "Don't speak of things you know nothing of."

"Severus," Remus began quietly - too quietly, Albus thought - "if you don't wish a repeat of what happened in Hogwarts, only without James and Sirius around to prevent it, by all means keep speaking. Otherwise shut up. "

"Are you threatening me?" Snape asked, working himself into high dudgeon.

"Proof you were never meant for Ravenclaw," Remus replied. "That much should have been obvious to anyone of intelligence. Now shut up and scheme silently while the rest of us do some real work on this."

Severus was now vibrating, and Albus stepped in. "If you do not have anything to contribute to the conversation, Severus, it would be best to remain silent. I think everyone grows tired of your constant baiting of those you dislike."

The silence in the room was palpable. Albus had never given Severus a public reprimand of this type before. "Now, let us continue. He is no longer in any of the places that we would expect him to be, so we shall need to widen the net if we are to locate him and return him to safety."

"Do you have any idea where to begin?" Molly asked, worry evident in her voice.

Fleur cleared her throat, looking abashed. "We, my sister and I, saw 'im in Paris. We zought zat it was known zat 'e was zere, and zat 'e 'ad Order protections. Zat is why I said nozing. I am sorry for zat."

"Perfectly all right, Miss Delacour," Albus said, a bit happier now. "Was Miss Granger with him?"

"I did not see 'er at ze time, but since we met in passing, I can only assume now zat she was nearby. We spoke for only a minute or so. 'E seemed in an 'urry, and now I know why. I 'ad zought zat 'e 'ad a time limit before 'e 'ad to return to 'is relatives."

"Excellent. Would you be willing to lead a team to the spot where you met? Perhaps we can find a trace of him that we can use to find him."

"I will do it," she said sincerely.

"Again, excellent. I will likely have Remus head the team, since, of those who know Harry best, he is best suited to function in the Muggle world. Remus will choose the rest of his team. I believe that is all that we need for the time being, but feel free to remain around and talk amongst yourselves for possible ideas."

He rose to his feet and headed away from the group, knowing that Severus would follow to complain, and he was not proven wrong in his assumption. "Albus, how could you undermine me in such a public manner? I was humiliated in front of them!"

"Much like the way you continually humiliate Harry in front of his peers, Severus? There is little to be gained in attempting revenge upon a dead man, which is what you have been doing. Or so it seems to me." He sighed, and the weight of his years visited him once again. "I have seen in his mind the results of your Occlumency training, Severus. Did you truly think it wise to open him so widely to Voldemort? Did Tom tell you of his plans, and you thought it a way to rid yourself of at least one reminder of the humiliations of your student years?" Dumbledore sighed. "You have damaged any possibility for either of us to teach him the discipline. You for obvious reasons, myself because I trusted you to teach him properly, which was apparently a vain hope. If he will have me after the school year begins, I shall take a direct hand in his training, even with such things as Potions. Remember, after all, that I am an Alchemist, while you are 'merely' a Potions Master."

Severus Snape rocked back as if he had been struck a physical blow. "Albus, I -"

"Please do not attempt a lie, Severus. Whoever is hired to pick up the task will be forced to teach Harry that Occlumency is a gentle art, not the brutal rape that you performed upon him. Now please begone and think strongly about which side you are truly on. You are as culpable in Sirius Black's death as Bellatrix is, for Harry would not have gone had you not weakened his shields so much."

Remus watched as Dumbledore gave Snape a tongue-lashing that no one else was supposed to be able to hear, and let his eyebrows rise as the Potions Master walked off in obvious defeat. He then turned to Fleur and raised Silenced the area. "So, Miss Delacour, care to tell me where you really saw Harry?"

"Non," was her simple response. "'E is not ze little boy zat I once called 'im, alzough your 'Eadmaster cannot see zat. I trust zat 'e will be able to care for 'imself." Her eyes sparkled. "And if 'e cannot, I am certain zat 'Ermione will take great pleasure … taking care of 'im." There was an undercurrent of humour in her words.

"I take it that she has been … taking care of him already?" he asked with a slight smile.

"Oui, and 'e seemed capable of 'andling 'er as well. She seemed to 'ave no complaints."

His own eyes sparkled at the implications. "Well, I suppose that when I find him, I should have The Talk with him, although he seems to have learned where everything goes."

Fleur leaned in closely to Remus and said softly. "She knows ze contraception spells, and I can guarantee zat 'e is aware where everyzing goes - apparently zey made love from England to zair end destination."

His eyes unfocused for a moment and he smiled softly. "So, did you have a specific place in Paris in mind that you wanted us to begin our search?" he finally asked.

"Oui. I shall take you zair when you are ready."

"I think I'll bring the twins along as well. Hang on a moment." A few moments later, the irrepressible redheads were waiting to head to Paris. "Let's head out."

After Fleur gave them the coordinates for the Parisian Apparation point, they all met in the City of Lights. George turned to Remus and said, "So, how long should we stay here to make it look like we think Harry was here?"

Remus laughed immediately. "How did you know?"

"Our incredible intellect …" George started.

"… not to mention the sheer brilliance in puzzle solving we possess…" Fred added.

"… our good looks even play a part …"

"… but mostly we pretended not to hear Gabrielle talk to Fleur at one point at the Burrow."

"She will be 'eartbroken if she zinks zat she caused 'Arry trouble."

"Which is why we need to help this little ruse of his," Fred replied.

"If he left those Muggles he's forced to live with, then there's a good reason," George added.

"I'd say that being told that his treatment was to be the same as last year is a good reason." Fred finished.

"And if he's got Hermione with him …"

"… then he's safer than if he has Dumbledore watching him."

"If only the two …"

"… would admit how they feel about each other …"

"… to their faces."

"I zink zat you 'ave no worries, George," Fleur said. "Zey apparently got to know each ozzer quite well on ze trip from London to Brussels." Her eyes sparkled with mirth as she spoke.

"Intimately, you might say?" Fred asked, eyes wide with humour.

"Let me simply say zat I zink zat you 'ad best be careful wiz pranks aimed at zem, because 'Arry will defend 'is 'Ermione, and ze reverse is also true. You might not enjoy 'aving a third arm sprouting from your derriere." After a slight pause, she added, "If you must prank zem, be gentle. Zey are both wounded emotionally."

The twins nodded sagely.

Cornelius Fudge smiled. His idea was wonderful. It would clear up so many problems, help him get that Potter brat under control, and possibly even shut up some of those nagging problems of his in … other quarters.

"Weasley!" he called, and the tall redhead came into the room, prepared for dictation or whatever else might be needed.

"I am going to enact an Executive Order. We need it to go before the Wizengamot as soon as possible, but I seriously doubt that it will be overturned. Plus, it has the added bonus of showing the public that I am doing something in the war on Lord … uh, Thingy. You-Know-Who."

"Excellent, sir! What is your plan?" Weasley asked him.

"I am going to see to it that we enact a law that allows the Ministry to claim the monies of all convicted Death Eaters. We'll set up a special fund to place the money into, doling out to deserving parties."

"Perfect, sir!" Percy replied. "Shall I draft a memo to announce this?"

Fudge thought for a moment. "No, I will announce it at a press conference. That should help the Wizengamot in their decision to help me, because if they turn down the law, then they look like they're hindering the effort, rather than some of those treasonous comments I've heard on the streets."

"When would you like the conference to be set, sir?"

"I think that noon would be a good time, don't you?" Cornelius Fudge chuckled to himself. "I know the perfect Death Eater to start with, as well."

"Who, sir?"

"Sirius Black. It has the added bonus of no one being alive to contest it."

Severus Snape strode toward the room that Voldemort had taken to using as a throne room of sorts. He entered the room and stood waiting for permission to approach, which was quickly given.

"You have news for me, Severus?" the sibilant voice asked.

"Yes, my lord. It involves the Potter brat. He has apparently grown tired of Dumbledore's machinations and escaped the prison the old man set for him."

"Do you know where he is?"

"Apparently only the mudblood Granger knows, because she is with him. The Veela within the Order states that she saw him in Paris, but that is as far as they spoke to the situation in my hearing."

Voldemort stared at Severus for a very long time, to the point that it began to make Severus quite uncomfortable. "Tell me, Severus. Whose side are you truly on?"

Severus blinked at him, and then answered him the only way that he could. "To be honest, my lord, I am a true Slytherin - not by birthright," he added quickly upon seeing the red eyes narrow at him, "but by attitude. The side I am on is my own. I tell the Order only that which makes them believe that I am on their side, and I tell you enough to not make it obvious that I tell you more than they would like."

"And why do you do this?"

"Because I know that neither side is foolish enough to rely on a single source of information. Any lies that I have told you that came from the Order were believed by me to be correct at the time, and were likely attempts to throw you. I also do not disabuse them of certain assumptions."

"Such as?"

"They are under the impression, I believe, that I do not know where I am at this moment. They believe that you supply Portkeys to bring us to you. I do not, as I say, disabuse them of the notion."

"Why do you not help them to overthrow me?" was the next question, and Severus knew that he lived or died by his answer.

"I would be thrown to the side, or worse, finally tossed into Azkaban for this mark upon my arm. They would far rather have their golden boy to hold up and heap accolades and abuse upon than myself. As for the question I am certain that you are to ask next, I hold no illusions that I would be a casualty of the war were I to help you obviously. While it would not necessarily be you that had me killed, it would happen, likely at the hands of someone in our organisation. Bellatrix has no love for me. Lucius and Rudolphus are, to my chagrin, better duellers than I. Plus there is the entire Order that would take special pleasure in removing me. While I will not impede either side, neither will I actively support one side over the other. It is in my best interests to do as I have been doing - being indispensable to the very people who wish me dead."

Voldemort looked at Severus for a long moment before laughing. "Severus, you have impressed me. You are the first in many years to tell me the truth as you see it. I know of your work on both sides, and I will not impede you, nor will I put you in an untenable position at this time."

"But note my words," he said dangerously. "I say 'at this time'. There will come a day when you will be forced to choose sides, because I will not permit a stalemate forever. On that day, you will choose."

Severus Snape nodded. "On that day, my lord, I shall."

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