By Kinsfire
mashimaromadness posted a comment on Thursday 20th September 2007 4:54pm for Brussels
This is so good. I'm a huge fan.
pfeil posted a comment on Wednesday 5th September 2007 12:23pm for Brussels
I think this one is definitely worth continuing ;)
KEFIOX posted a comment on Sunday 5th August 2007 11:45am for Brussels
Once again, great job. I absolutely love your work it just keeps getting better, but like I said in my review of the previous chapter. My only complaint is that there are certain parts of the story that you don't go into enough detail, if you know what I mean?
Illusia posted a comment on Saturday 19th May 2007 6:16am for Brussels
I sort of hope, and yet not, that the adventure will come to the forefront of this. Instead of this dialogue about... everything. :)
Now, I had to wonder, how many have taken Harry's hairs and done what Hermione did... And is it possible for someone to become pregnant like that.
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Sunday 8th October 2006 5:12pm for Brussels
Outstanding. This is getting sooo good.
koppe posted a comment on Saturday 7th October 2006 8:17pm for Brussels
Great so far...
Do I detect a hint of Hermione/Gabrielle and perhaps Hermione/Ginny in the future? And is it possible that Gabrielle has somehow bonded to Harry? I also hope Ginny has saved herself for Harry.
noylj posted a comment on Tuesday 19th September 2006 6:52pm for Brussels
I certainly hope that you update this story...soon.
However, you have a couple of stories that REALLY need updating.
John Fitzgerald posted a comment on Tuesday 12th September 2006 7:44pm for Brussels
please update soon. Thanks.
Miguel Cadena posted a comment on Tuesday 1st August 2006 4:15pm for Brussels
Quite good story, a lot of sensuality with good taste and well placed. It will be interesting to read a H/Hr/Gabrielle relationship, I have never hear of one, maybe you could write it? like a follow up story of this when they began classes.
I really hope you can continue the story to see what countries they could visit, the muggle or the wizard part, maybe find some help, training or some object or something so it will not all by just rest and relaxation.
Also it will be interesting to know the reactions of the Order, the ministry and Voldemort when they learn that Harry is at large.
pbowen posted a comment on Saturday 22nd July 2006 9:24am for Brussels
please update this story it is one of your best to date i like most of your work but this one is my favorite
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Friday 14th July 2006 2:47am for Brussels
Why it's Rushed: I've been following the complaints about things being *rushed*. The *rush* is entirely due to Hermione's refusal to let Harry's upbringing by the Dursleys get in the way of his actually having a life! If Harry gets the chance to think about emotional/relationship situations, how the Dursleys treated and saw him (which is mostly Just Plain Wrong) kicks in and he starts denigrating himself all over again. (Dumbledore's insistence that he keep going back between terms of Hogwart's definitely doesn't help!) Hermione is Rather Insistent that Harry Potter Deserves To Have A Life, Preferably With Her; in order to get what *she* wants, she has to get him past the emotional damage done to him by the Dursleys (and abetted by Dumbledore). Yes, Hermione's approach to life, loving and living is as atypical (compared to other witches, or even Muggles) as it gets, but what is exactly *typical* about a Muggleborn witch *or* wizard, for that matter? For those of you that have problems with "Discovery", I seriously suggest that you read *at least two* of the late Robert Heinlein's *Long Family* novels (my personal recommendations: Time Enough for Love, The Number Of the Beast, and To Sail Beyond the Sunset), and look at the emotional makeup of Lazarus Long's wives (all his wives) and compare that to Hermione Granger in this story.
Kinsfire replied:
I love reading your reviews. You think about the story and where it might go, and it shows. Even when you're wrong, it is only because you didn't know some of my upcoming things.
To be honest, you've hit the nail directly on the head with this. Kinsfire!Hermione is a very Heinlein-ian girl. Heinlein said it multiple times, and all sorts of information seems to back it up, including recent revelations about Albert Einstein. Geniuses make their own rules about everything, including sex. If Hermione has decided that she wants Harry, I can't really see Harry standing a chance unless he's completely and utterly homosexual, and his reaction to Cho seems to say otherwise.
I see Hermione as the sort of girl who is very repressed, but the second she discovers that someone loves her for herself and not the image she presents, I can't help but see her just exploding.
Which is why I am utterly opposed to R/Hr, to be honest. Ron is a good friend, after realising what a git he was in 4th year, but he's jealous beyond belief, and shares the family bigotry about Muggles. (Even if you think them quaint, in an endearing way, it's a form of bigotry - "We're better than them.") He'll stifle Hermione.
Faith1 posted a comment on Sunday 9th July 2006 7:03am for Brussels
Wow. This is really, REALLY good so far! But I'm confused as to where they are... and why the Delacours were there.
Kinsfire replied:
They ended up taking the EuroStar to Brussels, Belgium, because they knew that everyone would likely expect him to think of Paris. Not everyone realises that the train goes to Brussels as well.
As for the Delacours - well, that's a plot point for later, if I decide to continue with this. At this time, I see it as purely H/Hr, but a sequel might include multi. But with them also on his side, Fleur can help throw the pursuit off for a time - long enough for Harry and Hermione to get away cleanly.
atlantis-rob posted a comment on Wednesday 5th July 2006 2:05am for Brussels
Nice! Great job with the meeting there and the things revealed, great job with fluer and gabrielle and wow! that was a bit of a suprise aging, her though maybe you pulled that from the GoF movie where she looked maybe a year behind harrY? Anyways great work and I can't wait to see more of Harry's Very European Vacation!
jessie179 posted a comment on Saturday 1st July 2006 3:55am for Brussels
I like it so far.
RoseKelly1021 posted a comment on Friday 23rd June 2006 1:40pm for Brussels
Okay Kin, You rock!!! Your H/HR stories are just to good. I'm soooooo hoping for more of Discovery. Please keep going. I read the note about finishing it but if begging will help...I will!!!!
Gardengirl posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 7:02am for Brussels
Well, maybe others see why you abandoned it, but I think this shows great promise as a fantastic romp! Thanks!
Elfguard48 posted a comment on Sunday 18th June 2006 9:23am for Brussels
Oh this is a really nice story. I am enjoying it very much...can't wait for the next chapter
DanielMohn posted a comment on Sunday 18th June 2006 12:43am for Brussels
Please don't go overboard with this one, too. Up to chapter two it was a lovely and very believeable story (like Family Matters up to the epilog)
Now Discovery looks like your next
Harry/every girl on the planet story,
which is one thing not ... believeable.
It's not so much the problem, that Harry is fucking every women and Hermione is delighted, because she wants to fuck them too. The problem is ... it seems totally rushed.
They are together for one day (and totally in love with each other) and they are speaking about fucking with Gabrielle and Ginny and it seems that this is not the end. It sounds just not realistic, even if it was!
I know a polygamous story is hot. It is hot for me too. But not, if it is totally rushed, like in many of your others stories.
I know, that I'm in the minority with my recommendation. Many of your other readers love all stories that you write (the in my opinion rushed ones especially), but I think it don't let you improve your writing skills in generell, if you can't withstand the temptation to bring Harry and every girl in bed together in chapter three (even if they are only talking about it so far).
I hope that don't sounds like a flame because it is not meant like this.
Manatheron posted a comment on Saturday 17th June 2006 8:24am for Brussels
this does have Poential... I'd need to see another chapter or two to tell you how much though ^.^
Excellent, Keep up the good work!
Mionefan posted a comment on Monday 28th January 2008 8:13am for Brussels