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By Kinsfire

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Harry and Hermione turned to face two very beautiful ladies, one quite familiar to them and the other less so. Fleur was as beautiful and curvaceous as ever, and her companion appeared to be about to surpass Fleur in beauty. Her figure was something worth writing home about as well, the silken sun dress she wore showing her own curves to great effect. "Fleur!" Harry said with a smile he had to plaster onto his face. "I wouldn't have expected to run into you here."

"I can tell," she replied with a smile. "You are good, but I saw ze look of dismay."

"I'm running from Dumbledore," he said, deciding that the truth was best. "I was ordered by him not to leave my house. At all. For the entire summer. " He looked at her. "Please, just let me have one summer to myself, without his interference."

"It does not look as if you 'ave it all to yourself," she said with a sly smile. "Nor do you wish it to be zat way."

"Very true," he said with a smile. "I was rather forcefully reminded that what Hermione wants, Hermione gets. Luckily, despite my not thinking I was worthy of her, she decided that she wanted me." He looked at his new girlfriend. "And I have never been happier about it." He kissed her cheek.

"I would imagine ze lovemaking might 'ave somezing to do wiz your mood as well," Fleur answered with a twinkle in her eyes. When both looked at her in shock, she said, "I am Veela. Our abilities are geared toward love and sex. Ze two of you are glowing wiz boz love and satiation."

Hermione blushed as she said in a low voice, "Well, if the conversation ever comes up, I can say that my boyfriend kept me orgasming from England to Belgium without ever telling a lie to anyone."

Fluer's face broke into an open grin. "I shall 'ave to talk to Bill. Zat sounds like fun!"

"It was," Hermione said in a purr that drove the blood in Harry's body southward.

"Changing the subject, he said conversationally," interjected Harry with a laugh, "would you be willing to introduce me to your lovely cousin?"

Both girls were smiling at this point, and he was surprised that Hermione wasn't scowling. "'Arry, I'm 'urt zat you do not recognise me," the girl said. "After all, it was your strong arms zat saved me from ze depths of ze 'Ogwarts lake."

His eyes widened to the point where he wondered if they would fall out of his head. He looked her up and down once more, and then closed his eyes with a scowl. "Hermione, feel free to hit me later," he said.

"Harry, are you planning on leaving me for her?" Hermione asked.

He went white and actually staggered a few steps away from Hermione. "Oh my God," he gasped. "I never meant to … I am so sorry, Hermione!" He gripped his wand in his pocket and said, "I swear by my magic that I will never loo …"

"Don't you dare finish that!" Hermione hissed, stopping him in shock. Her look softened then. "Your reaction tells me everything that I need to know. If I know you, you were about to swear to never look at another woman in your life, weren't you?" He nodded. "Do you really want to leave the wizarding world that much, Harry? You can't help but look, just like I look at cute guys. I might think that Terry Boot is really attractive, but he's never set my hormones boiling the way that you do, Harry. You can look at Gabrielle if you want to."

"Hermione, I was … she's ten years old," he whispered. "She's ten, and I'm imagining her naked!" He shook his head. "Maybe Vernon is right and I am a freak."

"I 'ave a few zings to say," Gabrielle interrupted, "and zey may 'aver a bearing on your feelings. First, whezzer or not I am ze ten years old zat you zink zat I am or ze sixteen zat I actually am, finding me sexy when I look like zis does not make you a freak. 'Ermione would not love a freak. My second point was already made. I am sixteen. Veela puberty, she is slow. It tends to strike suddenly, and we can literally grow overnight."

"Zis is true, 'Arry. At ze start of June, she still looked much as you saw 'er during ze Tournament. She went to sleep one night in a nightshirt zat fell six inches below 'er … well, where 'er legs meet, to avoid furzer embarrassment for you. Ze next morning, zat same area was uncovered,, and she was zreatening to tear apart ze shirt in ze chest region."

"Christ, the tit fairy loves her!" Hermione whispered.

"Exactly," Gabrielle said. "I 'ave only recently begun to look like zis."

Hermione scowled, but did not seem angry at either girl. "Lucky bitch," she grumbled.

"I zink 'Arry is quite pleased wiz your shape," Gabrielle said with a smile. Harry simply nodded, although a ghost of a smile appeared on his face. "Zere are ozzer zings you need to know, but we should escape zis area and find elsewhere to talk."

"As long as we are staying in Brussels and not contacting anyone from the Order? Sure," Harry said.

"Agreed," Hermione said. "If Dumbledore gets his hands on Harry, he'll lock him up tighter than before."

"Zat is your job," Fleur said with a grin. "I will even give you ze fur-lined 'andcuffs."

Harry thought about that for a moment, and then hid behind Hermione when he felt himself reacting. Her reaction was one of surprise, and apparently happiness, because she pressed back gently against his burgeoning response. "I think I'll take you up on that offer, Fleur," she said a little breathlessly.

They eventually made their way to a café where they took a corner table and carefully cast some privacy charms. "Zere are ozzer zings to tell you before ze summer is out," Fleur said, but ze most important is zat my family wishes to keep Gabrielle secure for ze next two years of 'er schooling. She will be at 'Ogwarts for zose years."

"Things have gotten that dangerous in France?" Hermione asked. A nod was her only answer.

"Ze ozzer … well, when we are at 'Ogwarts, ze zree of us shall need to talk. I will say no more about it at zis time," Gabrielle said. "It deals wiz Veela. It will not harm you, 'Arry. Nor you,'Ermione."

"Why not tell us now?" Hermione asked.

"It is not 'armful, but it could affect your relationship if you knew it. It is minor, but could still 'arm your new romance were you to be told it." Gabrielle looked them both in the eyes and said, "I will swear an oath zat zis secret means you no ill will. I will do so at ze cost of my own life."

"No!" Hermione cried out. "If you swear that you mean us no harm, and that it is minor, then I will accept that." Harry simply nodded his agreement, too shocked to even contemplate speaking, and his demeanour screamed that fact to the two Veela.

Gabrielle smiled, and the visit continued with general pleasantries until shortly after noon. "Well, Gabrielle and I should be on our way. We will be at ze Burrow for a time, and I shall be sure to tell zem zat we ran into you in Paris," she said, eyes twinkling. "Dumbledore will certainly try to read me, but we Veela 'ave a natural resistance. He is canny, 'owever, so if we admit 'aving seen you, zen anyzing else we 'ave to say on ze matter will be trusted." She shrugged, and Harry admitted to himself that it was pleasant to watch as she jiggled beneath her blouse. She giggled. "Anozer zing zat we are 'ated for. No Veela ever needs ze torture device known as ze brassiere. We remain naturally firm until ze day we die."

Hermione laughed. "Please take this as the envy that it is, and not as an actual curse." Fleur looked at her with her head cocked in amusement. Hermione simply said with a grin, "Bitch." Fleur's laughter filled the booth with happiness, and several nearby customers looked on with amusement as well, not understanding the laughter's cause.

"I can teach you several charms zat do ze same zing," Fleur said. "You can place zem in a necklace or ring and never need a brassiere again."

"Admit it, Fleur," Harry said with a smile. "You're really trying to kill me. I have a beautiful girlfriend with a body that drives me to distraction now that I'm letting myself notice her, and you're going to teach her how to distract me even more?"

Hermione's face was flickering between surprise at the open flattery and interest at the potential fun she could have. Finally, she settled to a neutral expression and asked, "Harry, would you prefer I not learn this spell?"

He smiled at her. "If I were to be sexist and completely ignore the fact that you are your own person, I'd ask that you never wear clothing again in your lifetime, just so could gaze at your perfect body. So make your own decision on learning the spell."

"Harry, I don't have a perfect body," Hermione said, blushing.

"I think you do," he said softly.

She blinked away tears for a moment before asking him again, "Would you prefer I not learn the spell, Harry?"

"May I be embarrassingly honest?" he asked, his own blush appearing. When she nodded, he said, "Hermione, if I had my way, we'd be finished with classes and Voldemort and all the rest, just so I could keep you naked and learn all the ways there are to pleasure you. I understand that the nipples are rather sensitive." He was blushing so hard at this point that he likely could have lit the booth they were in himself. "I'd like to find out first hand, or mouth, or whatever. But you're the one who has to wear a bra. If yours bother you, then by all means learn a way to do without." He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

Fleur and Hermione disappeared into the ladies room, leaving Harry with a suddenly nervous Gabrielle. "There's no need to be nervous," he said with a smile. "I'm not going to bite you." He thought he heard her murmur, "Pity."

She shook her head and said, "I know zat I shouldn't be nervous, but … well, you are my 'ero. You risked everyzing to save me, so far as you knew." She chose to join the group that seemed to think that blushing was a form of punctuation. "I will admit zat I entertained a fantasy of you seeing me and deciding zat I simply 'ad to be your girlfriend." She laughed. "Silly, no?"

"Not really. Your reason for being interested in me is certainly better than the one I had for being interested in Cho Chang. I wanted her simply because she was pretty. You at least know me a little." He paused. "To be honest, Gabrielle? If it weren't for Hermione, I might have considered it. You're very pretty, and what little I knew of you back during the Tournament seemed like a very nice person - one worth getting to know better. With luck, we can at least be friends when we get to Hogwarts."

"I would like zat," she replied. After a pause, she asked, "Do you zink zat 'Ermione would mind if I kissed your cheek, as a zank you?"

"As long as it's just the cheek, I don't think it would cause problems," Harry said with a smile.

Gabrielle stood to walk to Harry's side, but stopped, a shocked look on her face. Before he turned to see what had surprised her, he found himself quite aware that neither Veela had chosen to wear a bra. He turned in his seat to look at what had caused such a reaction and was suddenly very glad he was sitting down.

Hermione and Fleur were walking toward them, but Harry only had eyes for Hermione. He knew that she had only removed her brassiere, but she was now exuding … something. His eyes kept slipping to her chest, and he unconsciously licked his lips as he looked at the dark circles evident under the thin blouse. He was somewhat embarrassed by the rather insistent throbbing that had begun in his trousers. When she was close enough, he croaked out to her, "Admit it - you're part Veela, aren't you?"

She blinked at him and then blushed. "You're biased Harry," she said with a soft smile. "All I did was take off my brassiere."

He looked around the café and saw a number of men looking appreciatively at her. "Take a look around, Hermione. You must have the prettiest breasts in all of Europe, then."

She looked around and her eyes went wide, and she sat down next to Harry. "Does that spell have any side effects, Fleur?" she asked, biting her lower lip.

"Non. You are simply carrying yourself proudly. You are a beautiful woman and you know it, and are carrying yourself zat way. Men appreciate zat."

"And some women," Gabrielle whispered loudly enough that they all heard it. She looked up in surprise when Hermione put her hand on Gabrielle's arm and said, "Thank you."

"I am so embarrassed," Gabrielle said through a deep reddening of her face. "I did not want you to hear zat."

"We'll talk when we see each other later in the summer, or September first, if it takes that long for us to meet up again," Hermione said with a smile. "I don't hate you, and I'm not disgusted." She leaned over and whispered something in Gabrielle's ear, and Harry was amused to note that guys were apparently not the only ones who liked to sneak peeks down a girl's blouse. He, other the other hand, was enjoying the way that Hermione's skirt smoothed across her shapely rear.

Finally, they all decided to leave the café and part company on the street. "I must be the luckiest man in existence right now," Harry said with a grin. "Three incredibly beautiful, and dare I say sexy women, and I haven't managed to get my face slapped by any of them yet!"

They laughed, and Hermione said, "I figured that I'd try to smother you later on." She punctuated the comment by thrusting her chest forward slightly.

He laughed as he answered with, "We who are about to die - are looking forward to it!"

Fleur and Gabrielle promised to tell Dumbledore only if he asked them, and then say that they had run into him in Paris. "Zat way, if you choose to go to Paris later on, he will likely have pulled his people from ze city by zen." At their slightly confused looks, she explained. "If you are running away, 'Arry, zen you are not likely to return to a city you 'ave already been to, for fear of being caught. I will make sure zat ze Order is told zat, in whatever way I can. Probably zrough Bill."

"Thank you, Fleur. Please ask Bill to give you an extra-special kiss from me," Harry said with a smile.

"Any specific placement on my body?" she asked with an amused smile.

"I leave that to Bill's imagination," he replied. "Depends on how familiar he wants me being with his fiancé." That last was said with an impudent grin.

Fleur's laugh was musical. "You are definitely not a 'leetle boy', 'Arry. I like ze man you have become."

"So do I," Hermione said. "And he's definitely not little," she finished with a purr that made Harry's blood threaten another vacation in the south.


They spent the day walking Brussels, with Harry managing to buy Hermione some Godiva chocolate without her knowledge. They spent time just being together and enjoying their new relationship, and finally found a hotel for the night before heading out for some dinner.

At the restaurant, Harry asked softly, "Were you aware that Gabrielle was enjoying your beautiful breasts as much as I do?"

She blushed. "Yes, I was." She bit her lower lip in worry. "Would it bother you to know that I was aroused by that?"

He smiled and brushed his hand along her cheek, which she leaned her face into slightly. "No, it just shows that you're so sexy that you can even make Veela horny." He paused before finishing with, "If you're sexy enough to affect Veela, then I don't stand a chance. Thank Merlin."

His own face took on a scowl almost immediately thereafter, though. "I'm just angry at myself for thinking what I am."

"If it's what I think … hope it is, we are of the same mind, Harry. But I want the summer for just us. I want you all to myself for just a little while before I have to share you with Gabrielle."

He snorted. "If anything, it's going to be me who has to share you. She wants you as much as I do." He opened his eyes wide as he realised what he had just said.

Hermione whimpered very quietly at him. "Harry, we need to get back to the hotel, because I really need you to deal with what the image that just came to mind is doing to me."

The check was paid, and the walk back was punctuated with the occasional stop for smouldering kisses. Hermione was so aroused that by the time they had reached their floor at the hotel, only one button, just below her breasts, was holding her thin blouse closed. As soon as the door to their room clicked shut, her blouse was on the floor, and she was practically tearing Harry's trousers off his body. They did not manage to make it to the bed before she had Harry making love to her.

"Good heavens," he breathed at her when he came to his senses again, "what brought that on?"

She looked suddenly worried; almost on the verge of tears. "Was I too slutty?"

"Hell no! I want to have that happen again!" His relationship with Hermione was new enough that the sudden realisation that he had said something that he felt was so crass to her made his face fall. "I’m sorry, Hermione. There I go, treating you like a piece of meat again. Forgive me?"

She smiled up at him and kissed him. "You make me feel sexy. I’ve never really felt that way before. I’ve always been this nerdy bookworm that no one will look twice at. And now I’ve got a boyfriend who looks at me and … Harry, I’m used to seeing that bulge form in a fellow’s trousers when he looks at Cho Chang or Parvati or Lavender. To know that I’m the one causing you the blood flow problems? That you'd rather make love to me than to a Veela? That's part of the reason we didn't make it to the bed." She blushed. "Sorry about that, by the way."

"You're apologising for mind-blowing sex?" he asked incredulously. "No apologies needed." His expression changed suddenly. "You're up to date on contraception, right?" he asked. "I forget if we talked about that."

"We did forget, but I’m completely up to date on contraception." She bit her lower lip. "I intended to seduce you this summer, if it was at all possible. My helping you escape the Headmaster's attempts to imprison you just allowed me to move up the timetable. Can you forgive me?"

"Hmm, forgive you for letting me know that someone out there refuses to let me get all depressed and pitying myself, and remind me that people love me. Forgive a beautiful, sexy, vivacious and brilliant woman for gifting me something that no mortal man deserves?" He kissed her gently. "No, I won't forgive you for making me feel worthwhile and loved."

He stood and helped her to her feet, and then surprised her by sweeping her off her feet and carrying her to the bed. "I love you, Hermione. I love making love to you, and I just love being around you." He placed her gently on the bed. "Now, you'd said a picture in your head made you act that way. What was it?"

She blushed deeply, and Harry reacted as he watched the blush slide clear to her breasts. "I was imagining you, me and Gabrielle in two different configurations. You were doing the same thing in both of them, but to whom was the question."

"I don't know," he scowled. "Wouldn't that do damage to our relationship, me making love to another woman?"

"If I'm in the room with you, being made love to at the same time? I seriously doubt it," she said. "Wouldn't my making love to Gabrielle harm our relationship?"

"Would it make you happy?" Harry asked simply.

Hermione smirked. "That shoots down your other logic, though. What if I find that I like to watch - that watching my boyfriend make other girls happy sexually arouses me? I've seen a few adult films - my parents have a few, and I don't think that they're aware that I know where they hide them - and I'm their preferred type of audience. I know it's fairly well faked, but watching two people, whether two women or a man and a woman, makes me so aroused that it almost hurts. My breasts get sensitive, especially the nipples, and down between my legs, where you were stretching me so divinely, I'd swear that I can feel my pulse down there at those times. So I honestly believe that I'm going to need Gabrielle having sex with me to help me through knowing that you're having sex with her." She paused to breathe. "All I ask is that I be permitted to choose your partners."

He snorted. "Choose them? If it happens at all, it'll be because you told me that you wanted to see me make love to whomever you chose. Of course, that requires that you also ask them in advance. I don't want to find out that you chose, oh, let's say Gabrielle since she's the one we're talking about right now - I don't want Gabrielle to be surprised by the fact that you're staying in the room and participating."

"Agreed," Hermione said. "And I think you'll be amazed at the number of girls who would agree."

"Not really, but how many of them want Harry Potter and not the Boy Who Lived? Lavender would have sex with every Quidditch team in the league if she thought it would let her sleep with the Boy Who Lived."

Hermione was the one to snort this time. "From the sounds I hear from her and Parvati, I think she'd be quite happy with Gwenog Jones. I understand your point, though. Ginny is more in line with who I was thinking. Yes, she once crushed on the Boy Who Lived, but …" Hermione stopped and bit her lip. "I did something once you may not be happy with. Polyjuice Potion lasts for a very long time once brewed - years, in fact. I kept what was left when we made it in Second Year - and Ginny asked me one night if I could make love to her as you. Getting your hair was easy, and it was interesting to discover that she tastes different to your taste buds than to mine. I did not penetrate her, but she showed me why boys like fellatio so much." She was blushing profusely as she described the situation as clinically as she could, but her face also told Harry that she was terrified that their romance was over before it really started.

"Did we do a good job pleasing her?" he asked with a grin. At Hermione's confused look, he added, "Well, it was you as me, so it was us. Did we make her come a few times?"

Hermione's relief was so great that she actually cried for a few moments, and Harry held her close and patted her back. "Yes, we did," she finally responded. "She begged me to take her virginity, but I insisted that it was your job to do that, and that I'd do what I could to ensure that it would happen." She looked worried. "Did I make her an empty promise?"

"I will admit that it would have been either you or her," he answered her honestly. "I don't count Gabrielle because I don't really know her, although it seems that I'll be learning about her."

"I have the feeling that you'll develop an … intimate knowledge of her," Hermione chuckled.

Harry moved in closer to her and kissed her neck, using his teeth to lightly brush the tender skin, drawing a delighted moan from her. "Right now," he said, "I'd rather get intimate knowledge of you," he said before he started trailing kisses down her body.


It was some time later that a thoroughly sated Hermione nudged Harry and said, "You've an owl tapping at the window, Harry. Hedwig wants to say hello." He looked up and smiled at the snowy white owl looking in at them. He would swear that she looked amused.

"Hello girl," he said fondly, gently ruffling her feathers as she hopped onto his arm. He winced slightly, and smiled when a perch appeared next to him, which she transferred to quickly. "Looks like my girlfriend knew you'd find me. Actually, she likely said that you'd find us," he said. "All the females in my life are so beautiful," he said with a smile. "How did I get so lucky as to get them to care about me?"

"By being a wonderful man," Hermione said simply.

"I still wonder how we're going to deal with relationships, though," he said. "I've got you until you come to your senses, Ginny still wants me it seems, and Gabrielle certainly seems to be interested in me, although she was certainly reacting favourably to your bra-less state earlier. To be honest, I want to spend the summer getting to know you as my girlfriend, rather than worrying about whether or not I'm going to scuttle this relationship by shagging another girl."

"And that's why you won't scuttle it," she said. "But you're right. I -" She stopped as Harry staggered away from the bed in an over-the-top manner. "What?"

"I'm right?" he asked with a grin. "I actually said the right thing in a relationship kind of scenario?"

"Prat," she replied with a laugh. Acting equally as comedic as him, she said, "It must be because the girl in question is so terribly important." She lay her hand across her brow in a three-penny opera sort of way.

"Actually, yes," he answered back, no trace of humour in his voice. "I honestly think that I would lay down and die if I lost you from my life. I couldn't … when you … at the Ministry …" His words faded away as the emotion became too much for him. She rose and held him as the emotion tore through him.

"I'm here, and I'm alive, and I love you," she said. "We leave in the morning to walk Europe for a time, and maybe, just maybe, have a summer to ourselves."

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