Content Harry Potter Trixie Belden Star Trek: TNG My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


Sandra Smith posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 12:34pm for Death of a Hero

excellant story. You made me cry at the beginning but by the end, I was laughing

Ken Warner posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 12:32pm for Death of a Hero

I had seen the bunny at the Blot - love the way you handled it. Hermione slowly getting clued in was choice, and I hope you do write the description of the 1st annual at some point.
thanks for a very nice short fic.

DJ posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 11:52am for Death of a Hero

To funny.

Fishburne posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 11:44am for Death of a Hero

SNORT, Guffaw, and snicker.

As usual, a fine extrapolation of exactly how one is supposed to destroy a monitor.


remember the store...


Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 11:37am for Death of a Hero

Excellent. I am proud of myself because I predicted that he wasn't dead early on, but really, when have you ever killed Harry? That was hilarious. I pictured the IV stands that I know, with the curly que on the end, and that structure penetrating the skull, rather nasty. Fitting for the wanker.

This story could have been added onto with another chapter or two, happily, but this is great for a one shot.

Mike (MoA)

Jalimar posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 11:21am for Death of a Hero

damn good story. yea i love most of rorshachs ideas. like your other stories as well. keep up the good work

CoyoteScion posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 10:28am for Death of a Hero

oh my now that was a read of much enjoyment. thank you for writing that. I couldn't laugh much out loud since I was at work but damned if it didn't almost do the trick at points.

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 10:15am for Death of a Hero

Got to love that Depilatory Charm. That's the sort of thing I expected the Order of the White Owl to come up with.

Nice story. So how did Luna know?

Tom A.

Kinsfire replied:

Because she's Luna. Seer? Not wanting to believe? I intentionally left it alone. I think I was leaning toward Seer, though.

AmeSuisei/AdronTaltos/CarlOort posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 10:14am for Death of a Hero

nice.. annual orgies.. *snicker*

KenF posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 9:20am for Death of a Hero

And on the 2nd of September, it was announced tht Harry Potter had died for real this time. He went out with a smile though, shagged to death by every beautiful witch in Hogwarts.

curalium lacrimo posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 9:03am for Death of a Hero

I can't stop sniggering.

Yey for annual orgies!

Crys posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 8:45am for Death of a Hero

Nice touch on calling Tibbles a boarder instead of a pet. Cats in general kinda exude that attitude, don't they? Kneazles being more intelligent and magical just have to be mroe so.

> First Annual Gryffindor Welcoming Orgy

Fun story, Kins.

Rob Clark posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 7:52am for Death of a Hero

That was a fun one! Nice to see the wizard world stand up and kick some death eater butt. :)


riegert8 posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 7:38am for Death of a Hero

This a really good story. I did think that it funny that Hermione parent's are now Harry's foster parents. I did think that Harry forgave Dumbledore too easy, it should have been earned. This story made me think that Harry is stupid for the reason that he live with enemy's the Dursley's and they would try to hurt him. The odd part is Snape. I am glad that you did make lame excues that acted the way he did because he was a spy, that he have to prove to the Deatheaters kids that he was on their side. For over ten years he cause so much pain for student from everyone that was not in his house that it be hard to get forgiveness.

Sikandar Durrani posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 7:34am for Death of a Hero

You my dear friend are mental you know that. but then again reading the other stories i am not surprised with this one. keep going with everything.

till next time


KLGreen posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 6:49am for Death of a Hero

cute to cute for words

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 6:21am for Death of a Hero

*snicker* *guffaw* Oy, that's a delightful read. One almost has to pity Voldie and the Death Eaters, -almost- being the operative word. I do love the reaction of the wizarding world to the whole thing. It's not that implausible, either, more than once it's taken just one act of over-weening arrogance on a would-be conqueror's fault to trigger a revolt they can't cope with.

*wicked chuckle* And I do like the "First Annual" idea. :D

Charles Slone posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 6:17am for Death of a Hero

Lovely story and why does that ending make me thing that James and Sirius had one of those before ;)

Prince Charon posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 5:25am for Death of a Hero

Nice. You're good at this.

Thank you for sharing it.

The_Caitiff posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 5:06am for Death of a Hero

Simply Brilliant. I noticed right off the origin of this fic but you've done very well and lived up to our expectations once again.

There were alot of touching moments, a lot of funny moments, and some that made me wince... I especially liked the comment about the "First Annual Gryffindor Welcoming Orgy."