Content Harry Potter Trixie Belden Star Trek: TNG My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


Quindo Ma posted a comment on Thursday 14th December 2006 11:20am for Chapter 4

Bloody Brilliant!
Even though I'm not so sure that the rating is appropriate, most would place it under a mild Mature/R for the sexual situations and abject teasing, it's still brilliant.

'Course, the plotline is about as believable as canon Draco being a saint, but I love good comedies, and dispite just that point you made this story an absolute delight to read. At every point where the plot twists could have broken the flow of the story, you managed to keep it going without any trouble.

The only time I felt something was amiss was at the very beginning, where Harry was talking on first name basis with the Hogwarts staff without any indication that it was there before, or reason as to why he did, even such reasons within this storyflow. Didn't detract from the rest of it though ;)
Great work.

QOShea posted a comment on Wednesday 13th December 2006 1:34pm for Chapter 4

This is a very interesting story! I hope to find a sequel as I rummage through the website.

Jerome posted a comment on Thursday 30th November 2006 2:16pm for Chapter 4

You need to finish the stories you have started on instead of writing more

Kinsfire replied:

You're dunning me on finishing stories in the review to a finished story?

Gwyn Raven posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 3:37am for Chapter 4

Ok, now that was one of the most unique (in a good way) fics I have ever read. Bravo!

Treck posted a comment on Thursday 5th October 2006 12:23pm for Chapter 4

And Draco lived happily ever after. <Cheeky Grin>

CoyoteScion posted a comment on Friday 15th September 2006 10:08pm for Chapter 4

interesting one. think the story is listed as work in progress. is it done or shall I expect more?

John Fitzgerald posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 9:27pm for Chapter 4

That was a great story. Thanks.

shadowvamp17 posted a comment on Thursday 17th August 2006 1:58pm for Chapter 4

great story ,im hoping to see a sequel one of these days

Verahsa posted a comment on Thursday 10th August 2006 3:52am for Chapter 4

On days when I have an urge to read, but nothing new is out, there are a very select few authors whose works I can re-read for one reason or another. You, Jeconais, Ishtar, a few people on (a -very- few).

This particular piece falls into the category of "Harry kicks ass, takes names, and isn't mean about it." Normally, that'd be reversed, but seeing as he has a hotline to hell, I thought it appropriate. :)

Thank you, again, for writing so much for us! :D

MercuryBlue posted a comment on Wednesday 9th August 2006 2:52pm for Chapter 4

I probably shouldn't be thinking of The Da Vinci Code while reading this type of story...but...

"I'm sure," Jesus laughed. "How many people know that I have brothers and sisters? How many people know that I have children? My mother and I were both proper Jewish people. I studied and taught the Kaballah. I was married, if only for grounding in the physical world, and we did what all married people do. Two people who were celibate made the rules that currently govern those who are my followers these days. Peter absolutely hated my wife - to be honest, he was a misogynist. One of those cases where attribute overlay can have a good effect. He's a lot more mellow now that he guards the main gate. Friendlier.

I am getting definite echoes of The Da Vinci Code here.

Kinsfire replied:

Well, I have read all the sources that Dan Brown did for his book.   Don't know if I believe any of it, but from talking with some Jewish friends of mine, they pointed out the bit about Jesus's tendencies toward Kabbalistic teaching, which would have required his being married.

The whole friendly Jesus comes from an online comic strip I haven't read in far too long, called Pantheon. In that, Jesus and Satan (a male, goat-hooved diety) are at least friendly with each other when they aren't dealing with their specific Aspects.

Wolfric posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 3:24pm for Chapter 4

I love this story. I am following Like a Phoenix from the Ashes and really like Family Matters as well. I like the sex scenes and I like Harry the sex god story lines. Please keep up the good work. W.

Grukal posted a comment on Saturday 1st July 2006 11:50pm for Chapter 4

You almost killed me with the scene when Harry "wakes" up from death. Killed me with laughter, atleast. Keep up the good work

Aberbadger posted a comment on Thursday 29th June 2006 10:24am for Chapter 4

I was wondering if you've ever read Nonjon's Where in the World is Harry Potter? In chapter 9, there is a bit that goes...

A disbelieving Ravenclaw asked, "Are you serious? Is he a god?"

The blonde smiled and shrugged. "You may have to decide that for yourself. But I know there is a splinter sect of Wizarding Christianity that claims Jesus was the first Son of God, but Harry is the favorite Son of God."

Wasn't sure if yours was offshot from his, vice versa, or if it was just a complete accident!

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Wednesday 28th June 2006 4:47am for Chapter 4

Both Patils, Katie, Hermione, Susan, Tonks, Ginny, Daphne and Willow makes quite a harem. The Mum section was a bit wrong. This was certainly an interesting and fun story.

RoseKelly1021 posted a comment on Friday 23rd June 2006 3:42pm for Chapter 4

Just one word..."Interesting"


Panaka posted a comment on Saturday 17th June 2006 1:54am for Chapter 4

There is one way to som this story up:
And I mean that in a good way.

j posted a comment on Monday 12th June 2006 8:02am for Chapter 4

I Love This Story. Any chance for a possible sequel?

Aberbadger posted a comment on Monday 12th June 2006 7:19am for Chapter 4

Sequels Sequels Sequels WOOH WOOH WOOOH!

sandstar08 posted a comment on Sunday 11th June 2006 3:37am for Chapter 4

i'm not going to ask where you got this particular idea... i'm just glad you wrote the story. it's an interesting concept that could bode more serious thinking (aside from the blatant presense of the perfect orgy setting...) that doesn't require too much mental activity i should think

Kalen Darkmoon posted a comment on Saturday 20th May 2006 8:12pm for Chapter 4

This is great!