Content Harry Potter Trixie Belden Star Trek: TNG My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


Noble Korhedron posted a comment on Sunday 15th June 2014 12:53am

Heh-heh. Good one. I never thought a fic about death could be funny, but this was.....

thetaxzombie posted a comment on Friday 11th October 2013 11:12am

A most enjoyable tale. A pleasure to read. I enjoyed your rendition of Death. Got a chuckle out of the last line too.

Nightmask posted a comment on Wednesday 10th April 2013 11:29am

...At no point does Destiny ever attempt to avoid the end of the universe. He didn't interfere when Yahweh abandoned Creation, why would some mortal be of any great import to him?

There's a blurb by Gaiman in the Sandman series about how the end of the universe will be the day when Destiny is finally free of his chains, so there's that too.

Nytefyre posted a comment on Saturday 2nd March 2013 12:03am

Hmm.. only the inclusion of more of the Endless could have made this better. Thanks for posting such a fun read. :D

keichan2 posted a comment on Saturday 24th November 2012 8:57am

It was a nice read.

Thanks for sharing.

t3h_shammy posted a comment on Monday 11th October 2010 12:40am

The Indiana Jones reference is not to lost on me:p

A cup of a carpenter indeed!

Great work nonetheless:)

Joel Fischoff posted a comment on Sunday 19th April 2009 6:45pm

Oh, I very much liked this one. This version of Death has very much of a 'cosmic whimsy' feel to it, if you know what I mean.

Puidwen posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 1:48pm

strange, i liked the oc death

Minerva Granger posted a comment on Tuesday 6th May 2008 12:03pm

you WOULD refer to the Holy Grail as a 'simple carpenter's cup'! I love this fic!

mashimaromadness posted a comment on Sunday 16th March 2008 5:17pm

That was really fun. I like your image of Death.

darkelf12 posted a comment on Tuesday 11th December 2007 1:08am

I love it when people make good use of Death as a character, I have always thought that she was the most interesting incarnations of Death ever made. She is fun, flighty, but serious when she chooses to be. And when she is used right, she can make a story gold. Thanks for a good read.
The Dark Elf

Evelyna posted a comment on Wednesday 24th October 2007 12:54am

Absolutely wonderful! I love it!

Banner posted a comment on Sunday 16th September 2007 9:37am

That was *hysterical*! Thank you, thank you, thank you. This one goes in my "favorite funnies" file.

Thanks again!

LandUnderWave posted a comment on Thursday 31st May 2007 2:43am

*laughs* Death, in all her/his(Discworld!) forms, is always one of my favorite characters.


csktech posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 6:50am

LOL.. Well bargained. I liked this one much more.

Dangams posted a comment on Tuesday 6th February 2007 8:12am

Interesting, but I must protest about the inclusion of the Poetics. I've translataed some of it from the original Greek, and the only thing that makes less sense is Xenophon's Economics. Couldn't you have chosen the complete works of Aristophanes or something?

Sorry about the rant.

ShadowNixxie posted a comment on Saturday 3rd February 2007 9:42pm

I guess I should probably clarify... What I meant was stating that she had thwarted the attepmt to avoid the end of the universe was ominous... not that avoiding the end of the universe was ominous...

ShadowNixxie posted a comment on Saturday 3rd February 2007 9:39pm

More importantly, she’d thwarted her older brother’s latest attempt to avoid the end of the universe.


AVOID?! That sounds a bit ominous...


HWLLHP posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 3:40am

And having skimmed the other reviews, let me add that "death with a sense of hummer" sounds like a great plot bunny for you, Kinsfire. I'm sure you could make something very strange and quite, er, exciting out of it.

HWLLHP posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 3:34am

I like the story, although I think Harry is being remarkably short-sighted. He is unwilling to let one person he values die immediately, but he's willing to accept a year from each and every person he loves. That means that EVERY time he loses someone, he will think: Because of me, he or she didn't live this next year. And this will hit him hardest if, say, Albus dies next week--but it will hit him hard even if Hermione dies at a ripe old age: She could have had one more year.

Still, a good story.

By the way, why is Death wandering around with the Holy Grail and missing texts of Aristotle?