Dark Clouds
Chapter 3
By Kinsfire
Adam posted a comment on Thursday 29th September 2005 12:20am for Chapter 3
Interesting start, unpleasant but interesting. I get the impressiong that Harry's release was not that official, considering that 10 aurors turned up at private drive to arrest him again. Hope to see a new chapter to this soon.
azntgr01 posted a comment on Wednesday 28th September 2005 10:44am for Chapter 3
Machiavelli Jr posted a comment on Sunday 25th September 2005 7:21am for Chapter 3
Ouch. Curiouser and curiouser. I assume Harry doesn't know the whole story, Scrimshaw is for the high jump and a certain family of ginger nutters have some explaining to do. Who's dead btw? "Everyone worth living for" doesn't really cover it, especially as at least Hermione and Molly are still alive. KUTGW anyway, I hope there's more.
Anonymous Reviewer posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 3:09am for Chapter 3
hey i liked your story Dark Clouds and i cant wait for the next chapter
dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Sunday 28th August 2005 10:17am for Chapter 3
Excellent work.
nonjon posted a comment on Saturday 13th August 2005 2:18am for Chapter 3
Oh the angst.
So Harry doesn't really know if his friends turned on him, he's just taking the Minister at his word. This does not bode well for our little Harry finding out the truth and bawling like a ickle baby as he gets the hugs and love he so misses. I think that would be my biggest complaint about your stories: Harry breaks down and cries with an almost regularity. It's nice to see he hasn't yet in this story, but he seems to be heading towards it. And there's always someone there to comfort him just right for it too. I mean, even if you need to keep Harry a complete emotional mess, can't you once just have him fall into wails and tears and only like Ron is around who just sits there uncomfortably, maybe patting Harry gently on the head, and then eventually starts saying like "Harry, come on. Be a man. People are staring. If you gotta do this, let's at least hide in the men's room." Or maybe Harry's usual 7:30 PM emotional breakdown could trigger a wave in Ginny's undealt with possession, maybe Hermione's Dad once burned her favorite book, Ron's jealousy and middle child issues, even Tonks got bad touched by uncle Lucius and they all just start crying and wailing once the emotional dams burst, seeing the others all letting go. I mean when you see it happen in a restaurant or something you try to ignore those people and make a show of turning your head away from the scene, even if you are still listening. I just feel a little guilty reading about it and interfering in their personal business. I mean Harry would be horrified to think Kins' is airing Harry's dirty laundry for all to see and laugh and point and mock. "If Cho is a faucet, our Chosen One's a geyser. Oh it's 7:30, look Old Faithful!"
Sorry if I got a little biting there. To me expressing emotions means the terrorists win. People say you can't just keep it all inside and bottled up. They're lying. You can keep it inside and bottled up, it's just the people saying that, that can't. And well, they're just wussies anyway. That's what 'putting things on backburner and forgetting about them' is for. And if your bottled up emotions are getting a bit volatile and you're having trouble reigning it all in, well, that's what hookers are for. Just something to think about the next time Harry falls into an embarassing blubbering mess. Unless it's an act to position himself closer to a soft yummy bosom, in which case 'Oh that's just low. NICE!'
As for this story, nice start. Certainly got me intrigued, but it feels like a teaser. We've been introduced to the situation and now we're still waiting to see what's going to happen. Anticipation is building. Need more!
fopalup posted a comment on Friday 12th August 2005 1:49pm for Chapter 3
I like this story. Every author should have a HP Azkaban story under their belt. I get that Harry doesn't have a clue what is really going on in the world and with his 'friends', it'll be interesting to see how you resolve this particular problem. Harry won't believe anyone who was involved with his 'betrayel'. That indicates to me you will have to bring in someone from the outside. Well, that would be the only way I can see at the moment. Be interesting what you have in your head. Really like your stories, hope to see more soon.
siaru posted a comment on Wednesday 10th August 2005 4:14am for Chapter 3
[test re-post of review] I very much like what I've read so far; nice explosive start on this tale. I'll be following this one. But then, I'm following all your HP stuff.
If this review is emailed to you, Kinsfire, go look to see if it's visible on the kinsfire.fanficauthors.net site. I'm reposting because the site code claims to show reviews but my first review (for Dark Clouds ch3) didn't show up. Are you expected to moderate the reviews before they're visible? If so, no problem, that's your province; otherwise, the site code's broken in some way.
Worst-case, you're not even emailed. Testing, hello: please drop me a note (just "got it" is fine) at siaru@stormbringer.org if you get this message, so I know that you're aware of the situation. Otherwise I'll have to make pestery noises via portkey.org.
Feel free to edit or delete this review to keep admin- level stuff out of your review stream.
David Thacker posted a comment on Tuesday 9th August 2005 2:57pm for Chapter 3
Great story I hope Harry finds out the truth soon.
Brad posted a comment on Tuesday 9th August 2005 2:17pm for Chapter 3
I don't get it. He's braying at the end of this chapter about his lifetime sentence when at the end of the prologue he was *released* by Kingsley? And he didn't even hang around - in freedom in the Burrow - to find out what his current legal status was?
This Harry is a bit of a melodramatic idiot, isn't he? Is he free or isn't he? Was his sentence reversed, or if not, why did Kingsley release him?
Jack posted a comment on Tuesday 9th August 2005 11:45am for Chapter 3
Hard to get a feel for the story at this point. Your writing is quite good as usual. You have created some nice tension here. Still, with no actual interaction with anyone else of consequence (except for Shack, and we never actually heard much from him), it is difficult to get much of an impression of the story. As always, though, I am looking forward to seeing how you flesh it out.
siaru posted a comment on Tuesday 9th August 2005 11:14am for Chapter 3
Okay, this is ferocious. I'll be following this one. But then, I'm following _all_ your stories. What'd we say in the Sixties? "Write ON!"
Greg posted a comment on Tuesday 9th August 2005 10:38am for Chapter 3
Very interesting story. I can't wait to see where you go with this next.
Keep up the good work and update again soon.
Michael posted a comment on Sunday 2nd October 2005 3:17am for Chapter 3