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Dark Clouds
Chapter 1

By Kinsfire

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Why is it so difficult to understand?

I hate everything and everyone.


It really is as simple as that.

I have been in here for God knows how long now.   Long enough that my long awaited facial hair has finally decided to grow.   Y'know, it's kind of frightening to realise that fucking Azkaban feeds me better than the Dursleys did.

Speaking of Azkaban, I'm not sure which is worse - Dementors or Aurors.   Dementors suck all the happiness out of someone and drive them insane.   The Aurors have figured out how leave me sane, but just as unhappy; they taunt me and make sure I'm aware that no one comes to visit me.  

I was apparently tried without being there (I think they call that in absentia) and was found guilty.   Since it was a Muggle that I killed, they won't sentence me to death.   After all, Muggles aren't important enough to Kiss someone over.

If the situation were repeated, I'm not sure how I'd handle it.   Would I wrestle with Vernon and let the pistol go off the way it did?   Or would I let him murder me in cold blood?   At least if I'd let him kill me, I would be with my parents again and not waiting for Voldemort to realise that I'm here.

Y'know, now that I think about it, if he shows up and offers me a job as his right hand man, I just might consider it.   Not like any of the people I thought of as friends are worth the title.   Turned their fucking backs on me.   No one has even come by to tell me how disappointed they are that I so obviously turned my back on the side of Light or some such bullshit.


I look forward to the day one of them decides to show up to 'tsk' at me.   I think they'll be disappointed with the choice of language that I use on them.   I figure that I'll have to go on for a good, long while before I can get one of them to attack me.

I expect it'll be Ron.   If I'm nasty enough, maybe I can get one of the girls to cry.   Have to time that one out, I think; see how long it takes to get one of them to break into tears or whether they'll attack me.

Hmm, I think I hear footsteps coming down the hallway. Must be Aurors coming to torture me again.   They like coming in and beating me or just generally taunting me.   It usually involves some form of humiliating beating.   That's why I'm currently sitting on cold stone with my blankets wrapped around me - yesterday they decided to break me by taking all my clothes.   I don't know what time of year it is, but it's fucking cold in here.   They probably realised they forgot to take the blankets, too..

Well, well, well.   It's good, old Kingsley Shacklebolt, the scariest Auror in existence.   Oh, this should be good - he's already furious.

"Just shut the fuck up, right now.   You people gave up any rights on being angry with me when you abandoned me to Azkaban, so you can take that righteous fury of yours and just shove it up your ass.   I don't want to hear any of your self-righteous prattle about how fucking disappointed you all are in my choices.   If I hear you even say a word, I'll find a way through this door, rip out your liver, and eat it."

He’s staggering back from the doorway. Good; he's afraid of me.   "That's better.   You and your precious friends abandoned me to Azkaban, so I can think of nothing you could tell me that would make me want to listen to you."

"Harry, I've come to release you."

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