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sasqch posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 1:09am for Dynasty's End

Now I’m really curious as to Harry’s next step, given that my initial thought was that the Dark Mark would lead him to the person(s) responsible for assaulting his daughter.

Okay, so I was right about Draco. But I will admit that I was assuming that he’d have somehow become competent — but I had completely forgotten about his oath. And the oath should be in effect, since Harry never broke his side, nor absolved Draco from his oath. I liked that you had Harry decimate the Neo-Death Eaters so handily. As an aside, I loved all of Harry’s deriation of Draco’s assumed "scary name" — especially Basselope.

I’m guessing that Bill isn’t this story’s "Big Bad" seeing as he was named as a potential suspect. I’m assuming that he was named as a red herring (but everybody knows what happens when someone "assumes"). But Charlie would still be viable.

As to the other parts of this chapter, two scenes stand out as being quite memorable. The first was the nice twist on the Griphook encounter. Rather than having Harry instantly recognize the cart driver from 11 years prior (which would be hard, considering the amount of sensory overload 11-year old Harry was going through), you made it more believable. Instead, you have a more believable encounter where he knows he’s met the goblin, but can’t place a name to the face. This has Harry being kind and considerate to all species, yet not have an eidetic memory.

The other scene was with the Twins. It makes sense that Harry would touch base with the two Weasleys who had stayed by his side. But it was Fred and George’s reaction to the news of Lorelei’s abduction. It was a nice way to show the emotions in the scene.


c3markh posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 12:51am for Dynasty's End

Love the new chapter. Thanks for writing.

Alexander posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 12:43am for Dynasty's End

Didn't Malfoy lose his claim to that name when Harry denied his parents' marriage?

Ah, yes...

"'Draco, I have come to inform you that as of this moment, the Black family is no longer yours - you have been cast out. When all is said and done, you will have reaped what you have sown. You will die alone and friendless, with no family name .' He turned and walked away from the holding cells, head held high."

Crys posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 12:35am for Dynasty's End

> vibrating rubber chicken
Kins, you are seriously warped. Funny as hell, but warped.

Aaah. Okay, now that we've separated the bad guys into the "dumb" and the "less dumb" camps . . .

Whoever the Auror is (or is working for) at least he's reasonably intelligent. Hiding his activities under the banner of another and giving himself some running time while Harry takes down the Wonder Ferret.

Lord Basselope was an inspired line, btw.

Draco continues to exhibit his utter cluelessness by loudly claiming the "Basileus" name in front of Amelia. Not only a weak bully, but also a stupid one. *sigh* Behold, the end result of a long line of inbreeding.

BTW, my original guesses are still somewhat in the running. Looking forward to the continuation.

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 12:25am for Dynasty's End

Oh bloody buggering frack! The ministry grabbed Lorelei to force Harry to deal with Draco. There won't be much left of the ministry when Harry gets done this day.

Treck posted a comment on Friday 3rd November 2006 12:24am for Dynasty's End

Ok what does your muse feed on? thats a horrid place to stop.

DrT posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 11:54pm for Dynasty's End

Lord Basselope? A Bloom county fan? And he was a red herring? Except plot device, and it serves the little ferret right.


DJ Rodriguez posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 11:18pm for Dynasty's End

0_0 Draco was the Lord... and now one of the Ministry's Aurors was responsible for kidnapping Lorelei?! Harry... like I said before, do what you must to ensure that your daughter is returned to you and your wives's arms safe and sound.

I really hope that somebody they can trust can restore Lorelei's finger back to normal. No child should be exposed to that sort of thing. Please, I'm begging you, have someone restore the child's finger to her hand.

If Harry needs more back-up, count me in! My team here on Monster Island will help out in any way possible.

Keep it up!

Nightwing510 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 10:49pm for Dynasty's End

I enjoyed reading your story. I liked the way you had Harry defeat Draco Malfoy. And the surprise at the end. posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 9:43pm for Dynasty's End

OUTSTANDING CHAPTER!!!! I can't wait to see what happens next. I'm glad you got rid of Lord Bunghole, I do however find it very ironic that he ended up being Draco Malfoy the biggest loser off all of the universe. DO keep up the outstanding work and update soon please:):):):):):):):):):)

Imbrium posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 9:10pm for Dynasty's End

Very interesting start. I am intriqued and eager to read on...

Marie2 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 8:25pm for Dynasty's End

Another good chapter I really liked Draco S@"££^*) himself had me giggling keep em rolling

Stygius posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 8:13pm for Dynasty's End

so the plot thickens... i hope we get Lorelei back. Draco certainly wasn't a surprise. so what was with the daughter kidnapping, and what about the message that was deliveried. update soon, this is getting good.

just makes sure we get Lorelie back.

Adam posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 8:03pm for Dynasty's End

well that little bit of information will cause someone some problems. I can see Amelia getting a little bit upset to hear it.

Good job with dealing withy Draco, they had that dark lord id'd right from the start lol. Pity it wasnt who they really wanted, but the story would be very short if it was.

Good chapter.

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 7:52pm for Dynasty's End

Surprise, surprise. It *wasn't* the Ferret that kidnapped Lorelei (however, it *was* the Ferret that did in Fudge). Amelia, however, is feeling rather ill when Lawrence recognized the fellow that Portkeyed Harry as an Auror. Malfoy is definitely looking at spending the rest of his days in Azkaban for knocking off Fudge (not to mention losing a major portion of his fortune to Harry in fines and restitution), as Amelia pointed out that he'll go from being merely the richest wizard in Britain to the richest wizard in all Europe. Who's left on the planet that's ahead of him, at least among wizards? (I can see a few Muggles still having a lead on him, namely Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, along with a few Arabs; however, not really anyone else.)

Amamama posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 7:18pm for Dynasty's End

So, Lord Basselope The Ferret is now out of the game... and an Auror kidnapped Lorelei. Now that's an interesting twist.

Look forward to seeing where this goes next. I really could get used to a dose of action like this each day... :-D


mjc posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 7:03pm for Dynasty's End

One dickless wonder down...

Loved the "eight years to finish a seven year school" line...

jilumasam posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 6:41pm for Dynasty's End

Excellent! Looking forward to more.

Davideg posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 6:26pm for Dynasty's End

wow this is fantastic please update agin a.s.a.p.

Yenom posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 6:06pm for Dynasty's End

Ohh shit that is a great twist, one of Amelia's Aurors kidnaped and was part of cutting off his daughters' finger. This story gets better by the chapter. I loved the can of worms the last line opened.

Anyway enjoyed the whole thing, the fact the Draco's goons listen to him even after knowing he almost powerless was funny as hell, though the Rubber chicken vibrator made me laugh harder.

So again great work, and for the suprisingly fast update speed. November tends to be your in the zone month I've noticed, though this October was close to that level also. =)

So what ever you've been doing keep at it. =)