Content Harry Potter Trixie Belden Star Trek: TNG My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


crew posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 10:19pm for Councils of War

very very very good better yet it was great

morriganscrow posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 9:49pm for Councils of War

Thank Goodness the finger is where it's supposed to be!
The Toad isn't finished yet, is she?
Cool chapter, great story. Keep going.

Treck posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 9:02pm for Councils of War



Amamama posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 8:53pm for Councils of War

Hmmm... Thank gooodness the kid seems to be ok - maybe now they should examinate the finger Harry got by owl? Is it real? Did they polyjuice some poor idiot before chopping of the finger, and would the polyjuice enchantment keep?? Or is there somehing else going on?

I read a few reviews commenting on the lack of logic, or the plot being too far fetched. I find that half the fun, this is just so wonderfully over the top... I love it!

Thanks for sharing!

Ronnie McMains posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 7:47pm for Councils of War


After the last chapter, I was fully expecting the rise of the Dark Lord Jerry "A-Hater" Stomp (Anagram courtesy of The Caitiff), and personally, in a straight-up fight between Jerry (and his Inner Circle of dark consorts, of course) and the Ministry, I didn't give the Ministry much chance at all (and that doesn't count goblins or the fact that at least 2 Aurors and the Director of DMLE would be on Jerry's side). I knew Umbridge was going down, but I expected it to be quite a bit more bloody.

But then, if I was any good at this kind of thing, I'd probably be writing too, and this is as close as I get to writing.

Keep up the good work!

Alex2877 posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 7:31pm for Councils of War

Currently I am Hooked so keep the story going

DJ posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 7:27pm for Councils of War

OK so what's next? So far it has bin all to easy. I am waitng for the outher shoe to drop. Keep it up and thanks for writting.

freakyfinger posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 7:21pm for Councils of War

Well who the hell lost the finger then??

Chris McFadden posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 7:11pm for Councils of War

One hoodwink deserves another, I suppose. <chuckles> First the blame looks to be pinned on Lord Bachman-Turner-Overdrive, and now the Toad, and we still don't know who started the whole mess. :)

jilumasam posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 6:53pm for Councils of War

I was pretty unsure after the last chapter about whether I wanted to continue to read the story. The reviews (from last chapter especially) and your responses to some of them gave me something to think about. This chapter on its own, has me feeling a lot less ambivalent towards this story now.


PhishBulb posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 6:39pm for Councils of War

I have two slightly negative comments, so by all means please ignore.

Last story you established Harry as someone who is willing to take it up the ass from Malfoy over a vague threat to his girlfriend(s). In the last chapter you had Harry in the same room as a woman who had kidnapped his daughter and had (supposedly) removed a body part of hers in order to control him. Harry did nothing. Well, I guess he did set up a War Council.

Also, since when does Ron somehow manage to get together with someone like Daphne? He spent the entire last story looking like the world's biggest ass and now he's suddenly with an unbelievably attractive woman who I assume also has the slightest bit of intellegence. Exactly what happened there?

I realize (assume) that this story is for Nanowrimo and word count is key. If I was to try to make some constructive criticism, it just seem that for as well as the general plot is interesting -- and I'm always game for a Harry against the ministry fic -- some of the characterizations are off by enough to make me take a step back from an otherwise engaging story. Everytime Harry cracks a joke (before the last few paragraphs) I wanted to remind him that his daughter was being held captive and had already been disfigured. It seemed that someone should at least remember such a thing, and if Harry wasn't going to, I certainly would.

Best of luck with the rest. There is a lot of good here.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 6:29pm for Councils of War

Hmm, that does show some evidence of reduced culpability on the Toad's part, but only some. It will be *most* interesting to find out who else was involved.

Keep up the good work, this is a most enjoyable read as levels of events keep getting peeled back.

JVTazz posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 6:24pm for Councils of War

good chapter, looking forward to seeing more of them :)

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 6:20pm for Councils of War

Two undamaged hands. In a word, *how*?

Also, Umbridge *has* been dealt with. Fifteen years in Azkaban. The Potter Family is whole once more. However, the current design of the government of magical Britain is *still* permanently screwed. I just wonder what exactly Team Harry has in store....

Davideg posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 6:05pm for Councils of War

wow another fantastic chapter i dout i need to say any more than that for all to know how fantastic this story is

James Barber posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 5:53pm for Councils of War

Well now aint that cute, no really. but now we have to take over this bigoted, prejudice and still living in medieval times wiz world and put it on the right track!

Teresa Lynne posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 5:29pm for Councils of War

Yes!!!!!!!! Let's hope that the Toad, the Bouncing Ferret, and his Mauve mother have a lovely vacation in Azkaban! was great seeing the Toad getting shafted.....but it's too bad that Harry's wives didn't get a crack at her. I wonder if they've learned not to mess with Harry and company yet? Then again, they'd have to have working brain cells ........ Thanks for another excellent chapter! It was good to see the planning at Gringotts and the reunion of Harry and Lorelei!!!

Beau Wolff posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 5:20pm for Councils of War


cliff ·hang ·er (klif ´hang ´É™r) noun

1. A melodramatic serial in which each episode ends in suspense.
2. A suspenseful situation occurring at the end of a chapter, a scene, or an episode.

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, S.v. "Cliffhanger", (Chicago: Houghton-Mifflin Corporation, 2000)

3. Something that's going to get Kinsfire such a thump, the next time I see him ...


wana10 posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 5:17pm for Councils of War

so im not sure if they replaced the finger, reattached the finger, or pulled a big lebowski.
"you want a finger, i can get you a finger. i can even put toenail polish on it if you want." slightly off but eh, i haven't seen the movie in about a year.
anywho, more on topic, wonderful story and god help harry if hermione manages to get her hands on some chains...